Chapter 17: Defining Layers and Page Styles Using scrlayer
Table 17.1.: Options for the definition of layers (Continuation)
align=alignment characters
The alignment characters define the desired alignment of the layer. Each
alignment character
influences either, how argument length of option hoffset
or voffset will be used. Several alignment characters may be used together
(without comma or space) and will be interpreted in the order of occurrence. No
macros should be used here! Valid alignment character s are:
– align the layer at its bottom edge; the value of voffset is interpreted as the
distance from the top edge of the paper to the bottom edge of the layer.
– align the layer at its centre; the values of voffset and hoffset are interpreted
as the distance from the top left corner of the paper to the centre of the layer.
– align the layer at its left edge: the value of hoffset is interpreted as the distance
from the left edge of the paper to the left edge of the layer.
– align the layer at its right edge; the value of hoffset is interpreted as the
distance from the left edge of the paper to the right edge of the layer.
– align the layer at its top edge; the value of voffset is interpreted as the distance
from the top edge of the paper to the top edge of the layer.
area={hoffset }{voffset }{width }{height }
The composed option results in hoffset=hoffset , voffset=voffset , width=
, height=height .
This option removes any foreground or background restriction of the layer. Generally
usage of this option makes no sense, but it is provided for completeness of the user
interface. The option does not expect any value.
Print the layer only in the background, but not in the foreground. This makes a
background-only layer in opposite to the default of layers which are both, background
and foreground layers and therefore would be printed twice. The option does not
expect any value. By the default the attribute is not set.
. . .
Chapter 17: Defining Layers and Page Styles Using scrlayer
Table 17.1.: Options for the definition of layers (Continuation)
The composed option sets hoffset, voffset, width, height, and align to hori-
zontally span the paper from the left edge to the right and vertically span the area
below the footer down to the bottom edge of the paper.
clone=layer name
The composed option sets all primary attributes of the layer to the same values as
the primary attributes of the layer with the given layer name . Note, that layer
has to be fully expandable and should expand to letters only. Some additional
characters are tolerated, but are not recommended!
The code will be expanded whenever the layer is printed. So the code is what you
will see. Code validity is not checked. So errors in code may result in several failures
on each page, that prints the layer.
Print the layer on even pages only, but not on odd pages. The option does not expect
any value. By the default the option is not set and therefore layers would be printed
on odd pages and on even pages. Note, that this attribute subsumes twoside.
This is a combination of oddorevenpage and floatornonfloatpage. The option
does not expect any value.
This option removes any restriction of the layer to single side or double side printing.
This is also the default of layers. The option does not expect any value.
This option removes any restriction of the layer to float or non-float pages. So the
layer will be printed independent of whether a page is a float page or not. This is
also the default of layers. The option does not expect any value.
Print the layer on float pages only, but not on other pages. The option does not
expect any value. By the default the attribute is not set and therefore layers would
be printed on float pages and on non-float pages.
. . .
Chapter 17: Defining Layers and Page Styles Using scrlayer
Table 17.1.: Options for the definition of layers (Continuation)
The composed option sets hoffset, voffset, width, height, and align to hori-
zontally span the text area and vertically span the page footer defined by the new
TEX length \footheight.
The composed option sets hoffset, voffset, width, height, and align to horizon-
tally span the text area and vertically span the distance between the text area and
the page footer (note, that this is not the same like \footskip).
Print the layer only in the foreground, but not in the background. This makes a
foreground-only layer in opposite to the default of layers which are both, background
and foreground layers and therefore would be printed twice. The option does not
expect any value. By the default the attribute is not set.
The composed option sets hoffset, voffset, width, height, and align to horizon-
tally span the text area and vertically span the page head defined by usual L
length \headheight.
The composed option sets hoffset, voffset, width, height, and align to horizon-
tally span the text area and vertically span the distance between the page head and
the text area.
