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richard of holy trinity

port, and some were destroyed in the attempt. But, on the land side, where
the king of England was, a man remarkable for his skill in arms, the attack
was closely pressed; some essayed to cut the fastenings of the gates, and
not succeeding, they ascended a high hill, close by the city, and by means
of a postern, which King Richard, on the second day of his arrival, when
going round the walls to reconnoitre with two companions, had observed
to be neglected by the citizens, they forced an entrance with great boldness
and violence, and having broken down the gates, they admitted the rest of
the army into the city. Then they slew or made captive all citizens they met
who resisted them, and entered the city in a body; and many, as well
Lombards as our men, fell in that conflict. For the citizens, not daring to
oppose us as we were now entering and occupying the city, threw down
darts from the tops of houses and battlements of towers, and tried in every
manner they could to annoy us from the solers, in which they had taken
refuge. But our men now marched through the captured city as victors,
preceded by King Richard, who was the first in every attack: by his own
daring example, he at once gave courage to his own men, and carried
dismay amongst the foe. About ten thousand men marched in after him,
and plundered the whole city. There you might hear horrible clamours, in a
variety of confused tones, on the one side, of our men, urging on the
pursuit, on the other, of the flying Lombards, screaming for fear, while
they redoubled their blows, and mowed down those who met them with
their swords, like corn. When our men entered the houses, the Lombards
threw themselves from the house-tops and the solers, rather than fall into
the hands of their enemies; conscious that by their own inhospitality they
had forfeited all claim to mercy. The city was now subdued by force, and
no one appeared to make further resistance; what need we say more? King
Richard captured Messina by one assault, in less time than a priest could
chant the matin service. Many more of the citizens would have fallen, had
not King Richard, with an impulse of generosity, ordered their lives to be
spared. But who could reckon the sum of money which the citizens lost?
All the gold and silver, and whatsoever precious thing was found became
the property of the victors. They also set fire to, and burnt to ashes, the
enemyÕs galleys, lest they should escape, and recover strength to resist. The

victors also carried off their noblest women. And lo! after this action had
been performed, the French suddenly behold the ensigns and standards of
King Richard floating above the walls of the city; at which the king of
France was so mortified, that he conceived that hatred against King
Richard which lasted during his life, and afterwards led him to the unjust
invasion of Normandy.
Chapter XVII. Ñ How the king of France being displeased that the standards of
the king of England only should be placed on the city walk, King Richard,
humbling himself, allowed the standards of both to be placed there together.
The king of France, jealous of the successes of the king of England,
and misliking his high spirit, very much grieved that be should not have
the glory which the other had gained by the force of his own greatness; for,
contrary to the conditions of mutual agreement, and while the army was in
the greatest danger, and a great slaughter going on before his eyes, he
proffered not a helping hand to the king of England against an obstinate
foe, as he was bound by the treaty of alliance. Nay, he resisted as much as
be could, and kept him a long time from occupying the entrance of the city
where he himself abode. The city being taken, as we said before, and the
banners of King Richard planted on the walls, the king of France, by the
advice of his council, sent orders to King Richard to take down his
standards, and substitute those of France, as an acknowledgment of his
superiority. King Richard, indignant at this command, considering what
previously occurred, and bearing in mind the rights of their fellowship,
sent no answer, lest he should seem to surrender his right, and the victory
should be ascribed not only to one who had been inactive, but to a perjured
adversary. At the intercession of mediators, however, the anger of King
Richard was at length appeased; an end was put to their wrangling, and
yielding to the soothings of his friends, with some difficulty, he, who was
held invincible, being overcome by his foes, gave way to the request of the
king of France, viz., that he should deliver into his custody the towers he
had taken, and place in them guards of both nations, until they should learn
the sentiments of King Tancred as to what had been done; and he who

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