part the bets!’ This was Dolokhov, an officer of the Semenov
regiment, a notorious gambler and duelist, who was living
with Anatole. Pierre smiled, looking about him merrily.
‘I don’t understand. What’s it all about?’
‘Wait a bit, he is not drunk yet! A bottle here,’ said Ana-
tole, taking a glass from the table he went up to Pierre.
‘First of all you must drink!’
Pierre drank one glass after another, looking from under
his brows at the tipsy guests who were again crowding round
the window, and listening to their chatter. Anatole kept on
refilling Pierre’s glass while explaining that Dolokhov was
betting with Stevens, an English naval officer, that he would
drink a bottle of rum sitting on the outer ledge of the third
floor window with his legs hanging out.
‘Go on, you must drink it all,’ said Anatole, giving Pierre
the last glass, ‘or I won’t let you go!’
‘No, I won’t,’ said Pierre, pushing Anatole aside, and he
went up to the window.
Dolokhov was holding the Englishman’s hand and clear-
ly and distinctly repeating the terms of the bet, addressing
himself particularly to Anatole and Pierre.
Dolokhov was of medium height, with curly hair and
light-blue eyes. He was about twenty-five. Like all infantry
officers he wore no mustache, so that his mouth, the most
striking feature of his face, was clearly seen. The lines of that
mouth were remarkably finely curved. The middle of the up-
per lip formed a sharp wedge and closed firmly on the firm
War and Peace
lower one, and something like two distinct smiles played con-
tinually round the two corners of the mouth; this, together
with the resolute, insolent intelligence of his eyes, produced
an effect which made it impossible not to notice his face. Do-
lokhov was a man of small means and no connections. Yet,
though Anatole spent tens of thousands of rubles, Dolokhov
lived with him and had placed himself on such a footing that
all who knew them, including Anatole himself, respected
him more than they did Anatole. Dolokhov could play all
games and nearly always won. However much he drank, he
never lost his clearheadedness. Both Kuragin and Dolokhov
were at that time notorious among the rakes and scapegrac-
es of Petersburg.
The bottle of rum was brought. The window frame which
prevented anyone from sitting on the outer sill was being
forced out by two footmen, who were evidently flurried and
intimidated by the directions and shouts of the gentlemen
Anatole with his swaggering air strode up to the window.
He wanted to smash something. Pushing away the footmen
he tugged at the frame, but could not move it. He smashed
a pane.
‘You have a try, Hercules,’ said he, turning to Pierre.
Pierre seized the crossbeam, tugged, and wrenched the
oak frame out with a crash.
‘Take it right out, or they’ll think I’m holding on,’ said
‘Is the Englishman bragging?... Eh? Is it all right?’ said
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‘First-rate,’ said Pierre, looking at Dolokhov, who with a
bottle of rum in his hand was approaching the window, from
which the light of the sky, the dawn merging with the after-
glow of sunset, was visible.
Dolokhov, the bottle of rum still in his hand, jumped
onto the window sill. ‘Listen!’ cried he, standing there and
addressing those in the room. All were silent.
‘I bet fifty imperials’he spoke French that the Englishman
might understand him, but he did, not speak it very well‘I
bet fifty imperials... or do you wish to make it a hundred?’
added he, addressing the Englishman.
‘No, fifty,’ replied the latter.
‘All right. Fifty imperials... that I will drink a whole bottle
of rum without taking it from my mouth, sitting outside the
window on this spot’ (he stooped and pointed to the sloping
ledge outside the window) ‘and without holding on to any-
thing. Is that right?’
‘Quite right,’ said the Englishman.
Anatole turned to the Englishman and taking him by one
of the buttons of his coat and looking down at himthe Eng-
lishman was shortbegan repeating the terms of the wager to
him in English.
‘Wait!’ cried Dolokhov, hammering with the bottle on
the window sill to attract attention. ‘Wait a bit, Kuragin. Lis-
ten! If anyone else does the same, I will pay him a hundred
imperials. Do you understand?’
The Englishman nodded, but gave no indication whether
he intended to accept this challenge or not. Anatole did not
release him, and though he kept nodding to show that he
War and Peace
understood, Anatole went on translating Dolokhov’s words
into English. A thin young lad, an hussar of the Life Guards,
who had been losing that evening, climbed on the window
sill, leaned over, and looked down.
‘Oh! Oh! Oh!’ he muttered, looking down from the win-
dow at the stones of the pavement.
‘Shut up!’ cried Dolokhov, pushing him away from the
window. The lad jumped awkwardly back into the room,
tripping over his spurs.
Placing the bottle on the window sill where he could reach
it easily, Dolokhov climbed carefully and slowly through the
window and lowered his legs. Pressing against both sides
of the window, he adjusted himself on his seat, lowered his
hands, moved a little to the right and then to the left, and
took up the bottle. Anatole brought two candles and placed
them on the window sill, though it was already quite light.
Dolokhov’s back in his white shirt, and his curly head, were
lit up from both sides. Everyone crowded to the window, the
Englishman in front. Pierre stood smiling but silent. One
man, older than the others present, suddenly pushed for-
ward with a scared and angry look and wanted to seize hold
of Dolokhov’s shirt.
‘I say, this is folly! He’ll be killed,’ said this more sensible
Anatole stopped him.
‘Don’t touch him! You’ll startle him and then he’ll be
killed. Eh?... What then?... Eh?’
Dolokhov turned round and, again holding on with both
hands, arranged himself on his seat.
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‘If anyone comes meddling again,’ said he, emitting the
words separately through his thin compressed lips, ‘I will
throw him down there. Now then!’
Saying this he again turned round, dropped his hands,
took the bottle and lifted it to his lips, threw back his head,
and raised his free hand to balance himself. One of the foot-
men who had stooped to pick up some broken glass remained
in that position without taking his eyes from the window
and from Dolokhov’s back. Anatole stood erect with star-
ing eyes. The Englishman looked on sideways, pursing up
his lips. The man who had wished to stop the affair ran to
a corner of the room and threw himself on a sofa with his
face to the wall. Pierre hid his face, from which a faint smile
forgot to fade though his features now expressed horror
and fear. All were still. Pierre took his hands from his eyes.
Dolokhov still sat in the same position, only his head was
thrown further back till his curly hair touched his shirt col-
lar, and the hand holding the bottle was lifted higher and
higher and trembled with the effort. The bottle was empty-
ing perceptibly and rising still higher and his head tilting yet
further back. ‘Why is it so long?’ thought Pierre. It seemed
to him that more than half an hour had elapsed. Suddenly
Dolokhov made a backward movement with his spine, and
his arm trembled nervously; this was sufficient to cause his
whole body to slip as he sat on the sloping ledge. As he began
slipping down, his head and arm wavered still more with
the strain. One hand moved as if to clutch the window sill,
but refrained from touching it. Pierre again covered his eyes
and thought he would never never them again. Suddenly he
War and Peace
was aware of a stir all around. He looked up: Dolokhov was
standing on the window sill, with a pale but radiant face.
