ticiple) shakli yordamida yasaladi:
Ega + shall (will) + have + been + Ving I shall have been working, he will have been working. 2. Future Perfect Continuousning bo‘lishsiz shakli birinchi yordamchi
fe’ldan keyin not inkor yuklamasini qo‘yish bilan yasaladi:
Ega + shall (will) + not + have + been + Ving I shall not have been working, he will not have been working. 3. Future Perfect Continuousning so‘roq shakli birinchi yordamchi
fe’lni eganing oldiga o‘tkazish bilan yasaladi:
Shall (will) + ega + have + been + Ving? Shall I have been working? Will he have been working? KELASI TUGALLANGAN DAVOM ZAMONNING ISHLATILISHI Future Perfect Continuous kelasi zamondagi birorta ish-harakatidan
oldin boshlanib, o‘sha ish-harakat boshlanganda ham davom etadigan ish-
harakatni ifodalaydi. Bu zamonda ham ish-harakatni davom etish vaqtini
ko‘rsatuvchi vaqt ko‘rsatkichi bo‘lishi kerak:
I shall begin to work at ten o’clock
in the morning. When you return
home at fi ve o’clock, I shall have been working for seven hours. Men ertalab soat o‘nda ishlashni
boshlayman. Siz soat beshda qay-
tib kelganingizda men yetti soat
ishlayotgan bo‘laman.
By the 1
of May, 1998, he will have been working at the factory for twenty years. 1998-yil birinchi mayda u zavodda
yigirma yil ishlayotgan bo‘ladi.
The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past Tense The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past Tense Future Perfect Continuousga o‘xshab yasaladi, faqat shall va will yordamchi fe’llari o‘rnida
should va would yordamchi fe’llari ishlatiladi: I should have been wor king,
he would have been working, we should have been working, I should not