be abnormally elevated to over 160 to 180 mm
in some patients. EEG slowing correlates with
increasing degrees of azotemia, but many pa-
tients with slow records have little or no ac-
companying mental changes.
The electro-
physiologic changes are nonspecific and of no
help in establishing the diagnosis.
In differential diagnosis, uremia must be
distinguished from other causes of acute met-
abolic acidosis, from acute water intoxica-
tion, and from hypertensive encephalopathy.
Penicillin and its analogs can be a diagnos-
tic problem when given to uremic patients,
as these drugs can cause delirium, asterixis,
myoclonus, convulsions, and nonconvulsive
status epilepticus.
Laboratory studies dis-
tinguish uremia from other causes of meta-
bolic acidosis causing the triad of clouded
consciousness, hyperpnea, and a low serum
bicarbonate (uremia, diabetes, lactic acidosis,
ingestion of exogenous poisons), but only ure-
mia is likely to cause multifocal myoclonus,
tetany, and generalized convulsions, and the
others do not cause azotemia during their early
Hyponatremia is common in uremia and can
be difficult to dissociate from the underlying
uremia as a cause of symptoms. Patients with
azotemia are nearly always thirsty, and they
have multiple electrolyte abnormalities. Exces-
sive water ingestion, inappropriate fluid ther-
apy, and hemodialysis all potentially reduce the
serum osmolarity in uremia and thereby risk
inducing or accentuating delirium and con-
vulsions. The presence of water intoxication is
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
confirmed by measuring a low serum osmolar-
ity (less than 260 mOsm/L), but the disorder
can be suspected when the serum sodium con-
centration falls below 120 mEq/L (see page
253). Interestingly, rapid correction of hypo-
natremia does not seem to be associated with
pontine myelinolysis (see page 171) when it
occurs in uremic patients. The osmotic pres-
sure of urea in the brain that is eliminated more
slowly than in the blood appears to protect the
brain against the sudden shifts in brain osmo-
lality, although such shifts may emerge during
treatment unless special precautions are taken
(see below).
Patients with uremia are often
deficient in thiamine, which may cause neuro-
logic manifestations that mimic uremia.
It may be difficult to separate the symptoms
of uremia from those of hypertensive enceph-
alopathy if both azotemia and advanced hy-
pertension plague the same patient. Each con-
dition can cause seizures, focal neurologic signs,
increased ICP, and delirium or stupor. The
MRI of typical posterior leukoencephalopa-
thy (see page 215) establishes the diagnosis of
hypertensive encephalopathy.
The treatment of uremia by hemodialysis
sometimes adds to the neurologic complex-
ity of the syndrome. Neurologic recovery does
not always immediately follow effective dialy-
sis, and patients often continue temporarily in
coma or stupor. One of our own patients re-
mained comatose for 5 days after his blood
nitrogen and electrolytes returned to normal.
Such a delayed recovery did not imply per-
manent brain damage, as this man, like others
with similar but less protracted delays, enjoyed
normal neurologic function on chronic hemo-
Some patients undergoing dialysis, particularly
during the first treatment, develop headache,
nausea, muscle weakness, cramps, and fatigue.
At one time, occasional patients had more se-
rious symptoms caused by a sudden osmolar
gradient shifting of water into the brain, in-
cluding asterixis, myoclonus, delirium, convul-
sions, stupor, coma, and very rarely death,
but these are now prevented by slower dialysis
and the addition of osmotically reactive solutes
such as urea, glycerol, mannitol, or sodium to
the dialysate.
An occasional patient will de-
velop a subdural hematoma, probably resulting
from a combination of anticoagulants used for
dialysis and the coagulopathy that often ac-
companies uremia. Wernicke’s encephalopathy
with its attendant confusional state (page 223)
has developed in patients receiving chronic
dialysis who were not being given vitamin sup-
All agree on the general mechanism of the
dialysis dysequilibrium syndrome, although
not on the details.