‘It’s empty.’
He threw the bottle to the Englishman, who caught it
neatly. Dolokhov jumped down. He smelt strongly of rum.
‘Well done!... Fine fellow!... There’s a bet for you!... Devil
take you!’ came from different sides.
The Englishman took out his purse and began counting
out the money. Dolokhov stood frowning and did not speak.
Pierre jumped upon the window sill.
‘Gentlemen, who wishes to bet with me? I’ll do the same
thing!’ he suddenly cried. ‘Even without a bet, there! Tell
them to bring me a bottle. I’ll do it.... Bring a bottle!’
‘Let him do it, let him do it,’ said Dolokhov, smiling.
‘What next? Have you gone mad?... No one would let
you!... Why, you go giddy even on a staircase,’ exclaimed
several voices.
‘I’ll drink it! Let’s have a bottle of rum!’ shouted Pierre,
banging the table with a determined and drunken gesture
and preparing to climb out of the window.
They seized him by his arms; but he was so strong that
everyone who touched him was sent flying.
‘No, you’ll never manage him that way,’ said Anatole.
‘Wait a bit and I’ll get round him.... Listen! I’ll take your bet
tomorrow, but now we are all going to -’s.’
‘Come on then,’ cried Pierre. ‘Come on!... And we’ll take
Bruin with us.’
And he caught the bear, took it in his arms, lifted it from
the ground, and began dancing round the room with it.
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Chapter X
Prince Vasili kept the promise he had given to Princess
Drubetskaya who had spoken to him on behalf of her only
son Boris on the evening of Anna Pavlovna’s soiree. The
matter was mentioned to the Emperor, an exception made,
and Boris transferred into the regiment of Semenov Guards
with the rank of cornet. He received, however, no appoint-
ment to Kutuzov’s staff despite all Anna Mikhaylovna’s
endeavors and entreaties. Soon after Anna Pavlovna’s re-
ception Anna Mikhaylovna returned to Moscow and went
straight to her rich relations, the Rostovs, with whom she
stayed when in the town and where and where her darling
Bory, who had only just entered a regiment of the line and
was being at once transferred to the Guards as a cornet, had
been educated from childhood and lived for years at a time.
The Guards had already left Petersburg on the tenth of Au-
gust, and her son, who had remained in Moscow for his
equipment, was to join them on the march to Radzivilov.
It was St. Natalia’s day and the name day of two of the
Rostovsthe mother and the youngest daughterboth named
Nataly. Ever since the morning, carriages with six horses
had been coming and going continually, bringing visitors to
the Countess Rostova’s big house on the Povarskaya, so well
known to all Moscow. The countess herself and her hand-
some eldest daughter were in the drawing-room with the
War and Peace
visitors who came to congratulate, and who constantly suc-
ceeded one another in relays.
The countess was a woman of about forty-five, with a
thin Oriental type of face, evidently worn out with child-
bearingshe had had twelve. A languor of motion and speech,
resulting from weakness, gave her a distinguished air which
inspired respect. Princess Anna Mikhaylovna Drubetskaya,
who as a member of the household was also seated in the
drawing room, helped to receive and entertain the visitors.
The young people were in one of the inner rooms, not con-
sidering it necessary to take part in receiving the visitors.
The count met the guests and saw them off, inviting them
all to dinner.
‘I am very, very grateful to you, mon cher,’ or ‘ma
chere’he called everyone without exception and without
the slightest variation in his tone, ‘my dear,’ whether they
were above or below him in rank‘I thank you for myself
and for our two dear ones whose name day we are keep-
ing. But mind you come to dinner or I shall be offended,
ma chere! On behalf of the whole family I beg you to come,
mon cher!’ These words he repeated to everyone without ex-
ception or variation, and with the same expression on his
full, cheerful, clean-shaven face, the same firm pressure of
the hand and the same quick, repeated bows. As soon as
he had seen a visitor off he returned to one of those who
were still in the drawing room, drew a chair toward him
or her, and jauntily spreading out his legs and putting his
hands on his knees with the air of a man who enjoys life
and knows how to live, he swayed to and fro with dignity,
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offered surmises about the weather, or touched on questions
of health, sometimes in Russian and sometimes in very bad
but self-confident French; then again, like a man weary but
unflinching in the fulfillment of duty, he rose to see some
visitors off and, stroking his scanty gray hairs over his bald
patch, also asked them to dinner. Sometimes on his way
back from the anteroom he would pass through the conser-
vatory and pantry into the large marble dining hall, where
tables were being set out for eighty people; and looking at
the footmen, who were bringing in silver and china, mov-
ing tables, and unfolding damask table linen, he would call
Dmitri Vasilevich, a man of good family and the manager of
all his affairs, and while looking with pleasure at the enor-
mous table would say: ‘Well, Dmitri, you’ll see that things
are all as they should be? That’s right! The great thing is the
serving, that’s it.’ And with a complacent sigh he would re-
turn to the drawing room.
‘Marya Lvovna Karagina and her daughter!’ announced
the countess’ gigantic footman in his bass voice, entering
the drawing room. The countess reflected a moment and
took a pinch from a gold snuffbox with her husband’s por-
trait on it.
‘I’m quite worn out by these callers. However, I’ll see her
and no more. She is so affected. Ask her in,’ she said to the
footman in a sad voice, as if saying: ‘Very well, finish me
A tall, stout, and proud-looking woman, with a round-
faced smiling daughter, entered the drawing room, their
dresses rustling.
War and Peace
‘Dear Countess, what an age... She has been laid up, poor
child... at the Razumovski’s ball... and Countess Aprak-
sina... I was so delighted...’ came the sounds of animated
feminine voices, interrupting one another and mingling
with the rustling of dresses and the scraping of chairs. Then
one of those conversations began which last out until, at the
first pause, the guests rise with a rustle of dresses and say, ‘I
am so delighted... Mamma’s health... and Countess Aprak-
sina... and then, again rustling, pass into the anteroom, put
on cloaks or mantles, and drive away. The conversation was
on the chief topic of the day: the illness of the wealthy and
celebrated beau of Catherine’s day, Count Bezukhov, and
about his illegitimate son Pierre, the one who had behaved
so improperly at Anna Pavlovna’s reception.
‘I am so sorry for the poor count,’ said the visitor. ‘He is
in such bad health, and now this vexation about his son is
enough to kill him!’
