The second component of cultural competency is demonstrating empathy. It
is the art of seeing and feeling the situation of another, walking in another person’s
shoes, or seeing the world as that person sees it. Empathy involves understanding
that person’s perceptions and the conclusions that person draws about his or her life
experiences. It does not mean you have to agree with that person’s perceptions and
conclusions, but at the very least, you are able to see the other person’s position.
Take the previous example related to sexual orientation. A privilege of being
heterosexual in our society is having multiple media, print images, and entertainment
that portray heterosexual love and relationships and indicate it is not taboo to hug or
give a peck to your girlfriend or husband while in public. These images are not as
prevalent for same-sex couples. Therefore, empathy involves being able to
understand the other person’s position. To be effective, you must engage in
appropriate inquiry and dialog. It also involves building relationships with an
individual or particular cultural group.
The third component of cultural competency is effective engagement.
Engagement should be mutually beneficial and a reciprocal learning experience in
which you learn from one another. Focus on the behaviors and the situation, not the
person. Value-laden statements making the individual the target should be avoided.
If the focus of the conversation or interaction is about a tradition or belief,
keep the feedback within the context of that tradition or belief. Do not say, You are
being silly because you believe that Muslims should be able to step out of class to
pray six times a day. Focus on understanding the tradition or practice. Approach the
topic by saying: I understand this is part of your religion, but I do not understand
how it effects your belief in God and why you are required to pray six times a day.
This opens up dialog in which the person can explain to you the tenants of that
culture and the requirement of prayers.
Displaying the cultural competence behaviors of active listening,
demonstrating empathy, and effective engagement is important when moving
beyond tolerance. These three components will help us to create a welcoming
environment and establish the appreciation of similarities and differences among