partner. Allocation by mode of supply is discussed, as is
the treatment of repairs. Finally, it describes each of the
components of EBOPS. A further detailed elaboration of
EBOPS components through the presentation of a
correspondence with CPC, Version 1.0 is set out in
annex III.
B. Principles of recording 3.2. The principles for the measurement of services
transactions between residents and non-residents in the
present Manual are the same as those prescribed in
BPM5 and the 1993 SNA. This is to ensure that
compilers may make use of the same data sources as for
compiling balance of payments statistics and that
statistics on international trade in services are compiled
on a basis consistent with that of other macroeconomic
statistics. This is important both within each country’s
statistical system and also for purposes of international
comparability. The main principles for recording these
transactions are described below, and if more detailed
guidance is needed, it may be obtained from BPM5 and
its companion volumes, the IMF Balance of Payments Textbook and the IMF Balance of Payments Compilation Guide.