‘What is that?’ asked the countess as if she did not know
what the visitor alluded to, though she had already heard
about the cause of Count Bezukhov’s distress some fifteen
‘That’s what comes of a modern education,’ exclaimed
the visitor. ‘It seems that while he was abroad this young
man was allowed to do as he liked, now in Petersburg I hear
he has been doing such terrible things that he has been ex-
pelled by the police.’
‘You don’t say so!’ replied the countess.
‘He chose his friends badly,’ interposed Anna Mikhay-
lovna. ‘Prince Vasili’s son, he, and a certain Dolokhov have,
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it is said, been up to heaven only knows what! And they
have had to suffer for it. Dolokhov has been degraded to
the ranks and Bezukhov’s son sent back to Moscow. Anatole
Kuragin’s father managed somehow to get his son’s affair
hushed up, but even he was ordered out of Petersburg.’
‘But what have they been up to?’ asked the countess.
‘They are regular brigands, especially Dolokhov,’ replied
the visitor. ‘He is a son of Marya Ivanovna Dolokhova, such
a worthy woman, but there, just fancy! Those three got hold
of a bear somewhere, put it in a carriage, and set off with
it to visit some actresses! The police tried to interfere, and
what did the young men do? They tied a policeman and the
bear back to back and put the bear into the Moyka Canal.
And there was the bear swimming about with the police-
man on his back!’
‘What a nice figure the policeman must have cut, my
dear!’ shouted the count, dying with laughter.
‘Oh, how dreadful! How can you laugh at it, Count?’
Yet the ladies themselves could not help laughing.
‘It was all they could do to rescue the poor man,’ con-
tinued the visitor. ‘And to think it is Cyril Vladimirovich
Bezukhov’s son who amuses himself in this sensible man-
ner! And he was said to be so well educated and clever. This
is all that his foreign education has done for him! I hope
that here in Moscow no one will receive him, in spite of his
money. They wanted to introduce him to me, but I quite de-
clined: I have my daughters to consider.’
‘Why do you say this young man is so rich?’ asked the
countess, turning away from the girls, who at once assumed
War and Peace
an air of inattention. ‘His children are all illegitimate. I
think Pierre also is illegitimate.’
The visitor made a gesture with her hand.
‘I should think he has a score of them.’
Princess Anna Mikhaylovna intervened in the con-
versation, evidently wishing to show her connections and
knowledge of what went on in society.
‘The fact of the matter is,’ said she significantly, and also
in a half whisper, ‘everyone knows Count Cyril’s reputa-
tion.... He has lost count of his children, but this Pierre was
his favorite.’
‘How handsome the old man still was only a year ago!’ re-
marked the countess. ‘I have never seen a handsomer man.’
‘He is very much altered now,’ said Anna Mikhaylovna.
‘Well, as I was saying, Prince Vasili is the next heir through
his wife, but the count is very fond of Pierre, looked after
his education, and wrote to the Emperor about him; so that
in the case of his deathand he is so ill that he may die at
any moment, and Dr. Lorrain has come from Petersburgno
one knows who will inherit his immense fortune, Pierre or
Prince Vasili. Forty thousand serfs and millions of rubles!
I know it all very well for Prince Vasili told me himself. Be-
sides, Cyril Vladimirovich is my mother’s second cousin.
He’s also my Bory’s godfather,’ she added, as if she attached
no importance at all to the fact.
‘Prince Vasili arrived in Moscow yesterday. I hear he has
come on some inspection business,’ remarked the visitor.
‘Yes, but between ourselves,’ said the princess, that is a
pretext. The fact is he has come to see Count Cyril Vladi-
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mirovich, hearing how ill he is.’
‘But do you know, my dear, that was a capital joke,’ said
the count; and seeing that the elder visitor was not listen-
ing, he turned to the young ladies. ‘I can just imagine what
a funny figure that policeman cut!’
And as he waved his arms to impersonate the policeman,
his portly form again shook with a deep ringing laugh, the
laugh of one who always eats well and, in particular, drinks
well. ‘So do come and dine with us!’ he said.
War and Peace
Chapter XI
Silence ensued. The countess looked at her callers, smil-
ing affably, but not concealing the fact that she would not be
distressed if they now rose and took their leave. The visitor’s
daughter was already smoothing down her dress with an
inquiring look at her mother, when suddenly from the next
room were heard the footsteps of boys and girls running to
the door and the noise of a chair falling over, and a girl of
thirteen, hiding something in the folds of her short mus-
lin frock, darted in and stopped short in the middle of the
room. It was evident that she had not intended her flight to
bring her so far. Behind her in the doorway appeared a stu-
dent with a crimson coat collar, an officer of the Guards, a
girl of fifteen, and a plump rosy-faced boy in a short jacket.
The count jumped up and, swaying from side to side,
spread his arms wide and threw them round the little girl
who had run in.
‘Ah, here she is!’ he exclaimed laughing. ‘My pet, whose
name day it is. My dear pet!’
‘Ma chere, there is a time for everything,’ said the count-
ess with feigned severity. ‘You spoil her, Ilya,’ s he added,
turning to her husband.
‘How do you do, my dear? I wish you many happy re-
turns of your name day,’ said the visitor. ‘What a charming
child,’ she added, addressing the mother.
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This black-eyed, wide-mouthed girl, not pretty but full of
lifewith childish bare shoulders which after her run heaved
and shook her bodice, with black curls tossed backward,
thin bare arms, little legs in lace-frilled drawers, and feet in
low slipperswas just at that charming age when a girl is no
longer a child, though the child is not yet a young woman.
Escaping from her father she ran to hide her flushed face in
the lace of her mother’s mantillanot paying the least atten-
tion to her severe remarkand began to laugh. She laughed,
and in fragmentary sentences tried to explain about a doll
which she produced from the folds of her frock.
‘Do you see?... My doll... Mimi... You see...’ was all
Natasha managed to utter (to her everything seemed fun-
ny). She leaned against her mother and burst into such a
loud, ringing fit of laughter that even the prim visitor could
not help joining in.
‘Now then, go away and take your monstrosity with you,’
said the mother, pushing away her daughter with pretended
sternness, and turning to the visitor she added: ‘She is my
youngest girl.’
Natasha, raising her face for a moment from her moth-
er’s mantilla, glanced up at her through tears of laughter,
and again hid her face.
The visitor, compelled to look on at this family scene,
thought it necessary to take some part in it.
‘Tell me, my dear,’ said she to Natasha, ‘is Mimi a rela-
tion of yours? A daughter, I suppose?’
Natasha did not like the visitor’s tone of condescension
to childish things. She did not reply, but looked at her seri-
War and Peace
Meanwhile the younger generation: Boris, the officer,
Anna Mikhaylovna’s son; Nicholas, the undergraduate, the
count’s eldest son; Sonya, the count’s fifteen-year-old niece,
and little Petya, his youngest boy, had all settled down in
the drawing room and were obviously trying to restrain
within the bounds of decorum the excitement and mirth
that shone in all their faces. Evidently in the back rooms,
from which they had dashed out so impetuously, the con-
versation had been more amusing than the drawing-room
talk of society scandals, the weather, and Countess Aprak-
sina. Now and then they glanced at one another, hardly able
to suppress their laughter.
