15.5. A Complete Example
This section will show you a complete example of a user defined floating environment with list
of that kind of floats and KOMA-Script integration using tocbasic. This example uses internal
commands, that have a “@” in their name. This means, that the code has to be put into a
package or class, or has to be placed between \makeatletter and \makeatother.
First of all, a new floating environment will be needed. This could simply be done using:
Chapter 15: Management of Tables and Lists of Contents Using tocbasic
To the new environment is named remarkbox.
Each floating environment has a default placement. This is build by some of the well known
placement options:
So, the new floating environment should be placed by default only either at the top of a page,
at the bottom of a page, or on a page on its own.
Floating environments have a numerical floating type. Environments with the same active
bit at the floating type cannot change their order. Figures and table normally use type 1 and
2. So a figure that comes later at the source code than a table, may be output earlier than
the table and vica versa.
The new environment has floating type 4, so it may pass figures and floats and may be passed
by those.
The captions of floating environment also have numbers.
Remark~\theremarkbox\csname autodot\endcsname}
Here first a new counter has been defined, that is independent from chapters or the counters of
other structural levels. L
TEX itself also defines \theremarkbox with the default Arabic repre-
sentation of the counter’s value. Afterwards this has been used defining the formatted output
of the counter. Last this formatted output has been used for the output of the environment
number of the
Floating environments have lists of themselves and those need a auxiliary file with name
and a file name extension, the TOC-file:
The file name extension of the TOC-file for the list of remarkboxes is “lor”.
This was the definition of the floating environment. But the list of this new environment’s
captions is still missing. To reduce the implementation effort package tocbasic will be used for
this. This will be loaded using
inside of document preambles. Authors of classes or packages would use
Now we register the file name extension for package tocbasic:
Chapter 15: Management of Tables and Lists of Contents Using tocbasic
Thereby the owner float has been used, to allude all further KOMA-Script options for list of
figures and list of tables also to the new one.
Next we define a title or heading for the list of remarkboxes:
\newcommand*{\listoflorname}{List of Remarks}
You may use package scrbase to additionally support titles in other languages than English.
Also a command is needed to define the layout of the entries to the list of remarks:
Here simply the entries to the list of remarks get the same layout like the entries to the list of
figures. This would be the easiest solution. A more explicit would be, e. g.,
Additionally you may want structure the list of remarks depending on chapters.
The KOMA-Script classes provide that feature and maybe other classes do so too. Unfortu-
nately the standard classes do not.
This would already be enough. Now, users may already select different kinds of headings
either using the corresponding options of the KOMA-Script classes, or
, e. g., with
or without entry in the table of contents, with or without number. But a simple
may make the usage a little bit easier again.
As you’ve seen only five commands refers to the list of remarks. Only three of them are
necessary. Nevertheless the new list of remarks already provides optional numbering of the
heading and optional not numbered entry into the table of contents. Optional even a lower
document structure level may be used for the heading. Running headers are provides with
the KOMA-Script classes, the standard classes, and all classes that explicitly support tocbasic.
Supporting classes even pay attention to this new list of remarks at every new
. Even
changes of the current language are handled inside the list of remarks like they will inside the
list of figures or inside the list of tables.
Moreover, an author of a package may add more features. For example, options to hide
from the users may be added. On the other hand, the tocbasic manual may be
referenced to describe the corresponding features. The advantage of this would be that user
would get information about new features provides by tocbasic. But if the user should be able
to set the features of the remarks even without knowledge about the file name extension lor
a simple
\ newcommand*{\setupremarkboxes}{\ setuptoc{lor}}
would be enough to use a list of features argument to \setupremarkboxes as list of features
of file name extension lor.
Chapter 15: Management of Tables and Lists of Contents Using tocbasic
15.6. Everything with One Command Only
The example from the previous section shows, that using tocbasic to define floating environ-
ments and lists with the captions of those floating environments is easy. The following example
will show, that it may be even easier.
\DeclareNewTOC[options ]{extension }
This command declares
in one step only a new TOC, the heading of that TOC, the term used
for the TOC-entries, and to manage the file name extension . Additionally optional floating
and non-floating environments may be defined, and inside of both such environments
may be used. The additional features
, and
of the KOMA-Script classes (see
section 3.20
) may also be used inside of those environments.
Argument extension is the file name extension of the TOC-file, that represents the list of
something. See
section 15.1
for more information about this. This argument is mandatory
and must not be empty!
Argument options is a comma separated list, like you know it from, e. g.,
section 2.4
). Nevertheless, those options cannot be set using
! An overview
of all available options may be found in
table 15.2
option tocentrystyle is not used, style default will be used. For information about
this style see
section 15.3
. If you do not want to define a command for entries to the list
of something, you can use an empty argument, i. e., tocentrystyle= or tocentrystyle={}.
