B. Create new sentences using the expressions below.
(1) be fortunate to
(2) tide over
(3) achieve a goal
(4) save one’s honor/maintain one’s dignity
C. Find an error in each sentence.
(1) I take pride of my alma mater, New York University.
(2) I have to find somebody to take care for my younger sister.
(3) My grandfather decided to cut down drinking coffee.
(4) My house was located near to the museum.
Q173. When hiring a new employee, should the employer hire a
person based on their knowledge or on their experience?
A. Sample Answer
When one is hiring a new employee, they should hire somebody based on their experience rather
than their knowledge. In life, knowledge is important, but having experience in something is more
beneficial to a company. First, if you are a skilled technician in something, then having the
experience in that field is much more useful to the company than you just having book smarts about it.
Secondly, it will cost the company less money to train you as well if you already have the hands on
experienced required to perform a certain job skill. If the company had to hire somebody new right
from a knowledge-based institution, it would cost the company a great deal of money, because they
would make many costly mistakes as they are learning. By hiring an experienced person, costs due to
mistakes are decreased and the person has already proven that they have the knowledge to perform
the job correctly.
B. Create new sentences using the expressions below.
(1) be based on
(2) be beneficial to
(3) no matter what…. (when, who..)
(4) stir feelings of (pride, shame, etc.)
C. Find an error in each sentence.
(1) He has enough knowledge performing the job.
(2) It cost him with $300,000 to build the house.
(3) How much did it cost you in building the boat?
(4) He succeed to pass the exam.