The two young men, the student and the officer, friends
from childhood, were of the same age and both handsome
fellows, though not alike. Boris was tall and fair, and his
calm and handsome face had regular, delicate features.
Nicholas was short with curly hair and an open expres-
sion. Dark hairs were already showing on his upper lip,
and his whole face expressed impetuosity and enthusiasm.
Nicholas blushed when he entered the drawing room. He
evidently tried to find something to say, but failed. Boris
on the contrary at once found his footing, and related qui-
etly and humorously how he had know that doll Mimi when
she was still quite a young lady, before her nose was broken;
how she had aged during the five years he had known her,
and how her head had cracked right across the skull. Hav-
ing said this he glanced at Natasha. She turned away from
him and glanced at her younger brother, who was screwing
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up his eyes and shaking with suppressed laughter, and un-
able to control herself any longer, she jumped up and rushed
from the room as fast as her nimble little feet would carry
her. Boris did not laugh.
‘You were meaning to go out, weren’t you, Mamma? Do
you want the carriage?’ he asked his mother with a smile.
‘Yes, yes, go and tell them to get it ready,’ she answered,
returning his smile.
Boris quietly left the room and went in search of Natasha.
The plump boy ran after them angrily, as if vexed that their
program had been disturbed.
War and Peace
Chapter XII
The only young people remaining in the drawing room,
not counting the young lady visitor and the countess’ eldest
daughter (who was four years older than her sister and be-
haved already like a grown-up person), were Nicholas and
Sonya, the niece. Sonya was a slender little brunette with
a tender look in her eyes which were veiled by long lash-
es, thick black plaits coiling twice round her head, and a
tawny tint in her complexion and especially in the color of
her slender but graceful and muscular arms and neck. By
the grace of her movements, by the softness and flexibil-
ity of her small limbs, and by a certain coyness and reserve
of manner, she reminded one of a pretty, half-grown kit-
ten which promises to become a beautiful little cat. She
evidently considered it proper to show an interest in the
general conversation by smiling, but in spite of herself her
eyes under their thick long lashes watched her cousin who
was going to join the army, with such passionate girlish ad-
oration that her smile could not for a single instant impose
upon anyone, and it was clear that the kitten had settled
down only to spring up with more energy and again play
with her cousin as soon as they too could, like Natasha and
Boris, escape from the drawing room.
‘Ah yes, my dear,’ said the count, addressing the visitor
and pointing to Nicholas, ‘his friend Boris has become an
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officer, and so for friendship’s sake he is leaving the univer-
sity and me, his old father, and entering the military service,
my dear. And there was a place and everything waiting for
him in the Archives Department! Isn’t that friendship?’ re-
marked the count in an inquiring tone.
‘But they say that war has been declared,’ replied the visi-
‘They’ve been saying so a long while,’ said the count, ‘and
they’ll say so again and again, and that will be the end of it.
My dear, there’s friendship for you,’ he repeated. ‘He’s join-
ing the hussars.’
The visitor, not knowing what to say, shook her head.
‘It’s not at all from friendship,’ declared Nicholas, flaring
up and turning away as if from a shameful aspersion. ‘It is
not from friendship at all; I simply feel that the army is my
He glanced at his cousin and the young lady visitor; and
they were both regarding him with a smile of approbation.
‘Schubert, the colonel of the Pavlograd Hussars, is din-
ing with us today. He has been here on leave and is taking
Nicholas back with him. It can’t be helped!’ said the count,
shrugging his shoulders and speaking playfully of a matter
that evidently distressed him.
‘I have already told you, Papa,’ said his son, ‘that if you
don’t wish to let me go, I’ll stay. But I know I am no use
anywhere except in the army; I am not a diplomat or a gov-
ernment clerk.I don’t know how to hide what I feel.’ As he
spoke he kept glancing with the flirtatiousness of a hand-
some youth at Sonya and the young lady visitor.
War and Peace
The little kitten, feasting her eyes on him, seemed ready
at any moment to start her gambols again and display her
kittenish nature.
‘All right, all right!’ said the old count. ‘He always flares
up! This Buonaparte has turned all their heads; they all
think of how he rose from an ensign and became Emperor.
Well, well, God grant it,’ he added, not noticing his visitor’s
sarcastic smile.
The elders began talking about Bonaparte. Julie Karagi-
na turned to young Rostov.
‘What a pity you weren’t at the Arkharovs’ on Thursday.
It was so dull without you,’ said she, giving him a tender
The young man, flattered, sat down nearer to her with
a coquettish smile, and engaged the smiling Julie in a
confidential conversation without at all noticing that his in-
voluntary smile had stabbed the heart of Sonya, who blushed
and smiled unnaturally. In the midst of his talk he glanced
round at her. She gave him a passionately angry glance, and
hardly able to restrain her tears and maintain the artificial
smile on her lips, she got up and left the room. All Nicho-
las’ animation vanished. He waited for the first pause in the
conversation, and then with a distressed face left the room
to find Sonya.
‘How plainly all these young people wear their hearts on
their sleeves!’ said Anna Mikhaylovna, pointing to Nich-
olas as he went out. ‘Cousinagedangereux voisinage;”* she
*Cousinhood is a dangerous neighborhood.
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‘Yes,’ said the countess when the brightness these young
people had brought into the room had vanished; and as if
answering a question no one had put but which was always
in her mind, ‘and how much suffering, how much anxiety
one has had to go through that we might rejoice in them
now! And yet really the anxiety is greater now than the joy.
One is always, always anxious! Especially just at this age, so
dangerous both for girls and boys.’
‘It all depends on the bringing up,’ remarked the visitor.
‘Yes, you’re quite right,’ continued the countess. ‘Till now
I have always, thank God, been my children’s friend and
had their full confidence,’ said she, repeating the mistake of
so many parents who imagine that their children have no
secrets from them. ‘I know I shall always be my daughters’
first confidante, and that if Nicholas, with his impulsive na-
ture, does get into mischief (a boy can’t help it), he will all
the same never be like those Petersburg young men.’
‘Yes, they are splendid, splendid youngsters,’ chimed in
the count, who always solved questions that seemed to him
perplexing by deciding that everything was splendid. ‘Just
fancy: wants to be an hussar. What’s one to do, my dear?’
‘What a charming creature your younger girl is,’ said the
visitor; ‘a little volcano!’
‘Yes, a regular volcano,’ said the count. ‘Takes after me!
