Initial Participant Survey (IPS) contains key data, including the core information
described above, and serves to: a) verify of case eligibility (e.g., residence in the year of
diagnosis); and b) is the main source for self-reported race/ethnicity information.
Additional information includes: symptoms at presentation, potential secondary causes of
the diabetes, use of insulin and other medications, treatment history, family structure,
usual language spoken, and contact information (for local use only). The IPS can be self-
administered or interviewer-administered. The information can be collected online, by
phone or in person, or at the beginning of the in-person research visit. To encourage
participation in the IPS, a monetary incentive of $10.00 will be offered. We will continue
to collect these data through IPS in SEARCH 3 (Table 5 - 1) and will seek 90%