MANAgeMeNT Maintaining primary dentition in a healthy condition is impor-
tant for the well-being of the child. Primary dentition is required
for proper mastication, esthetics, phonetics, space maintenance,
and for prevention of aberrant habits. Reducing dental plaque
formation, changing the bacterial composition of plaque, and
modification of dietary habits are essential for the prevention
of dental caries. Prevention of the progress of the ECC can be
achieved with the aid of restorations, diet counseling, educating
parents regarding decay promoting feeding behaviors, maintain
good oral hygiene, and the use of preventive agents like topical
fluorides (
). The management of ECC is expensive, often
requiring extensive restorative treatment and extraction of teeth
at an early age. General anesthesia or deep sedation may be
required at times, since young children lack the ability to cope
with the extensive treatment procedures (
). Chemothera-
peutic agents, such as povidone-iodine and chlorhexidine, have
shown antimicrobial effect against the most cariogenic SM
). Chlorhexidine varnish is applied to protect the tooth
surface (
In addition, fluorides are very effective in preventing den-
tal caries, including fluoride toothpaste, water fluoridation,
fluoride mouth rinse, and professional topical fluoride appli-
cation, primarily by inhibiting mineral loss from the tooth.
Tooth paste containing fluoride showed a strong preventive
effect in young permanent teeth (
). Professionally applied
fluoride varnishes and supervised use of fluoride mouth
rinses also showed reduction in childhood caries (
The application of casein phosphor peptide (CPP) could
stabilize the calcium and phosphate thereby preserving them
in an amorphous or soluble form known as amorphous cal-
cium phosphate (ACP). Calcium and phosphate are essential
components of enamel and dentine and form highly insoluble
complexes in the presence of CPP. CPP–ACP complexes can
prevent tooth demineralization and improve enamel reminer-
alization and enhance fluoride activity. Hence, the application
of CPP–ACP-based compounds helps in the prevention of
dental caries (