AMEA Botanika Ġnstitutunun elmi əsərləri, 2015-ci il, XXXV cild
Conclusion We have tested effect of salinity associated with drought on 10 crops in KES field condition (clay
soils) and 14 crops in laboratory condition.No fertilizer effect was investigated.In the field with
moderate to high saline condition (mostly < 8-12dS/m) even after late seedling and shortage of
irrigation water Amaranthus, Sorghum, Pearl Millet, Phaseblusvulgares, Indigofera, Pisum and Mungbean were shown salt resistance capacity and suitable plant for cropping.Quinoa and
MelilotusIndicus should be re-tested in clay soils next years. In laboratory condition with four level of
salinity level (slightly saline [2-4 dS/m], saline [4-8 dS/m], strongly saline [8-16 dS/m], extremely
saline [> 16 dS/m]) 14 crop was tested. Amaranthus, Melilotus,Medicago sativa, Mungbean, Phaseblus vulgares were salt tolerant at EC< 8 dS/m and Pearl Millet and IP 19586 Glaucum and
Sorghumcould be considered almost as salt tolerant at all EC level (EC <12-16 dS/m).
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