participation of foreign expertise in delivering services.
Such information could provide the basis for policy
makers to adjust other regulatory measures if necessary -
for example, to remove obstacles or facilitate
employment conditions for certain categories of persons.
12. CPC provides the basis for classifying different
services as products of economic activities, including
those delivered by foreign natural persons supplying
services in the compiling economy. To establish a link
between the characteristics of those persons representing
the movement of natural persons and the product
classification is of particular relevance because CPC will
serve as a guideline for the elaboration of the future
classifications for specific aspects of the economy,
including international trade in services.
13. In the absence of direct observations on the
provision of services through mode 4, more than one
statistical measure could be used to demonstrate to what
extent the presence of natural persons is involved in the
delivery of services. The statistical classification systems
identified below will be considered in order to establish
to what extent they could provide information related to
services trade on the number of foreign persons who are
employed on a non-permanent basis in the host
economy’s service industries in their respective
occupational groupings and their value added to the host