And what a voice she has; though she’s my daughter, I tell
the truth when I say she’ll be a singer, a second Salomoni!
We have engaged an Italian to give her lessons.’
‘Isn’t she too young? I have heard that it harms the voice
to train it at that age.’
War and Peace
‘Oh no, not at all too young!’ replied the count. ‘Why, our
mothers used to be married at twelve or thirteen.’
‘And she’s in love with Boris already. Just fancy!’ said the
countess with a gentle smile, looking at Boris’ and went on,
evidently concerned with a thought that always occupied
her: ‘Now you see if I were to be severe with her and to for-
bid it... goodness knows what they might be up to on the sly’
(she meant that they would be kissing), ‘but as it is, I know
every word she utters. She will come running to me of her
own accord in the evening and tell me everything. Perhaps I
spoil her, but really that seems the best plan. With her elder
sister I was stricter.’
‘Yes, I was brought up quite differently,’ remarked the
handsome elder daughter, Countess Vera, with a smile.
But the smile did not enhance Vera’s beauty as smiles
generally do; on the contrary it gave her an unnatural, and
therefore unpleasant, expression. Vera was good-looking,
not at all stupid, quick at learning, was well brought up, and
had a pleasant voice; what she said was true and appropri-
ate, yet, strange to say, everyonethe visitors and countess
aliketurned to look at her as if wondering why she had said
it, and they all felt awkward.
‘People are always too clever with their eldest children
and try to make something exceptional of them,’ said the
‘What’s the good of denying it, my dear? Our dear count-
ess was too clever with Vera,’ said the count. ‘Well, what of
that? She’s turned out splendidly all the same,’ he added,
winking at Vera.
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The guests got up and took their leave, promising to re-
turn to dinner.
‘What manners! I thought they would never go,’ said the
countess, when she had seen her guests out.
War and Peace
Chapter XIII
When Natasha ran out of the drawing room she only
went as far as the conservatory. There she paused and stood
listening to the conversation in the drawing room, waiting for
Boris to come out. She was already growing impatient, and
stamped her foot, ready to cry at his not coming at once, when
she heard the young man’s discreet steps approaching neither
quickly nor slowly. At this Natasha dashed swiftly among the
flower tubs and hid there.
Boris paused in the middle of the room, looked round,
brushed a little dust from the sleeve of his uniform, and go-
ing up to a mirror examined his handsome face. Natasha,
very still, peered out from her ambush, waiting to see what
he would do. He stood a little while before the glass, smiled,
and walked toward the other door. Natasha was about to call
him but changed her mind. ‘Let him look for me,’ thought she.
Hardly had Boris gone than Sonya, flushed, in tears, and mut-
tering angrily, came in at the other door. Natasha checked her
first impulse to run out to her, and remained in her hiding
place, watchingas under an invisible capto see what went on in
the world. She was experiencing a new and peculiar pleasure.
Sonya, muttering to herself, kept looking round toward the
drawing-room door. It opened and Nicholas came in.
‘Sonya, what is the matter with you? How can you?’ said he,
running up to her.
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‘It’s nothing, nothing; leave me alone!’ sobbed Sonya.
‘Ah, I know what it is.’
‘Well, if you do, so much the better, and you can go back
to her!’
‘So-o-onya! Look here! How can you torture me and
yourself like that, for a mere fancy?’ said Nicholas taking her
Sonya did not pull it away, and left off crying. Natasha, not
stirring and scarcely breathing, watched from her ambush
with sparkling eyes. ‘What will happen now?’ thought she.
‘Sonya! What is anyone in the world to me? You alone are
everything!’ said Nicholas. ‘And I will prove it to you.’
‘I don’t like you to talk like that.’
‘Well, then, I won’t; only forgive me, Sonya!’ He drew her
to him and kissed her.
‘Oh, how nice,’ thought Natasha; and when Sonya and
Nicholas had gone out of the conservatory she followed and
called Boris to her.
‘Boris, come here,’ said she with a sly and significant look.
‘I have something to tell you. Here, here!’ and she led him into
the conservatory to the place among the tubs where she had
been hiding.
Boris followed her, smiling.
‘What is the something?’ asked he.
She grew confused, glanced round, and, seeing the doll she
had thrown down on one of the tubs, picked it up.
‘Kiss the doll,’ said she.
Boris looked attentively and kindly at her eager face, but
did not reply.
War and Peace
‘Don’t you want to? Well, then, come here,’ said she, and
went further in among the plants and threw down the doll.
‘Closer, closer!’ she whispered.
She caught the young officer by his cuffs, and a look of so-
lemnity and fear appeared on her flushed face.
‘And me? Would you like to kiss me?’ she whispered almost
inaudibly, glancing up at him from under her brows, smiling,
and almost crying from excitement.
Boris blushed.
‘How funny you are!’ he said, bending down to her and
blushing still more, but he waited and did nothing.
Suddenly she jumped up onto a tub to be higher than he,
embraced him so that both her slender bare arms clasped him
above his neck, and, tossing back her hair, kissed him full on
the lips.
Then she slipped down among the flowerpots on the other
side of the tubs and stood, hanging her head.
‘Natasha,’ he said, ‘you know that I love you, but..’
‘You are in love with me?’ Natasha broke in.
‘Yes, I am, but please don’t let us do like that.... In another
four years... then I will ask for your hand.’
Natasha considered.
‘Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,’ she counted on her
slender little fingers. ‘All right! Then it’s settled?’
A smile of joy and satisfaction lit up her eager face.
‘Settled!’ replied Boris.
‘Forever?’ said the little girl. ‘Till death itself?’
She took his arm and with a happy face went with him into
the adjoining sitting room.
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Chapter XIV
After receiving her visitors, the countess was so tired
that she gave orders to admit no more, but the porter was
told to be sure to invite to dinner all who came ‘to congrat-
ulate.’ The countess wished to have a tete-a-tete talk with
the friend of her childhood, Princess Anna Mikhaylovna,
whom she had not seen properly since she returned from
Petersburg. Anna Mikhaylovna, with her tear-worn but
pleasant face, drew her chair nearer to that of the countess.
‘With you I will be quite frank,’ said Anna Mikhaylovna.
‘There are not many left of us old friends! That’s why I so
value your friendship.’
Anna Mikhaylovna looked at Vera and paused. The
countess pressed her friend’s hand.
‘Vera,’ she said to her eldest daughter who was evidently
not a favorite, ‘how is it you have so little tact? Don’t you see
you are not wanted here? Go to the other girls, or..’
The handsome Vera smiled contemptuously but did not
seem at all hurt.
‘If you had told me sooner, Mamma, I would have gone,’
she replied as she rose to go to her own room.
