Measures for adaptation to climate change
Mitigating the influence of climate change requires a complex ap-
proach, including measures for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
and adaptation. One of the main measures in this plan is to reduce emis-
Impacts of climate change on water resources in Central Asia
Número 25, 2009
sions of greenhouse gases and to improve the state of natural carbon
absorbers. All the countries are signatories of the UN Framework Con-
vention on Climate Change, which came into force on 21 March, 1994.
The ultimate aim of the convention is to stabilise the concentration of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at such a level that would not rep-
resent a dangerous anthropogenic influence on climatic system. Within
the framework of the aforementioned convention the countries of the
region develop national programmes for reducing climate change and
adapting to its consequences, as well as submitting information on an
inventory of greenhouse gases to the convention secretariat.
Considerable emissions reductions in the atmosphere would be en-
couraged by giving priority to the use of renewable energy sources in-
stead of fuels that are the main sources of air pollution. Within this
plan, hydroresources (which have an effective potential of 460 billion in
KW hours/year, exceeding the consumption of the Central Asia region
by more than three times) are preferable. Up to 10% of this potential is
used. Construction of the Rogun and Dashtijum HPPs in Tajikistan and
Kambarta HPPs in Kyrgyzstan, with reservoirs that will enable the max-
imisation of flow regulation levels for the Amu-Darya and Syr-Darya
for many years to come, and will provide a secure water supply, and may
improve the situation in this sphere. Besides being an ecologically clean
and cheap power supply, hydro-power is also important from the point
of view of the sustainable use of natural resources in the long-term fu-
ture, after oil and gas reserves (which are intensively used by some coun-
tries in the region for generating electric power) have been exhausted.
The reservoirs of waterworks facilities, besides their reliable long-term
and seasonal flow regulation maintenance, also promote the prevention
of such extreme hydrological phenomena as flashing, mud-flows and
flooding, and the mitigation of the consequences of drought.
Mitigating negative water-related consequences also requires a safe hy-
drometeorological monitoring system. After the collapse of the Soviet Un-
ion, the hydrometeorological network of the region declined. However,
Sulton Rahimov
Documentos CIDOB, Asia
Impacts of climate change on water resources in Central Asia
since then adequate measures have been taken which have considerably
improved the situation. At present in the region, thanks to financial sup-
port from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the project
“Swiss support to NHMS in the Aral Sea Basin” has been implemented,
aimed at restoring hydrological and meteorological stations, improving
the quality of forecasts and data exchange at national and regional levels,
and also providing the necessary NHMS of CA countries with equipment
and software. In 2007, the Executive Committee of IFAS and World Me-
teorological Organization commenced the project “Hydrological Cycle
Observing System in the Aral Sea Basin” (Aral-HYCOS) which is also
intended for strengthening the capacity of the NHMS of Central Asia in
the sphere of water resources assessment and research into the global hy-
drological cycle. The project is supported by some donor agencies.
In conditions of climate change, there is a need for effective use of
soil and water resources, with the minimisation of anthropogenous in-
fluence. This, first of all, concerns irrigated agriculture, and the need
for the development of new ameliorative regimes, an increase in the ef-
ficiency of irrigation systems and introduction of progressive irrigation
methods, encouraging water saving, and the optimising of an agricultur-
al composition by moving from hygrophilous to more drought-resistant
crops for reasons of food security. It would be promoted appreciably by
the introduction of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).
However, a primary factor in ensuring water security against the predict-
able reduction of river flow in Central Asia is undoubtedly the regulation
of the use of water resources at the interstate level. Central Asia needs a
new strategy of water distribution, to be developed taking into account the
climatic changes occurring and development scenarios on a medium- and
long-term basis and considering the interests of all the countries of the
region. At present, water resources in the Central Asian part of the Aral
Sea Basin are used on the basis of feasibility studies from the USSR period,
adopted by agreements from the Post-Soviet period. In the new political
and economic conditions, the interests of the countries of the region were
Impacts of climate change on water resources in Central Asia
Número 25, 2009
divided. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan –where the main flow of the Aral Sea
Basin (more than 80%) is formed– are interested in using the available
water resources for power generation, but the downstream countries (Kaza-
khstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) intend to continue to use the same
resources for irrigation. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the up-
stream countries are interested in the maximum water discharge in winter,
when electricity needs are very high, while the downstream countries need
the same maximum water discharge in the summer for irrigating land. All
these gradually become a potential risk for starting conflict in the region.
Thus, it can be stated that the extent of the problems and tasks with
respect to mitigating the influence of climate change is impressive and
covers almost all the spheres of human life activity. Priority attention in
the region should be paid to this problem, together with to the extensive
drying-up of the Aral Sea. Mitigating and overcoming these crises will
require the mobilisation of efforts by all stakeholders and more harmo-
nious cooperation between the Central Asian countries. The difficulties
of the last winter, followed by a drought-affected summer have shown
again the necessity for valuable and effective cooperation in the region.
Only together can we withstand all these threats.
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