3. Between Learning A Language And Understanding The Target Culture: Learning English In A Non-Native Environment Prof Dr Siti Noor Fazelah Mohd Noor,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
(Abstract) South-East Asian Countries like Malaysia especially offer cheaper with better environments than
their Western counterparts.The reasons include safety and hospitality, quality education,
proximity and connectivity, and travel and tourism opportunities. Apart from the perks, South
East Asian countries also offer English Medium Education whereby all the higher institutions
follow the CEFR to align the English language syllabus. International students who do not meet
the English requirement of IELTS, MUET or TOEFL must attend English courses organised by
the university’s language centre. Students arriving in the preparatory English classes have
minimal knowledge of English, the culture and intercultural communication of the target
environment. Therefore, not only do they have to learn English, but they also have to adapt to the
surrounding culture. This talk discusses the attitude and perceptions of the students towards the
target community and their journey in acquiring and learning the English language. We will also
discuss the activities for the students to enhance their language and cultural competence. It was
concluded that in acquiring effective communication, not only do we need to be linguistically
competent, but we need to also culturally competent to survive.
4. Teaching English To L2 Students In Academic Context Umarova, Oyzoda
Department of English
Samarkand State University named after
Sharof Rashidov, Samarkand
(Abstract) Teaching English to those who study a second language in an academic environment:
reading, writing, listening and speaking, provides the fundamental knowledge necessary for ESL
and EFL teachers to teach four language skills. This seminal text, written by world-renowned
experts in the field, explains why skills-based learning underpins effective teaching of English
for Academic Purposes (EAP). Each of the four main sections of the book helps readers
understand how each skill works — reading, writing, listening and speaking, and explains what
research says about the successful use of skills. In the pedagogy-oriented chapters, this
information is applied to the principles of the Eastern Partnership curriculum development, as
well as to educational activities and tasks that can be adapted to a wide range of language
learning contexts. Assessment options and the role of digital technologies are considered for
each skill, as well as the necessary information about comprehensive skills training is provided.
Moving from theory to practice, this teacher-friendly text is an important resource for TESOL
courses, on-the-job teacher training seminars, as well as for practicing teachers of the Eastern