But as she passed the sitting room she noticed two cou-
ples sitting, one pair at each window. She stopped and
smiled scornfully. Sonya was sitting close to Nicholas who
was copying out some verses for her, the first he had ever
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written. Boris and Natasha were at the other window and
ceased talking when Vera entered. Sonya and Natasha
looked at Vera with guilty, happy faces.
It was pleasant and touching to see these little girls in
love; but apparently the sight of them roused no pleasant
feeling in Vera.
‘How often have I asked you not to take my things?’ she
said. ‘You have a room of your own,’ and she took the ink-
stand from Nicholas.
‘In a minute, in a minute,’ he said, dipping his pen.
‘You always manage to do things at the wrong time,’ con-
tinued Vera. ‘You came rushing into the drawing room so
that everyone felt ashamed of you.’
Though what she said was quite just, perhaps for that
very reason no one replied, and the four simply looked at
one another. She lingered in the room with the inkstand in
her hand.
‘And at your age what secrets can there be between
Natasha and Boris, or between you two? It’s all nonsense!’
‘Now, Vera, what does it matter to you?’ said Natasha in
defense, speaking very gently.
She seemed that day to be more than ever kind and af-
fectionate to everyone.
‘Very silly,’ said Vera. ‘I am ashamed of you. Secrets in-
‘All have secrets of their own,’ answered Natasha, getting
warmer. ‘We don’t interfere with you and Berg.’
‘I should think not,’ said Vera, ‘because there can never
be anything wrong in my behavior. But I’ll just tell Mamma
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how you are behaving with Boris.’
‘Natalya Ilynichna behaves very well to me,’ remarked
Boris. ‘I have nothing to complain of.’
‘Don’t, Boris! You are such a diplomat that it is really
tiresome,’ said Natasha in a mortified voice that trembled
slightly. (She used the word ‘diplomat,’ which was just then
much in vogue among the children, in the special sense they
attached to it.) ‘Why does she bother me?’ And she added,
turning to Vera, ‘You’ll never understand it, because you’ve
never loved anyone. You have no heart! You are a Madame
de Genlis and nothing more’ (this nickname, bestowed on
Vera by Nicholas, was considered very stinging), ‘and your
greatest pleasure is to be unpleasant to people! Go and flirt
with Berg as much as you please,’ she finished quickly.
‘I shall at any rate not run after a young man before visi-
‘Well, now you’ve done what you wanted,’ put in
Nicholas‘said unpleasant things to everyone and upset
them. Let’s go to the nursery.’
All four, like a flock of scared birds, got up and left the
‘The unpleasant things were said to me,’ remarked Vera,
‘I said none to anyone.’
‘Madame de Genlis! Madame de Genlis!’ shouted laugh-
ing voices through the door.
The handsome Vera, who produced such an irritating
and unpleasant effect on everyone, smiled and, evidently
unmoved by what had been said to her, went to the look-
ing glass and arranged her hair and scarf. Looking at her
War and Peace
own handsome face she seemed to become still colder and
In the drawing room the conversation was still going
‘Ah, my dear,’ said the countess, ‘my life is not all roses
either. Don’t I know that at the rate we are living our means
won’t last long? It’s all the Club and his easygoing nature.
Even in the country do we get any rest? Theatricals, hunting,
and heaven knows what besides! But don’t let’s talk about
me; tell me how you managed everything. I often wonder
at you, Annettehow at your age you can rush off alone in a
carriage to Moscow, to Petersburg, to those ministers and
great people, and know how to deal with them all! It’s quite
astonishing. How did you get things settled? I couldn’t pos-
sibly do it.’
‘Ah, my love,’ answered Anna Mikhaylovna, ‘God grant
you never know what it is to be left a widow without means
and with a son you love to distraction! One learns many
things then,’ she added with a certain pride. ‘That lawsuit
taught me much. When I want to see one of those big people
I write a note: ‘Princess So-and-So desires an interview with
So and-So,’ and then I take a cab and go myself two, three,
or four timestill I get what I want. I don’t mind what they
think of me.’
‘Well, and to whom did you apply about Bory?’ asked the
countess. ‘You see yours is already an officer in the Guards,
while my Nicholas is going as a cadet. There’s no one to in-
terest himself for him. To whom did you apply?’
‘To Prince Vasili. He was so kind. He at once agreed to
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everything, and put the matter before the Emperor,’ said
Princess Anna Mikhaylovna enthusiastically, quite forget-
ting all the humiliation she had endured to gain her end.
‘Has Prince Vasili aged much?’ asked the countess. ‘I
have not seen him since we acted together at the Rumyants-
ovs’ theatricals. I expect he has forgotten me. He paid me
attentions in those days,’ said the countess, with a smile.
‘He is just the same as ever,’ replied Anna Mikhaylovna,
‘overflowing with amiability. His position has not turned
his head at all. He said to me, ‘I am sorry I can do so little for
you, dear Princess. I am at your command.’ Yes, he is a fine
fellow and a very kind relation. But, Nataly, you know my
love for my son: I would do anything for his happiness! And
my affairs are in such a bad way that my position is now a
terrible one,’ continued Anna Mikhaylovna, sadly, dropping
her voice. ‘My wretched lawsuit takes all I have and makes
no progress. Would you believe it, I have literally not a pen-
ny and don’t know how to equip Boris.’ She took out her
handkerchief and began to cry. ‘I need five hundred rubles,
and have only one twenty-five-ruble note. I am in such a
state.... My only hope now is in Count Cyril Vladimirovich
Bezukhov. If he will not assist his godsonyou know he is
Bory’s godfatherand allow him something for his mainte-
nance, all my trouble will have been thrown away.... I shall
not be able to equip him.’
The countess’ eyes filled with tears and she pondered in
‘I often think, though, perhaps it’s a sin,’ said the prin-
cess, ‘that here lives Count Cyril Vladimirovich Bezukhov
War and Peace
so rich, all alone... that tremendous fortune... and what is
his life worth? It’s a burden to him, and Bory’s life is only
just beginning...’
‘Surely he will leave something to Boris,’ said the count-
‘Heaven only knows, my dear! These rich grandees are so
selfish. Still, I will take Boris and go to see him at once, and
I shall speak to him straight out. Let people think what they
will of me, it’s really all the same to me when my son’s fate
is at stake.’ The princess rose. ‘It’s now two o’clock and you
dine at four. There will just be time.’
And like a practical Petersburg lady who knows how to
make the most of time, Anna Mikhaylovna sent someone to
call her son, and went into the anteroom with him.
‘Good-by, my dear,’ said she to the countess who saw her
to the door, and added in a whisper so that her son should
not hear, ‘Wish me good luck.’
‘Are you going to Count Cyril Vladimirovich, my dear?’
said the count coming out from the dining hall into the an-
teroom, and he added: ‘If he is better, ask Pierre to dine with
us. He has been to the house, you know, and danced with
the children. Be sure to invite him, my dear. We will see
how Taras distinguishes himself today. He says Count Or-
lov never gave such a dinner as ours will be!’
