parts of the insurance risk, often to specialized operators,
in return for a proportionate share of the premium
income. Reinsurance transactions may relate to packages
that mix several types of risks.
3.107. Auxiliary services comprises transactions that are
closely related to insurance and pension fund operations.
Included are agents’ commissions, insurance brokering
and agency services, insurance and pension consultancy
services, evaluation and adjustment services, actuarial
services, salvage administration services, and regulatory
and monitoring services on indemnities and recovery
Insurance costs up to the customs frontier of the exporting
economy are included in the f.o.b. value of the goods
exported. In this case, if the insurance services are provided
by non-residents of the exporting economy, they should be
included in insurance services-debits of the exporting
economy and insurance services-credits of the economy that
provides the services.