Sets the height of the layer. Note, that length can either be a L
TEX length, declared
using \newlength, or a TEX length, declared using \newdimen or \newskip, a length
value like 10 pt, or a dimensional expression using +, -, /, *, (, and ). For more
information about valid dimensional expressions see [
, section 3.5].
Sets the offset of the layer (depending on align either left edge of the layer, middle
of the layer or right edge of the layer) from the left edge of the paper. See height
for more information about valid content of length .
. . .
Chapter 17: Defining Layers and Page Styles Using scrlayer
Table 17.1.: Options for the definition of layers (Continuation)
The composed option sets hoffset, voffset, width, height, and align to horizon-
tally span the distance between the right edge of text area and the right edge of the
paper on even pages or the distance between the left edge of the paper and the left
edge of the text area on odd pages and vertically span the whole paper from the top
edge to the bottom edge.
The composed option sets hoffset, voffset, width, height, and align to horizon-
tally span the distance between the left edge of the paper and the left edge of the
text area and vertically span the whole paper from the top edge to the bottom edge.
The primary option defines the mode for the layer output. Default is mode=text.
The Baseline of the first text line will be placed the height of one standard text line
below the top edge of the layer. Therefore the text output will be top aligned in the
layer. In picture mode the layer spans a picture environment with the origin in
the bottom left corner of the layer. The also available raw mode current is the same
like text mode .
Changing the mode of a layer generally can move the contents. Additionally, i. e.,
picture mode
provides additional commands that result in errors with another mode .
Therefore, generally it makes no sense to change the mode of a layer after it’s initial
Restricts the layer to pages, that are not float pages. The option does not expect any
value. By the default the attribute is not set and therefore layers would be printed
on float pages and on non-float pages.
Removes any restriction of the layer to odd or even pages. So it will be printed
independently of whether a page is odd or even. This is also the default of layers.
The option does not expect any value.
Print the layer on odd pages only, but not on even pages. The option does not expect
any value. By the default the option is not set and therefore layers would be printed
on odd pages and on even pages.
. . .
Chapter 17: Defining Layers and Page Styles Using scrlayer
Table 17.1.: Options for the definition of layers (Continuation)
Print the layer in single-side mode only, but not in two-side mode. The option does
not expect any value. By the default the attribute is not set and therefore layers
would be printed in single-side and two-side mode.
The composed option sets hoffset, voffset, width, height, and align to horizon-
tally span the distance between the left edge of the paper and the left edge of the
text area on even pages or the distance between the right edge of the text area and
the right edge of the paper on odd pages and vertically span the whole paper from
the top edge to the bottom edge.
The composed option sets hoffset, voffset, width, height, and align to horizon-
tally and vertically span the whole paper from the left edge to the right edge and
the top edge to the bottom edge.
Value code will be added at the very beginning of the current value of attribute
. So the new content will be generated in front of the already existing
content. For more information about the handling of code see option contents.
The composed option sets hoffset, voffset, width, height, and align to horizon-
tally span the distance between the right edge of text area and the right edge of the
paper and vertically span the whole paper from the top edge to the bottom edge.
The composed option sets hoffset, voffset, width, height, and align to horizon-
tally and vertically span the whole text area from the left edge to the right edge and
the top edge to the bottom edge.
The composed option sets hoffset, voffset, width, height, and align to horizon-
tally span the whole page from the left edge to the right edge and vertically span
the distance between the top edge of the paper and the page head.
. . .
Chapter 17: Defining Layers and Page Styles Using scrlayer
Table 17.1.: Options for the definition of layers (Continuation)
Print the layer in two-side mode only, but not in single-side mode. The option does
not expect any value. By the default the attribute is not set and therefore layers
would be printed in single-side and two-side mode.
This option removes all output restrictions of the layer. It is a combination of
, everyside, and floatornonfloatpage. The option does not
expect any value.
Sets the offset of the layer (depending on align either top edge of the layer, middle
of the layer or bottom edge of the layer) from the top edge of the paper. See height
for more information about valid content of length .
