- Ma‘lumotlar xavfsizligini ta‘minlash uchun shifrlash deb ata
luvchi maxsus kodlash va h.k
Coding - a system of words, letters or signs which is used to represent a
message in secret form, or a system of numbers, letters or signals which is used
to represent something in a shorter or more convenient form
32.MATNLI XABAR - Matndan iborat va tarmoq bo`yicha uzatiladigan xabar
text message - a written message, usually containing words that have been
shortened, sent from one mobile phone or pager to another
- Umumiy informatikada – axborot birligi. Qo`llanmalarning
turiga qarab, bu atama ancha keng ma‘noda ishlatilad
Object- a thing that you can see or touch but that is not usually a living animal,
plant or person
34.KOMMUNIKATSIYA TIZIMI - Boshqa tizimlar orasida axborot uzatish
bilan bog`liq yordamchi vazifalarni bajaradigan tizim
Communication system - the various methods of sending information between
people and places, especially official systems such as post systems, radio,
telephone, etc
35.SHARHLOVCHI - Microsoft Windowsda jildlarning ichini ko`rib chiqish
dasturi shunday ataladi. Internet sharhlovchisi – brouzerning boshqa nomi.
Explorer - someone who travels to places where no one has ever been in
order to find out what is there
36.XOTIRA - Ma‘lumotlar joylashtirilishi, saqlanishi va olinishi mumkin
bo`lgan funksional qurilma.
Memory - the part of a computer in which information or programs are stored
either permanently or temporarily, or the amount of space available on it for
storing information
- xat; nternet nuqtai nazaridan odatda elektron xatlar – elektron
pochta yordamida jo`natiladigan matn xabarlari shunday deyiladi.
letter (MESSAGE)- a written message from one person to another, usually put
in an envelope and sent by the post
38.SECURITY- xavfsizlik; Tizim yoki tarmoq axboroti muhofazasini,
saqlanishi, ishonchliligini va puxtaligini ta‘minlash qobiliyat
security -protection of a person, building, organization or country against
threats such as crime or attacks by foreign countries:
- freym; Grafik va nashriy ishlanmalarda – matn yoki tasvir
joylashtiriladigan to`g`ri burchakli maydoncha
frame (BORDER) - a border which encloses and supports a picture, door or
40.USER – foydalanuvchi; Ma‘lumotlarga ishlov berish tizimiga buyruq yoki
xabarlar beruvchi yoki axborotga ishlov berish tizimidan xabar qabul qiluvchi
har qanday shaxs yoki obyekt.
User-someone who uses a product, machine or service