Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services

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G. Compilation 
4.69.  There are two basic approaches, which are not 
necessarily mutually exclusive, to developing FATS 
statistics.  The first is to conduct surveys that directly 
request information on the operations of resident 
affiliates of foreign firms and foreign affiliates of 
domestic firms.  The second, which can be used only for 
inward investment, identifies the subset of existing data 
on resident enterprises that is accounted for by foreign-
owned firms. 
4.70.  Whichever of these approaches is taken, there 
are likely to be links to existing data on foreign direct 
investment.  Where there are surveys for FATS 
statistics, registers used in collecting FDI data would 
typically be used to identify majority-owned affiliates 
for which FATS variables should be collected. 
Alternatively, key FATS variables might be added to 
existing FDI surveys.  However, because FDI surveys 
may be conducted more frequently than FATS 
statistics are compiled (e.g., quarterly rather than 
annually) and require a quick turnaround, as well as 
because FATS statistics are needed for only the 
majority-owned portion of the FDI universe, separate 
surveys probably would offer a better solution in most 
cases.  Where existing domestic statistics are used as 
the source of information on FATS, links to FDI data 
will often provide the means of determining which 
resident enterprises are majority owned and should be 
included, as well as the means of identifying the 
country of owner. In that approach, FATS statistics 
would be obtained as an aggregation of statistical 
variables across the foreign-owned statistical 
4.71.  Each approach has its own advantages and 
drawbacks and it is possible to outline some of the 
intrinsic differences.  However, the criteria for deciding 
whether an enterprise is foreign owned would be the 
same in both cases. 

4.72. The FDI framework, whether implemented 
through adding questions to existing surveys or through 
institution of new surveys covering the majority-owned 
subset of the FDI population, allows for the compilation 
of outward as well as inward statistics and provides 
more options for tailoring the data to specific FATS 
needs.  However, the activity classification used in FDI 
statistics is generally rather aggregated, and it seems 
difficult to go beyond basic statistical variables, such as 
turnover and employment, without designing completely 
new surveys, which might raise concerns about resource 
availability and respondent burden.  Also, if that 
approach is taken, special care will be necessary to 
ensure compatibility with the domestic statistics with 
which the FATS statistics may be compared. 
4.73.  The picture of FATS statistics as a subset of 
enterprise statistics is quite different.  It is not possible to 
compile outward statistics within that framework. 
However, the activity classification used may be quite 
detailed and product detail may be available for sales or 
turnover.  In addition, a comprehensive set of statistical 
variables can generally be provided. 
4.74.  In many cases, a mix of the two approaches may 
work best, with the “FDI context” being used for the 
compilation of outward FATS statistics and for the 
identification of foreign-owned companies, and the 
“enterprise statistics” context being used for the 
compilation of inward FATS statistics, with a more 
detailed activity breakdown and a more comprehensive 
set of variables.  An extended business register might be 
a suitable means of maintaining such information. That 
approach has already been adopted in some countries 
that use them to maintain data on foreign ownership.  
The present Manual bases its recommendations on both 
approaches, recognizing the advantages and 
disadvantages of each and the need for countries to have 
flexibility in adapting the recommendations to their 
individual statistical infrastructures and maximizing the 
use of existing data. 
4.75.  One of the main challenges for the new statistical 
domain stems from the fact that the collection and 
definition of FATS statistics may draw on expertise and 
responsibilities that are scattered among multiple 
institutions, such as central banks, national statistical 
offices and various ministries.  Thus, as statistics are 
developed, there will be a need for close cooperation 
among the different institutions involved. 

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