Sets the width of the layer. See height for more information about valid content of
These commands are valid during output of the layer’s contents only. So they can only be
used inside the code of option contents of the previously described commands. In this case
they give the effective alignment, position and dimension of the layer, that will be used for
the output. However, the effective dimension of the layer’s contents may differ, i. e., if the
contents are oversized or do not fill the layer completely.
The primary layer attribute align is mapped to \layerhalign
and \layervalign. The
horizontal values l and r are copied to \layerhalign. The vertical values r and b are copied to
. The also horizontal and vertical value c is copied to both commands. If align
has contradictory values, only the last one is copied. Therefore the resulting \layerhalign is
either l, c, or r and the resulting \layervalign is either r, c, or b.
Redefinition of the commands to change the stored values is strictly forbidden and would
result in unpredictable issues.
Chapter 17: Defining Layers and Page Styles Using scrlayer
\LenToUnit{length }
command has been copied from eso-pic 2.0f. It converts lengths into multiples of
. It can be used everywhere L
TEX expects picture coordinates or \unitlength-
depending values. For more information see [
] and the following descriptions of \putUR,
, and \putLR. If the command is already defined, e. g., by loading eso-pic before scrlayer,
the package does not define it again.
It should be noted at this point that using package picture (see [
]) supersedes
more or less. The package extends environment picture and the picture com-
mands to accept L
TEX lengths directly.
\putUL{ content }
\putUR{content }
\putLL{content }
\putLR{content }
\putC{content }
can use these commands inside the value of primary layer option contents, if the layer is
declared with mode=picture. In that case, \putUL places the content relative to the upper
left corner of the layer and therefore is the same like \put(0,\LenToUnit{\layerheight}).
places the content relative to the upper right corner of the layer and therefore
is the same like \put(\LenToUnit{\layerwidth},\LenToUnit{\layerheight}). \putLL
places the content relative to the lower left corner of the layer and therefore is the same
like \put(0,0). \putLR places the content relative to the lower right corner and therefore
is the same like \put(\LenToUnit{\layerwidth},0). Last but not least \putC places the
relative to the centre of the layer.
Example: You want to investigate, how accurate
sets the height of the text
area to the width of the page size. So you declare a layer that not only border the
text area, but also places a circle with paper width as diameter dimension into the
centre of the text area:
Chapter 17: Defining Layers and Page Styles Using scrlayer
You will see that typearea’s mapping to an integer DIV value is very accurate in
this example.
For more information about the sketched Middle Age method of generating a text area see
section 2.3
page 29
For more information about command \DeclareNewPageStyleByLayers see the description
later in
section 17.5
page 398
. In short: It defines a new page style using the newly declared
\GetLayerContents{ layer name }
command results in the whole content of a layer. You have to note that using this
command inside the code of the layer attributes contents, addcontents, or pretocontents
can result in an infinite recursion, if the content of the current layer is referenced. You yourself
should avoid such situations!
\IfLayerExists{string }{then-code }{else-code }
This command may be used to execute code depending on whether or not a layer has been
defined already. If the layer exists then-code will be executed, otherwise else-code . Note,
the command cannot really test whether a layer exists. It uses a heuristic, that will never be
false negative, but may be false positive. Nevertheless, if it is false positive something went
wrong, either an incompatible package has been used or the user made something he should
not do.
\DestroyLayer{ layer name }
This command sets all macros corresponding with the layer with given layer name to \relax,
if a layer with that name exists. As a result the layer cannot be used any longer. It does not
matter, if the layer is still part of the layer list of a page style, because such destroyed layers will
be ignored. Nevertheless, destroyed layers may be defined again using
, but cannot be changed using
any longer.
The command is intended to be used inside
to remove
layers, which have been defined using removable macros of an interface, whenever the interface
would be removed.
