How to find or wipe the data of a lost phone.
If at all or happens that your phone is lost, missen or stolen by theft, then you
can quickly locate it, else, you can lock it, or you can also make it ring at q
very full volume by using
your Android Device Manager, it is a free
Application and an associated Web tool from Google. Ask you need to do is
just for you to download
the phone app from Google Play, then you would
need to enter your Google account information and then you will need to visit
web address;, then
when you do so, whenever your device is missen for whatsoever reason, then
you can quickly recover it. Most of the third-party Applications offer several
similar functionality, but Google keeps it so so simple by making use of your
username and your password too.
How to connect your smart device to a mouse, or a
keyboard or an SD card reader.
You may actually have a need to type your emails with a cool and real
QWERTY keyboard or try to scroll around Web pages with a mouse similar
to the mouse of a PC rather than making use of your fingers. The very micro-
USB port you use for charging your phone Actually
can also connect your
device to peripherals. You just can attach a $5 USB OTG cable — or "On the
Go" cable, which has a micro-USB male jack that plugs itself directly into
your device and a female USB port you can also make use of too for you to
connect to
other devices like keyboards, or mice or even flash drives.
Although it may happen to be that your phone probably may be emitting
enough electricity, which will be used to power a wireless mouse or even an
SD card reader on its own, technology experts recommend using a powered
USB hub for anything else.