services covers all other transportation services that
cannot be allocated to any of the components of
transportation services described above.
3.64. EBOPS and BPM5 distinguish the same
breakdown into kinds of transportation service.
3.65. Passenger services covers all services provided
between the compiling economy and abroad or between
two foreign economies in the international transportation
of non-residents by resident carriers (credit) and that of
residents by non-resident carriers (debit). Included in
passenger services are those passenger services
performed within an economy by non-resident carriers;
fares that are a part of package tours; charges for excess
baggage, vehicles, or other personal accompanying
effects; and expenditures for food, drink, or other items
that passengers make while on board carriers. Also
included in passenger services are rentals provided by
residents to non-residents, and vice versa, of vessels,
aircraft, coaches or other commercial vehicles with
crews for limited periods (such as a single voyage) for
the carriage of passengers.
3.66. Excluded are passenger services provided to non-
residents by resident carriers within the resident
economies (included in travel services), cruise fares
(included in travel services), rentals or charters that are
financial leases (not included in EBOPS), and time
charters without crew (included in operational leasing services).
3.67. Freight services may be divided into four
categories. The first two are related to the fact that in an
economy’s balance of payments statistics, following
BPM5, goods are valued free on board (f.o.b.)
at the
customs frontier of the exporting economy, and thus
freight charges are, by convention, borne by the
importing economy (whether or not these are directly
charged to the importer or included in the import price).
The first category relates to international transportation
of the compiling economy’s exports and imports of
goods; included are transportation services provided by
(a) resident operators, beyond the customs frontier of the
For a fuller discussion of valuation f.o.b., see BPM5, paras.
219 - 229.
compiling economy, on the compiling economy’s
exports (credits), and (b) non-resident operators, beyond
the customs frontier of the exporting economy, on the
compiling economy’s imports (debits).
3.68. The second category of freight transportation is
transport services provided by (a) resident operators of
the compiling economy inside the customs frontier of
the exporting economy, on the compiling economy’s
imports (credits), and (b) operators not resident in the
compiling economy, inside the customs frontier of the
compiling economy, on the compiling economy’s
exports (debits).
3.69. The third category is concerned with freight transportation supplied for goods that are not exports or
imports of the compiling economy, but rather are (a)
transit trade through an economy, (b) transport of goods
between third economies (cross-trade), (c) coastal
transportation or other transportation of goods between
points within an economy, (d) movements of goods to or
from entities located outside territories where the entities
are residents (such as government agencies) provided by
non-resident carriers, and (e) transport of mail for postal
and courier services. This category comprises
transportation services provided by resident operators
for these goods when they are owned by non-residents
(credit) and by non-resident operators on these goods
when they are owned by residents of the compiling
economy (debit).
3.70. The fourth group consists of rentals (or
operational leases) provided by residents to non-
residents, and vice versa, of vessels, aircraft, freight cars
or other commercial vehicles with crews for limited
periods (such as a single voyage) for the carriage of
freight. Also included are towing related to the
transportation of drilling platforms, floating cranes and
dredges. Financial leases and time charters without crew
are excluded.
3.71. Those services that are not covered above and
that relate to one mode of transport only are recorded
under the other category for the appropriate mode of
transport (sea, air, rail, road and inland waterway
transport). Services that relate to more than one mode of
transport and that cannot be allocated to individual
modes of transport are recorded under other supporting