Plan: The essence of the science of regional economics

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Regional economics 1-theme

Theme: The subject, goals and objectives of regional economics.


1. The essence of the science of regional economics

2. The relationship of regional economics with other disciplines and research methods.

3. Development of regional economics as a science.

The subject of regional economics studies the location of the country's productive forces, socio-economic development, important natural-economic, demographic and environmental security and safety zone, relevant and interstate economic relations. In other words, it is the study of the territorial process of social production based on economic science.

Regional economics as a science is a regional study of the elements, laws and principles of productive forces and social infrastructure; determines the direction of the location of productive forces, taking into account the overall development strategy of the country and the environmental situation; studies regional economics and interregional economic relations. In addition, the regional economy will comprehensively study the issues of location and development of productive forces at the national level. After all, the economy of each region is, first of all, an integral part of the single economic complex of the country.

Regional economics studies the natural resource potential of countries and regions, the country's place in the world economic system, population, labor resources, and current demographic challenges; analyzes the economic level of countries and regions in a market economy and identifies the main factors of productive forces. The region is a territorial subsystem of the country's only economic complex. It is an integral unit formed by the internal interconnection and interrelationship of demographic, natural-ecological, socio-economic and technical-economic processes.

The modern economic complex of Uzbekistan, which is currently undergoing a radical change, forms a complex system of industries. During the years of independence, the production of many new types of products has been launched in the fields of electrical engineering and electronics, metallurgy, microbiology and chemical industries. With the launch of UzDaewooAuto in Asaka and UzOtayol in Samarkand, Uzbekistan has become the 28th largest carmaker in the world.

A lot of work is being done in our country to liberalize the economy, to transfer the main functions of the central government of the republic to local authorities and self-government bodies and to increase their powers. Therefore, the science of "Regional Economy" must now develop a concept of socio-economic development of the country's regions, identify economic instruments that affect regional development and investment.

It should be noted that any economic activity takes place in a particular area. At the same time, the economist must have a thorough knowledge of the characteristics of the resource potential, the economic system and its level of development. Thus, the regional economy is a science that studies the issues of location and development of productive forces, socio-economic processes in the country and regions in relation to natural and environmental conditions.

Excessive labor force in agriculture is one of the most pressing problems facing the Fergana Valley. In Syrdarya and Jizzakh regions, on the other hand, staffing in agriculture is a serious problem. Unemployment is high in Navoi region.

Another important task of current regional policy is to improve economic cooperation and inter-regional territorial division of labor. One of the most important tasks in the development of the regions is to eliminate differences in the living standards of the population of different regions. In fulfilling this task, it is important to develop and implement special state programs for the development of low-income areas, the establishment of regional production zones in areas rich in natural resources.

Regional economics is a social science. It studies the socio-economic processes in a particular area, studying social and economic factors. Regional economics is inextricably linked with economic theory, sociology, sectoral economics, economic geography, demography and other socio-economic disciplines. The formation and development of market relations are closely linked with the territorial organization of the country's economy.

The goals of research in the field of "Regional Economy" and "Economic Geography" are similar. In practice, they deal with the development of the scientific basis for improving the territorial structure of the economy. But there are differences in research methods and directions.

A number of scientific methods are used in conducting research on the regional economy. The most important of them are:

Systematic analysis. This method is based on the principle of hierarchy (goal setting, task definition, statement of scientific assumptions, a comprehensive study of the characteristics of the placement of networks); it is a method of scientific cognition that allows the study of the structure of networks, their interrelationships.

Taxonomic style. This process consists of dividing a particular area into hierarchical taxa that are subordinate to it. Taxa are administrative-territorial units that occupy the lower stages of the hierarchical hierarchy. For example, districts and cities relative to the province.

The style of social surveys. They are very diverse: interview without standard; individual interviews with representatives of individual sectors, analysis of evidence on public speeches of scientists, experts and regional leaders, etc.

Thus, the study of regional socio-economic systems relies on an extremely wide range of methods and tools. They can be used by regional specialists in their work processes, as well as during the writing of course, diploma works and dissertations by students and graduate students.

The formation of the regional economy as a science has little history. The regional aspects of the economy were first studied by the German scientist I. Tunen. In 1826, he laid the foundation for the ring-shaped arrangement of agricultural industries around a particular consumption center, the city. Later, the idea of ​​locating production was developed by other German scientists - A. Weber, V. Kristaller, A. Lyosh. A. Weber, the founder of the industrial standard, V. Kristaller was a "central figure" in the territorial organization of public services, and A. Lyosh conducted research on the location of all sectors of the economy, economic landscapes.

However, the set of ideas created at that time was not generalized in a separate discipline. Therefore, the developments of German experts, in modern language, laid the foundation for a regional economy or geoeconomics. In terms of science, the regional economy was created by the American U. Eyzard in the middle of the twentieth century. Of course, the theoretical developments of Western classical economists (U. Petty, A. Smith, D. Riccardo, etc.) were used in the formation of the foundations of this science.

The following concepts (basic terms) are most often used in the study of regional economics: regional policy, economic zoning, national economy, free economic spaces, geoeconomic space, investment climate, regional finance, regional programs, regional structure and system of production, integration , specialization, cooperation and combination, infrastructure, agglomeration, regional efficiency, regional production complexes, regional labor distribution, labor market, market economy, economic integration and so on.

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