workers. All other business travel is included in the
EBOPS subcomponent otherbusiness travel.
3.84. Personal travelcovers goods and services
acquired by travellers going abroad for purposes other
than business, such as holidays, participation in
recreational and cultural activities, visits with friends
and relations, pilgrimage, and education- and health-
related purposes. The present Manual recommends a
breakdown of personal travel into three sub-components
- health-related expenditure (total expenditure by those
travelling for medical reasons), education-related expenditure(i.e., total expenditure by students), and all
other personal travel expenditure. This breakdown is the
same as the supplementary information recommended in
BPM5. In addition, separate data collected on, or
estimated for, expenditure specifically on health and
education services are useful for analytical purposes, and
if these are available they should be provided separately.
3.85. The present Manual recommends an alternative
disaggregation for travel services, to distinguish