Chapter 17: Defining Layers and Page Styles Using scrlayer
The command \layercontentsmeasure prints a ruler at each layer edge, of which the top and
left one is labelled with centimeters, the right and bottom one with inches. This command
is used internally, if option
is enabled. The rulers will be drawn behind the content of
each layer. It can also be used as exclusive content of a layer.
17.5. Declaration and Management of Page Styles
Until now we know layers, but we do not know how to use them. The perhaps astonishing
answer is: with page styles. In L
TEX, page styles usually define heads and foots of odd and
even pages.
The head and foot of odd pages will be printed on pages with odd page number in two-side
mode or on all pages in single-side mode. This is something like the layer attributes oddpage
and evenpage.
The page head will be printed before the main contents of a page. The page footer will
be printed after the main contents of a page. So this is something like the layer attributes
and foreground.
So it suggests itself to declare page styles as a list of layers. But instead of having only
four attributes oddpage, evenpage, background, and foreground all the attributes of layers
shown in
section 17.4
may be used.
The outcome of all such considerations is that layer page styles are one type of page styles
scrlayer provides. A layer page style consists of layers and several hooks. For description of
layers see
section 17.4
. The hooks are points in the expansion or execution of page styles
you may add additional code to. Advanced users know this already from commands like
(see [
]) or \BeforeClosingMainAux (see
page 335
Alias page styles are another type of page styles provided by scrlayer. An alias page style
wraps another page style. In other words, the name of an alias page style is an alias name of
another page style, the aliased or original page style. Because of this, the manipulation of an
alias page style results in the manipulation of the original page style. If the original page style
is an alias page style too, the manipulation will result in the manipulation of the aliased page
style of that original page style and so on until a real page style will be manipulated. Aliasing
is not restricted to scrlayer page styles, but possible for all page styles.
Package scrlayer patches
to set \currentpagestyle to the currently active
page style. Note,
does not change \currentpagestyle. But if you use
the result of \currentpagestyle may be changed while executing the L
output routine. However, this change will only occur, if \currentpagestyle has been actively
protected from expansion up to execution of the output routine.
Chapter 17: Defining Layers and Page Styles Using scrlayer
Note, the layer page styles described later in this section, will not need the patch of
to set \currentpagestyle. The patch has been made for usage with other page
styles. Additionally, \currentpagestyle is empty before the first
after loading
scrlayer. So if you define an end user page style interface, it may be useful to use an implicit
to set the current page style to a default page style.
\BeforeSelectAnyPageStyle{code }
\AfterSelectAnyPageStyle{code }
The command \BeforeSelectAnyPageStyle adds code to the hook that will be executed in-
side of
just before the page style will be selected. You may use #1 as a placeholder
for the argument of
The command \AfterSelectAnyPageStyle is similar, but the code will be executed just
after the page style has been selected and after
has been set to the name
of the real page style.
Note, code of both commands will be executed only if a page style will be selected using
, but not, e. g., if a page style will be selected using
. Note also,
you cannot remove code from the hook after adding it. But the code will be added locally,
so you may use a group to limit the scope of code .
\DeclarePageStyleAlias{alias page style name }{original page style name }
\DeclareNewPageStyleAlias{alias page style name }{original page style name }
\ProvidePageStyleAlias{alias page style name }{original page style name }
\RedeclarePageStyleAlias{alias page style name }{original page style name }
These commands may be used to define a page style with name alias page style name that
is simply an alias for an already existing page style with name original page style name . If
there is already a page style alias page style name , then using \DeclarePageStyleAlias
or \RedeclarePageStyleAlias will destroy the alias before recreating it.
will throw an error message, if a page style alias page
style name
has already been defined before. It does not matter if the already defined page
style is a layer page style, an alias page style or another page style.
will define the alias only if a page style alias page style name
has not been defined before. If a page style alias page style name already exists nothing
will be done.
expects an already existing page style alias page style
. It will destroy that page style and afterwards define the alias. If the page style alias
page style name
does not exist, then you will get an error.