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Chapter XV
‘My dear Boris,’ said Princess Anna Mikhaylovna to her
son as Countess Rostova’s carriage in which they were seat-
ed drove over the straw covered street and turned into the
wide courtyard of Count Cyril Vladimirovich Bezukhov’s
house. ‘My dear Boris,’ said the mother, drawing her hand
from beneath her old mantle and laying it timidly and ten-
derly on her son’s arm, ‘be affectionate and attentive to him.
Count Cyril Vladimirovich is your godfather after all, your
future depends on him. Remember that, my dear, and be
nice to him, as you so well know how to be.’
‘If only I knew that anything besides humiliation would
come of it...’ answered her son coldly. ‘But I have promised
and will do it for your sake.’
Although the hall porter saw someone’s carriage stand-
ing at the entrance, after scrutinizing the mother and son
(who without asking to be announced had passed straight
through the glass porch between the rows of statues in nich-
es) and looking significantly at the lady’s old cloak, he asked
whether they wanted the count or the princesses, and, hear-
ing that they wished to see the count, said his excellency
was worse today, and that his excellency was not receiving
‘We may as well go back,’ said the son in French.
‘My dear!’ exclaimed his mother imploringly, again lay-
War and Peace
ing her hand on his arm as if that touch might soothe or
rouse him.
Boris said no more, but looked inquiringly at his mother
without taking off his cloak.
‘My friend,’ said Anna Mikhaylovna in gentle tones, ad-
dressing the hall porter, I know Count Cyril Vladimirovich
is very ill... that’s why I have come... I am a relation. I shall
not disturb him, my friend... I only need see Prince Vasili
Sergeevich: he is staying here, is he not? Please announce
The hall porter sullenly pulled a bell that rang upstairs,
and turned away.
‘Princess Drubetskaya to see Prince Vasili Sergeevich,’
he called to a footman dressed in knee breeches, shoes, and
a swallow-tail coat, who ran downstairs and looked over
from the halfway landing.
The mother smoothed the folds of her dyed silk dress
before a large Venetian mirror in the wall, and in her trod-
den-down shoes briskly ascended the carpeted stairs.
‘My dear,’ she said to her son, once more stimulating him
by a touch, ‘you promised me!’
The son, lowering his eyes, followed her quietly.
They entered the large hall, from which one of the doors
led to the apartments assigned to Prince Vasili.
Just as the mother and son, having reached the middle of
the hall, were about to ask their way of an elderly footman
who had sprung up as they entered, the bronze handle of
one of the doors turned and Prince Vasili came outwear-
ing a velvet coat with a single star on his breast, as was his
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custom when at hometaking leave of a good-looking, dark-
haired man. This was the celebrated Petersburg doctor,
‘Then it is certain?’ said the prince.
‘Prince, humanum est errare,* but...’ replied the doctor,
swallowing his r’s, and pronouncing the Latin words with a
French accent.
*To err is human.
‘Very well, very well..’
Seeing Anna Mikhaylovna and her son, Prince Vasili
dismissed the doctor with a bow and approached them si-
lently and with a look of inquiry. The son noticed that an
expression of profound sorrow suddenly clouded his moth-
er’s face, and he smiled slightly.
‘Ah, Prince! In what sad circumstances we meet again!
And how is our dear invalid?’ said she, as though unaware
of the cold offensive look fixed on her.
Prince Vasili stared at her and at Boris questioningly
and perplexed. Boris bowed politely. Prince Vasili with-
out acknowledging the bow turned to Anna Mikhaylovna,
answering her query by a movement of the head and lips in-
dicating very little hope for the patient.
‘Is it possible?’ exclaimed Anna Mikhaylovna. ‘Oh, how
awful! It is terrible to think.... This is my son,’ she added, in-
dicating Boris. ‘He wanted to thank you himself.’
Boris bowed again politely.
‘Believe me, Prince, a mother’s heart will never forget
what you have done for us.’
‘I am glad I was able to do you a service, my dear Anna
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Mikhaylovna,’ said Prince Vasili, arranging his lace frill,
and in tone and manner, here in Moscow to Anna Mikhay-
lovna whom he had placed under an obligation, assuming
an air of much greater importance than he had done in Pe-
tersburg at Anna Scherer’s reception.
‘Try to serve well and show yourself worthy,’ added he,
addressing Boris with severity. ‘I am glad.... Are you here on
leave?’ he went on in his usual tone of indifference.
‘I am awaiting orders to join my new regiment, your ex-
cellency,’ replied Boris, betraying neither annoyance at the
prince’s brusque manner nor a desire to enter into conver-
sation, but speaking so quietly and respectfully that the
prince gave him a searching glance.
‘Are you living with your mother?’
‘I am living at Countess Rostova’s,’ replied Boris, again
adding, ‘your excellency.’
‘That is, with Ilya Rostov who married Nataly Shinshi-
na,’ said Anna Mikhaylovna.
‘I know, I know,’ answered Prince Vasili in his monoto-
nous voice. ‘I never could understand how Nataly made up
her mind to marry that unlicked bear! A perfectly absurd
and stupid fellow, and a gambler too, I am told.’
‘But a very kind man, Prince,’ said Anna Mikhaylovna
with a pathetic smile, as though she too knew that Count
Rostov deserved this censure, but asked him not to be too
hard on the poor old man. ‘What do the doctors say?’ asked
the princess after a pause, her worn face again expressing
deep sorrow.
‘They give little hope,’ replied the prince.
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‘And I should so like to thank Uncle once for all his kind-
ness to me and Boris. He is his godson,’ she added, her tone
suggesting that this fact ought to give Prince Vasili much
Prince Vasili became thoughtful and frowned. Anna
Mikhaylovna saw that he was afraid of finding in her a ri-
val for Count Bezukhov’s fortune, and hastened to reassure
‘If it were not for my sincere affection and devotion to
Uncle,’ said she, uttering the word with peculiar assurance
and unconcern, ‘I know his character: noble, upright... but
you see he has no one with him except the young princess-
es.... They are still young....’ She bent her head and continued
in a whisper: ‘Has he performed his final duty, Prince? How
priceless are those last moments! It can make things no
worse, and it is absolutely necessary to prepare him if he is
so ill. We women, Prince,’ and she smiled tenderly, ‘always
know how to say these things. I absolutely must see him,
however painful it may be for me. I am used to suffering.’
Evidently the prince understood her, and also under-
stood, as he had done at Anna Pavlovna’s, that it would be
difficult to get rid of Anna Mikhaylovna.
‘Would not such a meeting be too trying for him, dear
Anna Mikhaylovna?’ said he. ‘Let us wait until evening. The
doctors are expecting a crisis.’