The blood-brain barrier
is only slowly permeable to urea as well as to
a number of other biologic molecules, includ-
ing electrolytes and idiogenic osmols
ecules, e.g., organic acids, amino acids, that
form during pathologic processes and increase
tissue osmolality), that form in brain during
serum hyperosmolarity. The brain and blood
are in osmotic equilibrium in steady states
such as uremia; electrolytes and other osmols
are adjusted so that brain concentrations of
many biologically active substances (e.g., H
, C1
) remain more normal than those
in blood. A rapid lowering of the blood urea
by hemodialysis is not paralleled by equally
rapid reductions in brain osmols. As a result,
during dialysis the brain becomes hyperos-
molar relative to blood and probably loses so-
dium, the result being that water shifts from
plasma to brain, potentially resulting in water
intoxication. Concurrently, rapid correction of
blood metabolic acidosis can induce brain tis-
sue acidosis because the increased PCO
in the blood rapidly diffuses into the brain,
whereas the bicarbonate moves much more
slowly because of the slow movement of bi-
carbonate into the brain. Symptoms of water
intoxication can be prevented by slower dial-
ysis and by adding agents to maintain blood
transplant can lead to a variety of neurologic
As indicated on page 215, cy-
closporin and taxolimus can cause posterior
leukoencephalopathy and the anti-CD3 mu-
rine monoclonal antibody, muromonab-CD3,
can be neurotoxic, causing aseptic meningitis
with headache and blurred vision and some-
times encephalopathy and seizures.
shows patchy enhancement in the corticomed-
ullary junction, indicating blood-brain barrier
Multifocal, Diffuse, and Metabolic Brain Diseases Causing Delirium, Stupor, or Coma
dysfunction. The pathogenesis of the enceph-
alopathy is believed to be cerebral edema from
a capillary leak syndrome.
Renal transplant patients also are at risk for
a variety of opportunistic infections and tu-
mors similar to other immune-suppressed pa-
tients, such as those with HIV infection. These
include lymphomas, which may occur primar-
ily in the CNS, as the patient description in-
dicates on page 362, and lead to stupor or
coma. Opportunistic infections include fungi,
such as Aspergillus, Cryptococcus, or Can-
dida, and viruses, including cytomegalovirus,
varicella-zoster, papova virus (JC virus), or
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy.
On rare occasions, the transplanted kidney
carries a virus and may cause encephalitis
within a few days of the transplant.
Pulmonary Disease
Hypoventilation owing to advanced lung fail-
ure or neurologic causes can lead to a severe
encephalopathy or coma.
The mechanistic
basis for the neurologic changes has not been
fully explained, and in most instances the en-
cephalopathy probably depends on a variable
interaction of hypoxemia, hypercapnia, con-
gestive heart failure, and other factors such
as systemic infection and the fatigue of pro-
longed, ineffective respiratory efforts. Airway
obstruction due to obstructive sleep apnea may
awaken patients at night, adding to their day-
time lethargy.
However, unless some com-
plication such as respiratory arrest occurs lead-
ing to prolonged hypoxia, permanent changes
in the brain are lacking and the encephalopa-
thy is fully reversible. Serum acidosis per se is
probably not an important factor, as alkali in-
fusions unaccompanied by ventilatory therapy
fail to improve the neurologic status of these
patients. Also, although hypoxia may potenti-
ate the illness, it is unlikely that it is the sole
cause of the cerebral symptoms, as patients
with congestive heart failure commonly toler-
ate equal degrees of hypoxemia with no en-
cephalopathy. Of all the variables, the degree
of carbon dioxide retention correlates most
closely with the neurologic symptoms. The
development of cerebral symptoms also de-
pends in part on the duration of the condition.
For example, some subjects with chronic hy-
percarbia have no cerebral symptoms despite
levels of 55 to 60 mm Hg, whereas pa-
tients with previously compensated, but mar-
ginal, pulmonary function suddenly become
hypoxic and hypercapnic because of an infec-
tion or excess sedation. Such patients may be
erroneously suspected of having sedative poi-
soning or other causes of coma, but as in
the following example, blood gas measure-
ments make the diagnosis.
Patient 5–14
A 60-year-old woman with severe chronic pul-
monary disease went to a physician complaining
of nervousness and insomnia. An examination dis-
closed no change in her pulmonary function, and
she was given a sedative to help her sleep. Her
daughter found her unconscious the following
morning and brought her to the hospital. She was
comatose but withdrew appropriately from nox-
ious stimuli. She was cyanotic, and her respira-
tions were labored at 40 per minute. Her pupils
were 3 mm in diameter and reacted to light. There
was a full range of extraocular movements on
passive head turning. No evidence of asterixis or
multifocal myoclonus was encountered, and her
extremities were flaccid with slightly depressed
tendon reflexes and bilateral extensor plantar re-
sponses. The arterial blood pH was 7.17, the
was 70 mm Hg, the serum bicarbonate was
25 mEq/L, and the PaO
was 40 mm Hg. She was
intubated and received artificial ventilation with a
respirator for several days before she awakened
and was able by her own efforts to maintain her
arterial PaCO
at its normal level of 45 mm Hg.