Nevertheless, this would contain the risk to get a lot of errors while printing that list.
on the style of the entries to the list of something, you can setup all valid
attributes of the selected style as part of the options . To do so you have to prefix the names
of the attributes given in
table 15.1
page 360
by prefix tocentry. Later changes of the
style of the entries can be made using
. See
section 15.3
page 357
for more information about the styles.
Table 15.2.: Options for command \DeclareNewTOC
The instructions will be executed at the begin of the floating or non-floating
The instructions will be executed at the end of the floating or non-floating envi-
. . .
Chapter 15: Management of Tables and Lists of Contents Using tocbasic
Table 15.2.: Options for command \DeclareNewTOC (continuation)
TEX counter
If you define a float or non-float, the captions will be numbered and a counter type
(see option type) will be defined. You may declare another counter to be the parent
TEX counter. In this case, the parent counter will be set before the float counter
and the float counter will be reset whenever the parent counter is increased using
or \refstepcounter.
If set, float environments for that type will be defined. The names of the environ-
ments are the value of type and for double column floats the value of type with
addendum “*”.
floatpos=float positions
The default floating position of the float. If no float position was given, “tbp” will
be used like the standard classes do for figures and tables.
The numerical float type of the defined floats. Float types with common bits cannot
be reordered. At the standard classes figures has float type 1 and tables has float
type 2. If no float type was given, 16 will be used.
If set, the names will be even defined, if they where already defined before.
This option is deprecated since KOMA-Script 3.20. Now, the amount of the hanging
indent of the entries for that list depend on attributes of the TOC-entry style given by
option tocentrystyle. The styles of KOMA-Script provide an attribute numwidth.
If the used style has such an attribute, \DeclareNewTOC will initialise it with 1.5 em.
You can change the real value using tocentrynumwidth=value . The KOMA-Script
classed for example use tocentrynumwidth=2.3em.
This option is deprecated since KOMA-Script 3.20. Now, the amount of indenting
the entries of that list depend on attributes of the TOC-entry style given by option
. The styles of KOMA-Script provide an attribute indent. If the
used style has such an attribute, \DeclareNewTOC will initialise it with 1 em. You can
change the real value using tocentryindent=value . The KOMA-Script classed for
example use tocentrynumwidth=1.5em.
. . .
Chapter 15: Management of Tables and Lists of Contents Using tocbasic
Table 15.2.: Options for command \DeclareNewTOC (continuation)
This option is deprecated since KOMA-Script 3.20. Now, the level of the en-
tries of that list depend on attributes of the TOC-entry style given by op-
tion tocentrystyle.
Nevertheless all styles have an attribute level and
initialises it with 1. You can change the real value using
The name of the TOC. If not given the value of types with upper case first char
using \MakeUppercase prefixed by “List of ” will be used.
The name of an element. If no name is given, the value of type with upper case first
char will be used.
If set, a non floating environment will be defined. The name of the environment is
the value of type with attached “-”.
The owner as described in the sections before. If no owner was given owner float
will be used.
tocentrystyle=TOC-entry style
TOC-entry style
is the style that should be used for all entries into the TOC
corresponding to the extension . The name of the entry level is given by option
. Additional to the options of this table all attributes of the TOC-entry style
can be used as options. To do so, you have to prefix the name of such an attribute
by toc. For example, you can change the numerical level of the entries using option
. For more information about the styles and their attributes see
section 15.3
page 356
tocentrystyle-option =value
Additional options depending on the TOC-entry style given by tocentrystyle.
section 15.3
page 356
for additional information about TOC-entry styles. See
table 15.1
page 360
for information about the attributes of the predefined TOC-entry
styles of package tocbasic, that can be used as style-option .
. . .
Chapter 15: Management of Tables and Lists of Contents Using tocbasic
Table 15.2.: Options for command \DeclareNewTOC (continuation)
sets the type of the new declared TOC. The type will be used e. g. to defined a
. If no type is set up the extension from the mandatory argument
will be used.
the plural of the type. If no plural was given the value of type with attached “s”
will be used.
Example: Using \DeclareNewTOC reduces the example from
section 15.5
type=remarkbox, %
float,% define a floating environment
listname={List of Remarks}%
Beside environments remarkbox and remarkbox* the counter remarkbox, the com-
mands \theremarkbox, \remarkboxname, and \remarkboxformat that are used
for captions; the commands \listremarkboxnames and \listofremarkboxes that
are used at the list of remarks; and some internal commands that depends on the
file name extension lor are defined. If the package should use a default for the
floating type, option Optionfloattype may be omitted. If option nonfloat will be
used additionally, then a non-floating environment remarkbox- will be also de-
fined. You may use
inside of that non-floating environment as usual for
floating environments.