‘But one cannot delay, Prince, at such a moment! Con-
sider that the welfare of his soul is at stake. Ah, it is awful:
the duties of a Christian..’
A door of one of the inner rooms opened and one of the
War and Peace
princesses, the count’s niece, entered with a cold, stern face.
The length of her body was strikingly out of proportion to
her short legs. Prince Vasili turned to her.
‘Well, how is he?’
‘Still the same; but what can you expect, this noise...’ said
the princess, looking at Anna Mikhaylovna as at a strang-
‘Ah, my dear, I hardly knew you,’ said Anna Mikhay-
lovna with a happy smile, ambling lightly up to the count’s
niece. ‘I have come, and am at your service to help you nurse
my uncle. I imagine what you have gone through,’ and she
sympathetically turned up her eyes.
The princess gave no reply and did not even smile, but left
the room at Anna Mikhaylovna took off her gloves and, oc-
cupying the position she had conquered, settled down in an
armchair, inviting Prince Vasili to take a seat beside her.
‘Boris,’ she said to her son with a smile, ‘I shall go in to
see the count, my uncle; but you, my dear, had better go to
Pierre meanwhile and don’t forget to give him the Rostovs’
invitation. They ask him to dinner. I suppose he won’t go?’
she continued, turning to the prince.
‘On the contrary,’ replied the prince, who had plainly be-
come depressed, ‘I shall be only too glad if you relieve me
of that young man.... Here he is, and the count has not once
asked for him.’
He shrugged his shoulders. A footman conducted Boris
down one flight of stairs and up another, to Pierre’s rooms.
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Chapter XVI
Pierre, after all, had not managed to choose a career for
himself in Petersburg, and had been expelled from there for
riotous conduct and sent to Moscow. The story told about
him at Count Rostov’s was true. Pierre had taken part in ty-
ing a policeman to a bear. He had now been for some days
in Moscow and was staying as usual at his father’s house.
Though he expected that the story of his escapade would be
already known in Moscow and that the ladies about his fath-
erwho were never favorably disposed toward himwould have
used it to turn the count against him, he nevertheless on the
day of his arrival went to his father’s part of the house. En-
tering the drawing room, where the princesses spent most of
their time, he greeted the ladies, two of whom were sitting at
embroidery frames while a third read aloud. It was the eldest
who was readingthe one who had met Anna Mikhaylovna.
The two younger ones were embroidering: both were rosy
and pretty and they differed only in that one had a little mole
on her lip which made her much prettier. Pierre was received
as if he were a corpse or a leper. The eldest princess paused in
her reading and silently stared at him with frightened eyes;
the second assumed precisely the same expression; while the
youngest, the one with the mole, who was of a cheerful and
lively disposition, bent over her frame to hide a smile prob-
ably evoked by the amusing scene she foresaw. She drew her
War and Peace
wool down through the canvas and, scarcely able to refrain
from laughing, stooped as if trying to make out the pattern.
‘How do you do, cousin?’ said Pierre. ‘You don’t recog-
nize me?’
‘I recognize you only too well, too well.’
‘How is the count? Can I see him?’ asked Pierre, awk-
wardly as usual, but unabashed.
‘The count is suffering physically and mentally, and ap-
parently you have done your best to increase his mental
‘Can I see the count?’ Pierre again asked.
‘Hm.... If you wish to kill him, to kill him outright, you
can see him... Olga, go and see whether Uncle’s beef tea is
readyit is almost time,’ she added, giving Pierre to un-
derstand that they were busy, and busy making his father
comfortable, while evidently he, Pierre, was only busy caus-
ing him annoyance.
Olga went out. Pierre stood looking at the sisters; then he
bowed and said: ‘Then I will go to my rooms. You will let me
know when I can see him.’
And he left the room, followed by the low but ringing
laughter of the sister with the mole.
Next day Prince Vasili had arrived and settled in the
count’s house. He sent for Pierre and said to him: ‘My dear
fellow, if you are going to behave here as you did in Peters-
burg, you will end very badly; that is all I have to say to you.
The count is very, very ill, and you must not see him at all.’
Since then Pierre had not been disturbed and had spent
the whole time in his rooms upstairs.
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When Boris appeared at his door Pierre was pacing up and
down his room, stopping occasionally at a corner to make
menacing gestures at the wall, as if running a sword through
an invisible foe, and glaring savagely over his spectacles, and
then again resuming his walk, muttering indistinct words,
shrugging his shoulders and gesticulating.
‘England is done for,’ said he, scowling and pointing his
finger at someone unseen. ‘Mr. Pitt, as a traitor to the nation
and to the rights of man, is sentenced to...’ But before Pier-
rewho at that moment imagined himself to be Napoleon in
person and to have just effected the dangerous crossing of
the Straits of Dover and captured Londoncould pronounce
Pitt’s sentence, he saw a well-built and handsome young of-
ficer entering his room. Pierre paused. He had left Moscow
when Boris was a boy of fourteen, and had quite forgotten
him, but in his usual impulsive and hearty way he took Boris
by the hand with a friendly smile.
‘Do you remember me?’ asked Boris quietly with a pleas-
ant smile. ‘I have come with my mother to see the count, but
it seems he is not well.’
‘Yes, it seems he is ill. People are always disturbing him,’
answered Pierre, trying to remember who this young man
Boris felt that Pierre did not recognize him but did not
consider it necessary to introduce himself, and without ex-
periencing the least embarrassment looked Pierre straight in
the face.
‘Count Rostov asks you to come to dinner today,’ said he,
after a considerable pause which made Pierre feel uncom-
War and Peace
‘Ah, Count Rostov!’ exclaimed Pierre joyfully. ‘Then you
are his son, Ilya? Only fancy, I didn’t know you at first. Do
you remember how we went to the Sparrow Hills with Ma-
dame Jacquot?... It’s such an age..’
‘You are mistaken,’ said Boris deliberately, with a bold
and slightly sarcastic smile. ‘I am Boris, son of Princess
Anna Mikhaylovna Drubetskaya. Rostov, the father, is Ilya,
and his son is Nicholas. I never knew any Madame Jacquot.’
Pierre shook his head and arms as if attacked by mosqui-
toes or bees.
‘Oh dear, what am I thinking about? I’ve mixed every-
thing up. One has so many relatives in Moscow! So you are
Boris? Of course. Well, now we know where we are. And
what do you think of the Boulogne expedition? The English
will come off badly, you know, if Napoleon gets across the
Channel. I think the expedition is quite feasible. If only Vil-
leneuve doesn’t make a mess of things!
Boris knew nothing about the Boulogne expedition; he
did not read the papers and it was the first time he had heard
Villeneuve’s name.
‘We here in Moscow are more occupied with dinner
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