Comment: This is not an unusual history. It is
possible that the increased nervousness and in-
somnia were symptoms of increasing respiratory
difficulty. The sedative hastened the impending
decompensation and induced severe respiratory
insufficiency as sleep stilled voluntary respiratory
efforts. The rapidity with which her PaCO
from 45 to 70 mm Hg is indicated by her normal
serum bicarbonate, there having been no time for
the development of the renal compensation that
usually accompanies respiratory acidosis.
When CO
accumulates slowly, the com-
plaints of insidiously appearing headache, som-
nolence, and confusion may occasionally attract
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
more attention than the more direct signs of
respiratory failure. The headache, like other
headaches associated with increased ICP, may
be maximal when the patient first awakens
from sleep and disappears when activity in-
creases respiration, lowering the PCO
thus, the ICP.
In its most severe form, pulmonary enceph-
alopathy may cause increased ICP, papil-
and bilateral extensor plantar re-
sponses, symptoms that may at first raise the
question of a brain tumor or some other ex-
panding mass. The important differential fea-
tures are that in CO
retention focal signs are
rare, blood gases are always abnormal, and the
encephalopathy usually improves promptly if
artificial ventilation is effectively administered.
Two associated conditions are closely re-
lated to CO
narcosis and often accentuate
its neurologic effects. One is hypoxemia and
the other is metabolic alkalosis, which often
emerges as the result of treatment. Hypoxia
accompanying CO
retention must be treated,
because lack of oxygen is immediately dan-
gerous both to the heart and brain. Traditional
teaching has been that oxygen therapy for hy-
percapnic patients with an acute exacerba-
tion of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
may be dangerous, as it may reduce respiratory
drive and further worsen hypercapnia. Recent
evidence suggests that most patients tolerate
oxygen replacement well,
and for those who
are not comatose but require artificial venti-
lation, noninvasive ventilation with a face mask
appears to suffice.
Renal bicarbonate excre-
tion is a relatively slow process. As a result,
correction of CO
narcosis by artificial respi-
ration sometimes induces severe metabolic al-
kalosis if the carbon dioxide tension is returned
quickly to normal in the face of a high serum
bicarbonate level. Although metabolic alkalosis
is usually asymptomatic, Rotheram and col-
reported five patients with pulmo-
nary emphysema treated vigorously by artifi-
cial ventilation in whom metabolic alkalosis was
associated with serious neurologic symptoms.
These patients, after initially recovering from
narcosis, developed severe alkalosis with
arterial blood pH values above 7.55 to 7.60
and again became obtunded. They developed
multifocal myoclonus, had severe convulsions,
and three died. Two patients regained con-
sciousness after blood CO
levels were raised
again by deliberately reducing the level of
ventilation. We have observed a similar se-
quence of events in deeply comatose patients
treated vigorously with artificial ventilation, but
have found it difficult to conclude that alkalosis
and not hypoxia, possibly from hypotension,
was at fault. What seems likely is that too
sudden hypocapnia induces cerebral vasocon-
striction, which more than counterbalances the
beneficial effects to the brain of raising the
blood oxygen tension. Rotheram and his col-
leagues believe that the PCO
should be low-
ered gradually during treatment of respiratory
acidosis to allow renal compensation to take
place and prevent severe metabolic alkalosis.
This is a reasonable approach so long as hyp-
oxemia is prevented.
Pancreatic Encephalopathy
Failure of either the exocrine or endocrine pan-
creas can cause stupor or coma. Failure of the
endocrine pancreas (diabetes) is discussed in
the next section. Failure of the exocrine pan-
creas causes pancreatic encephalopathy, a rare
complication of acute or chronic pancreatitis.
Chronic relapsing pancreatitis may cause epi-
sodic stupor or coma.
