Impact Factor:
ISRA (India) =
ISI (Dubai, UAE) =
GIF (Australia) =
JIF = 1.500
РИНЦ (Russia) =
SJIF (Morocco)
= 7.184
ICV (Poland)
= 6.630
PIF (India)
= 1.940
IBI (India)
= 4.260
= 0.350
Philadelphia, USA
The results are determined by defined criteria
(see Figure 1.3).
The production of communicative acts, a
communicative or practical goal in language
education is different from the goal of teaching other
disciplines. A communicative
or practical goal is to
teach students to understand and accept the opinions
of others both orally and in a written way, as well as
to express their own opinions using spoken and
written language.
Figure 1.3. Criteria determining the formation and development of students’ communicative and cognitive
So due to the fact that students receive
information from the various
mass media sources in
the Uzbek language, one of the main tasks of
comparative teaching of the state language is to teach
students the grammar of the Uzbek language, as well
as to teach Uzbek grammar in schools with other
It is common knowledge
that students find it
difficult to discover the main features of language
phenomena without the help of their teachers. It is
obvious that the specific questions posed in the
context of the language phenomenon
are the first step
in the formation of communicative-cognitive activity
of students.
The essence of the method of teaching a
communicative-cognitive approach is that students
are engaged in the discovery of new ideas or the
creation of something in
the process of completing
each task or assignment. They also seek and acquire
new knowledge on their own and try to apply it in their
everyday life and in speech acts. For example, in the
study of knowledge acquired in the Kazakh language
classes, there is a need to compare it with the state
language, and the ability to work independently with
the course book starts to develop. Certainly, in this
the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of
students is formed and developed gradually, not at the
same time (see Figure 1.4).
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