Managing water resources in Central Asia: regional and international
issues at stake
U. Islamov, Anar Khamzayeva, F. Maksudov, D. Maksudova, Sulton Rahimov,
Bektur Sakiev
This publication came about as a product of the debate workshop “Managing water
resources in Central Asia: regional and international issues at stake”, an academic meet-
ing organised by the CIDOB Foundation, within the framework of the Observatory
on Central Asia, which co-sponsored the event together with Casa Asia and the Royal
Elcano Institute. The book includes research studies by four of its academic speakers, as
well as the main conclusions reached and a few recommendations of great importance
for national and international actors, as well as for the main international powers with
interests in the region. This is a document of great value for anybody who is interested
in the management of water resources and the dynamics of cooperation and conflict
that are generated around such an activity, and area that is of key importance to under-
standing the past, present and future of relations between the Central Asian states in
such crucial areas as water resources, energy and the damage done to the environment
by climate change and pollution. The subject is developed as follows: firstly, through a
general approach to the subject, given out by Anar Khamzayeva, a doctorate student at
the LUISS Guido Carli University and ex-analyst at the Institute for World Economy
and Politics (IWEP) of
Kazakhstan, and who places attention on the need to create
frameworks of cooperation between the different states in the region.
Sulton Rahimov, ex-Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Fund
for Saving the Aral Sea (EC-IFAS) deals with the effects of climate change on Central
Asia, focusing particularly on the degradation of the Aral Sea area. Farhod Maksudov, a
researcher from the Uzbek Academy of Sciences and an environmental expert from the
Office of the UNDP in Uzbekistan offers the reader an analytical article on a specific
programme: the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) project, which
was created with the aim of establishing comprehensive water management for sustain-
able development in the area. In the final study, Bektur Sakiev, from the organisation
Foundation for Tolerance International of Kirguiztan, examines one particular practical
case: the management of water in the strategic Ferghana valley. Finally, the publication
includes a report from the workshop that brings together the main conclusions of the
experts on Central Asia and a few recommendations, in order to turn the workshop
and this publication into a document that is useful for anyone interested in the efficient
management of resources and the dynamics that are generated around them when they
are in short supply.
Key words: Agriculture, Aral Sea, Central Asia, Climate change, Development, Environment,
Ferghana Valley,
International cooperation, Kazakhstan, Kirguiztan,
Uzbekistan, Water conflict, Water resources.