(Georgian). In 1998 on 8 September in Baku was held an international conference on the restoration of the Silk Road. Around TASIS and TRASEKA programs as a result of
cooperation with the Economic Commission with Europe direction to the European and Asian the volume of transit cargo
shipments increased by 10 times. At the end of the year 2002 was agreed to export Baku Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline.
After restoration of state independence in the Republic of
Azerbaijan cultural and spiritual life have happened significant
changes. In 1991 December was adopted the law on reinstatement of Latin alphabet. In 1996 was signed a
memorandum about Cooperation with UNESCO. In the spring of 1997 Azerbaijan joined European Cultural Convention. In the mid-1992 was created “Permanent Committee of Culture Ministers of Turkic-speaking countries”. In 1993 was created
as the executive body of this committee TURKSOY.
On 13 June 2000 decree about President H.Aliyev impro- ving the education system in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Since 1993 in Republic for improvingculture and education were imple-
mented a number of measures. Since 1998 April library named af-
ter M.F. Akhundov received the status of a National library. There
were occured changes in the life of higher education institutions.
Since 1993 in high schools 2 levels education Bachelor and Mas- ter was passed. There was occured private educational institutions.
Thousands of youth had to get the opportunity to study abroad. To
enrich people's spiritual world science, education, literature and
art’s were used all possible means.