MERICAN Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies www. an event is a certain number, which is the greater, the more likely the event is. Probability is the
possibility of obtaining a certain result. Obviously, the event that occurs more often is considered
more likely.
Risk is an entity that emerges over time. In some circumstances, the risk is realized to the
maximum, in others it remains in vain (fruitlessly, in vain, without result). In other words, this
category is optional, often random [1]. Thus, first of all, the category of probability is associated
with the practical concept of the frequency of an event. “The relative frequency of an event, or
frequency, is the ratio of the number of experiences in which this event appeared to the number of
all experiments made”
. As a unit of measurement, it is customary to consider the probability of a
certain event, i.e. such an event, which, as a result of any experience, a process of activity, must
certainly occur. In this case, the probability of a favorable or unfavorable outcome can serve as a
measure of the degree of risk. Dependence on the volume of initial information, on the one hand,
and dependence on the subject, on the other hand, all this leads to the fact that uncertainty is added
to the probabilistic situation. Uncertainty underlies systemically complex economic phenomena,
interaction with which causes the corresponding behavior of both individual economic agents -
subjects, and economic systems as a whole.
In order to distinguish between the terms measurable and non-measurable uncertainty, the
categories “risk” can be used to denote measurable uncertainty and “uncertainty” for non-
measurable uncertainty [2]. In this regard, the risk should be considered as the possibility of an
unfavorable outcome under conditions of uncertainty. In this context, risk is a characteristic of
uncertainty, since in situations of certainty it is absent due to the availability of information about
the possible dangers of the outcome.
The word "risk" is usually used very loosely in relation to any type of uncertainty, in terms
of the possibility of an unfavorable outcome, and the term "uncertainty" - in relation to the
possibility of a favorable outcome [2]
The use of the term "risk" in insurance activities in connection with cases where the degree
of uncertainty or the likelihood of an event occurring can be measured. In this case, such a “... risk
is an event, the occurrence of which is not defined in time and space, independent of the will of a
person, dangerous and, as a result, creating an incentive for insurance; this is the risk that can be
assessed in terms of the probability of an insured event and the amount of possible damage [3].
Today, risk is firmly and inextricably accompanies the business activities of subjects,
including economic ones, where the onset of a risky event entails both positive and negative
results. In this case, a third party of risk opens up.
- its belonging to any activity. It is very difficult
to think of an example of a "risk" in business for which the distribution of various possible
outcomes could be calculated in advance.
A risk is a situation associated with the existence of a certain choice between several
supposed (expected) alternatives. For example, in IFRS 17
insurance risk is defined as “…risk,
other than financial risk, transferred by the party holding the contract to the party issuing the
contract”, i.e. The definition of an insurance contract requires one party to assume significant risk,
in this case meaning insurance risk, from the other party. The problem of risk, therefore, lies not
in the plane of mathematics, but in its formulation in the subject language. To do this, it is also
IFRS 17 is applied retrospectively, unless this is not practicable, in which case a modified retrospective or fair value
approach is applied. //