Estrada and associates
reported that six of 17 nonalcoholic patients
with acute pancreatitis, whom they followed pro-
spectively, developed encephalopathy.
pathogenesis of pancreatic encephalopathy is
not known. Postmortem evidence of patchy de-
myelination of white matter in the brain has led
to the suggestion that enzymes liberated from
the damaged pancreas are responsible for the
Other hypotheses include
coexistent viral pancreatitis and encephalitis,
disseminated intravascular coagulation compli-
cating pancreatitis, and fat embolism. In one
patient with relapsing pancreatitis and episodic
coma, there were marked increases in CSF,
plasma citrulline, and arginine levels, and mod-
erate increases of other amino acids.
pancreatitis raises dopamine levels in brains of
Pathologically, autopsies have revealed
cerebral edema, patchy demyelination, occa-
sional perivascular hemorrhages, and, at times,
plugging of small vessels with fat or fibrin
Biochemical complications of acute
pancreatitis also may cause encephalopathy.
These include cerebral ischemia secondary to
hypotension, hyperosmolality, hypocalcemia,
and diabetic acidosis.
Multifocal, Diffuse, and Metabolic Brain Diseases Causing Delirium, Stupor, or Coma
Pancreatic encephalopathy usually begins
between the second and fifth day after the on-
set of pancreatitis. The clinical features include
an acute agitated delirium with hallucinations,
focal or generalized convulsions, and often signs
of bilateral corticospinal tract dysfunction. The
mental status may wax and wane, and patients
often become stuporous or comatose. The CSF
is usually normal or occasionally has a slightly
elevated protein concentration. The CSF lipase
level is elevated.
The EEG is always ab-
normal with diffuse or multifocal slow activity.
The diagnosis usually suggests itself when, af-
ter several days of abdominal pain, the patient
develops acute encephalopathy. The MRI may
be normal
or show diffuse white matter le-
The differential diagnosis should in-
clude other factors complicating pancreatitis
listed above, including, of course, mumps that
can cause both pancreatitis and encephalopa-
thy. CSF lipase is elevated in pancreatic en-
Patient 5–15
A 72-year-old male with no significant past med-
ical history presented to the hospital with abdom-
inal pain and was diagnosed with acute pancrea-
titis. The next day the patient was noted to be
confused with waxing and waning mental status
changes, which became an acute agitated delir-
ium on the fifth day requiring four-point restraints.
EEG done at the time showed a diffuse theta
rhythm. Initial CT and MRI studies were unreveal-
ing and the patient remained mute in an awake
state for several days, following which he recov-
ered to a confused state with occasional lucid
periods. Neurologic examination was notable for
preserved arousal and confabulation, decreased
spontaneous movements of the lower extremities,
and increased muscle tone. Diffuse hyperreflexia
and bilateral extensor plantar response were noted.
Repeat MRI reveal diffuse white matter abnormali-
ties consistent with demyelination.
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes is the most common endocrine dis-
ease presenting as undiagnosed stupor or coma.
Pituitary, adrenal, or thyroid failure may occa-
sionally present similarly, and these disorders
are the subject of this section. Hyper- and hy-
poparathyroidism are discussed with abnormal-
ities of electrolyte metabolism (page 256).
Diabetes, an illness increasing alarmingly in
is an endocrine disease with pro-
tean systemic manifestations. The clinical ef-
fects of diabetes may appear in virtually any
organ of the body, either alone or in combina-
tion with other organs. The brain is both directly
and indirectly affected by diabetes; delirium,
stupor, and coma are common symptoms of cer-
tain stages of the disease.
The potential
causes of stupor or coma in patients with dia-
betes are many; some are listed in Table 5–10.
When a diabetic patient develops stupor or
coma, more than one of the defects listed in
Table 5–10 may be present, and all must be
dealt with if one is to bring about an adequate
Hyperosmolality is the single most common
cause of coma in the diabetic patient.
disorder, which is discussed in detail on page
255, can be an isolated cause of coma in a
nonketotic hyperglycemic state or a contrib-
uting cause in patients with diabetic ketoaci-
dosis or lactic acidosis.
Diabetic ketoacidosis
causes impair-
ment of consciousness in about 20% of af-
fected patients and coma in about 10%. In
general, patients with alteration of conscious-
ness generally have arterial pHs below 7.0,
but neither the arterial nor the CSF pH (which
Table 5–10 Some Causes of Stupor
or Coma in Diabetic Patients
Nonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma
Lactic acidosis
Central nervous system acidosis complicating
Cerebral edema complicating treatment
Hyponatremia (inappropriate secretion of
antidiuretic hormone)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Uremia-hypertensive encephalopathy
Cerebral infarction
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
is typically normal) correlates well with level
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