JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
2581 - 4230
VOLUME 7, ISSUE 10, Oct. -2021
111 |
P a g e
of essential features of the phenomena of
polysemy in the Russian language (students'
specific perception of illustrations, comparison
and identification of commonality,
in meanings; finding out why several
phenomena (objects, signs, actions) are
designated by one lexical unit); generalization
of all signs of the concept of polysemy; the use
of polysemous words in speech.
c) The most effective
methods of teaching a
polysemantic word are visual display,
observation of the meanings of one word in
different contexts,
comparison of meanings,
selection of synonyms and antonyms, a
compilation of phrases or sentences with the
indicated LSV of a polysemantic word,
familiarization with the dictionary entry of the
studied polysemy, demonstration of the lexical
compatibility of the input tokens. The use of
these techniques
depends on the stage of
training and on the linguistic nature of the
polysemy itself.
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