Often the way to discover new horizons is full of problems but we need to tackle problems as cha-
llenges and not obstructions in our paths to redefine how we think. We can do so by practising empathetic
listening, keeping aside our preconceived notions, and accepting that we do not know everything by being
open to learning. By critically thinking through every bit of information, we can formulate a way to counter
misinformation. This would be a gradual process, but the benefits are going to sustain over a period of many
years. Lastly, being responsible about what we say, and spreading is an essential responsibility on our part.
Moreover, there is always a scope for learning and improving our reasoning ability. One of my recent
experiences taught me how one can discover learning opportunities even in seemingly perfect situations.
I was a part of a well-functioning, efficient team and we would always deliver on time, had established
mutual trust and respect managing to create an environment of psychological safety within the team. This
eventually led to great performance but soon we realized that there was no one to critique the points that
were proposed. We established a developmental action step where one person would play the role of the
devil’s advocate in every team meeting. This person was responsible for voicing an opposing opinion to the
discussion and critically thinking through its validity regardless of what their true opinion was. This forced
our group to get out of our comfort zone by considering a different point of view, creating a culture of dissent
and allowed us to entertain certain elements of an idea without accepting the whole of it.
We never know if, after hundreds of years, people will look back and wonder how we were afraid
to appreciate those whom we love, and laugh at how we let our narrow mindset chasing money and jobs
define us, laugh at the wars, worries and superstitions. They might understand truths about us which none
of us knows about, yet. The fact of the matter is that just like us, they will be wrong too, although a little less
wrong and would have developed a better sense of judgement and a broader perspective.
SABF 2019 - Inconvenient Perspectives