AMEA Botanika Ġnstitutunun elmi əsərləri, 2015-ci il, XXXV cild
width, primordial leaf length and width, intermediate leaf length and width of crops were conducted
each weeks of vegetation.
RESULTS Soil sampling (> 50) in KES and around (from top layer 0-25 cm) was done in April 2015. Results
of some typical salinity analysis (EC and TDS)for soil:water = 1: 1 and 1: 5 ratio and also osmotic
potential (OP) created by salts for each samples are presented in Table 1. For field experiment (crop
growth) salinity level considered as moderate to high (EC = 4-12 dS/m), since it was typical for the
region. For the laboratory experiments 4 level of salinity: 1) slightly saline (2-4 dS/m), 2) saline (4-8
dS/m), 3) strongly saline (8-16 dS/m),and4) extremely saline (> 16 dS/m) was tested.
Dynamics of crop indices for the field and laboratory conditions are not provided in the paper.
Only for typical plants results are shown in the Figures 3 and 4. It should be noted due to the (i) some
late seedling, (ii) high temperature, (iii) crusting and sealing, (iv) soil condition (salinity) and clay
texture (e.g. swelling clay soils with a weak structure and aggregate stability) and (iv) low level of soil
fertility the seedling emergency was very low for Quinoa and MelilotIndicus and therefore the
experiment was conducted mostly on Sorghum, Pearl Millet, Indiqofera, Amaranthus, Mungbean and Glycine ssp.In laboratory experiments contribution of soil condition on crop development sategs
depended on salinity level. There was difference between the growth level of crops within one
months, i.e. growing intensity decreased with increasing of salinity level. However after one month
and several time irrigation (on the basis of weight of pots with crops, i.e. evaporation + transpiration)
the difference between the crops growing in slight medium and high saline soils was small, but
different than that of the ones growing in extreme saline condition. In the extreme saline samples only
Amaranthus11, Sorghum, Pearl Millet, Phaseblusvulgares crops have been grown more and less
normally and had close morphological indices as for the cases with lower saline condition.
Table 1. Soil Salinity (KES)
TDS (1:1)
TDS (1:5)
Figure 3. Dynamics of crop stem height in the
field (KES) (salinity level medium to high)
Figure 4. Dynamics of crop stem height under
various salinity condition in the laboratory (four
salinity level)