Figure 15.3
shows a comparison of the commands, counters
and environments of the example environment remarkbox and of the commands,
counters and environments for figures.
And now a possible usage of the example environment:
Equal should be typeset equally
and with equal formatting.
\caption{First theorem of typography}
A segment of an example page with this environment could be:
Chapter 15: Management of Tables and Lists of Contents Using tocbasic
Table 15.3.: Comparison of example environment remarkbox and environment figure
options of
short description
, float
floating environments of the
respective types
, float
columns spanning floating en-
vironments of the respective
, float
counter used by
, float
output command to the re-
spective counters
, float
formatting command to the
respective counters used by
, float,
names used in the label of
, float command to show the list of
the respective environments
, float,
heading text of the respective
, float,
numeric float type for order
file name extension of the
TOC-file of the respective list
Equal should be typeset equally and with equal
Remark 1: First theorem of typography
Users of hyperref should always use option listname. Otherwise they may get an error
message, because hyperref usually has a problem with the \MakeUppercase command that is
used to change the case of the first letter of types in the name of the list.
Chapter 16: Hacks for Third-Party Packages by Package scrhack
Hacks for Third-Party Packages by Package scrhack
Some packages from other authors could have problems with KOMA-Script. In my opinion
some packages could be improved. With some packages this makes only sense, if KOMA-Script
was used. With some other packages the package author has another opinion. Sometimes
proposals was never answered. Package scrhack contains all those improvement proposals for
other packages. This means, scrhack redefines macros of packages from other authors! The
redefinitions are only activated, if those packages were loaded. Users can prevent scrhack from
redefining macros of individual packages.
16.1. State of Development Note
Though this package is part of KOMA-Script for long time and though it has been used by
lot of users, there’s one problem with it. While redefinition of macros of foreign packages,
it depend on the exact definition an usage of those macros. This means additionally, that it
depends on dedicated releases of those packages. If a unknown release of such a package will
be used, scrhack eventually could not do the needed patch. Contrary, in extreme cases the
patch can cause errors and fault.
So scrhack has to be continuously modified to fit new releases of foreign packages and will
never be finished. Because of this scrhack will stay in beta state forever. Though the usage
will generally be a benefit, the correct function could not be guaranteed forever.
16.2. Early or late Selection of Options
All of what is described in
section 2.4
is generally applicable. So if you have alread read and
section 2.4
you can switch to
section 16.3
page 379
In this section a peculiarity of KOMA-Script is presented, which, apart from the scrhack
package, is also relevant to other KOMA-Script packages and classes. Such that the user can
find all information corresponding to a single package or a single class in the relevant chapter,
this section is found almost identically in several chapters. Users who are not only interested
in a particular package or class, but wish to gain an overview of KOMA-Script as a whole,
may read the section in one chapter and may thereafter skip it wherever coming across it in
the document.
Chapter 16: Hacks for Third-Party Packages by Package scrhack
\documentclass[option list ]{KOMA - Script class }
\usepackage[option list ]{package list }
In L
TEX, provision is made for the user to pass class options as a comma-separated list of
keywords as optional arguments to \documentclass. Apart from being passed to the class,
these options are also passed on to all packages which can understand the options. Provision
is also made for the user to pass optional arguments as a comma-separated list of keywords
as optional arguments to \usepackage. KOMA-Script expands
the option mechanism for the
KOMA-Script classes and various packages to use further possibilities. Thus, most KOMA-
Script options can also take a value. An option may have not only the form Option , but
may also have the form option =value . Apart from this difference \documentclass and
function the same in KOMA-Script as described in [
] or any introduction
to L
TEX, for example [
You should note, that in opposite to the interface described below the options interface of
and \usepackage is not robust. So commands, lengths, counters and such
constructs may break inside the optional argument of these commands. Because of this, the
usage of a L
TEX length inside the value of an option would cause an error before KOMA-Script
can get the control over the option execution. So, if you want to use a L
TEX length, counter
or command a part of the value of an option, you have to use
These commands will be described next.
\KOMAoptions{option list }
\KOMAoption{option }{value list }
offers most class and package options the opportunity to change the value of
options even after loading of the class or package. One may then change the values of a list of
options at will with the \KOMAoptions command. Each option in the option list has the
form option =value .
Some options also have a default value. If one does not give a value, i. e., gives the option
simply in the form option , then the default value will be used.
Some options can assume several values simultaneously. For such options there exists the
possibility, with the help of \KOMAoption, to pass a single option a list of values. The
individual values are given as a comma-separated value list .
To implement this possibility KOMA-Script uses the commands
with the family “KOMA”. For more information in these commands see
part II
section 12.2
page 313
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