MERICAN Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies www. People's Deputies to conduct elections to District and City Councils - no more than thirty
constituencies. One deputy is elected from each constituency [4].
The number of constituencies for local council elections is determined by the relevant local
council based on the population, number of voters, territory and other local conditions within the
norms set by the Election Code.
The number of constituencies for holding elections to the Regional Council of People's Deputies
of the newly established region is determined by the Central Election Commission according to
the Senate's submission, and the number of constituencies for holding elections to the People's
Deputies of the District, City Council of the newly established district, the city is determined by
the relevant Regional Council of People's Deputies in accordance with this article. It is defined
taking into account the requirements of the fifth and sixth parts [4].
In conclusion, it should be said that the tasks, rights and obligations of local councils of people's
deputies and local governments in the election process, in a word, consist of these, and these
organizations help in the active organization of election processes, promotion and propaganda
Local state authorities provide practical assistance in organization and holding of elections in
issues not prohibited by law, within the scope of their competence.
List of used sources and literature. 1.
Дехканов Н, Ўзбекистонда маҳалий бошқарув тизими. – Наманган, 2015. Б.43.
Омонов А, Сайловлар жараёнида унинг ўрни // Qashqadaryo 19 october, 2007.
Bulletin of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 1994. No. 10. - B. 44.
Collection of legislative documents related to the election of the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan. "Adolat", Tashkent-2023. B-23.
ЎзА, Битимлар имзоланди // Qashqadaryo 2009 йил 6 октябр.
Election Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. June 2019.