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BORISOVA-OLLAS, Victoria (1969-

Wings of the Wind 1993

BORODIN, Alexander (1833-87) 1812,1921

In the Steppes of Central Asia 73,435,1390

Prince Igor : excerpts 128,149,203,435,581,635,A007

: Polovtsian Dances 28,35,50,56,162,368,570,642,714,859,


Symphony No.2 in B minor 73,399

BOSSO, Ezio (1971-

Il Ragazzo Invisibile - film music 2518

BOTTESINI, Giovanni (1821-89)

Alì Babà : Overture 1829

Il Diavolo della notte : Sinfonia 1829

Double-bass Concertino in C minor 1829

Duo Concertante on themes from “I Puritani” 1403,1829

Elégie in D 1829

Ero e Leandro : Prelude 1829

Passione amorose 1829

BOUGHTON, Rutland (1878-1960)

The Immortal Hour : Love Duet & Faery Chorus 14

BOULANGER, Lili (1893-1918)

Psaume 24 “La terre appartient à l’Eternel” 2042

Psaume 129 “Ils m’ont assez opprimé” 2042

Psaume 130 “Du fond de l’abîme” 2042

Vieille prière bouddhique 2042

BOWN, Jeff (1963-

Farewell to the Princess 2075

Solitude 2075

BOYER, Peter (1970-

Celebration Overture 2102

Ghosts of Troy 2102

New Beginnings 2102

Three Olympians 2102

The Phoenix 2102

Titanic 2102

BRAHMS, Johannes (1833-97)

Academic Festival Overture Op.80 172,219,321,528,1589,1619,2377

Alto Rhapsody Op.53 749,C14

[orch.L.Berio] Clarinet Sonata in F minor Op.120/1 1673

Clarinet Trio in A minor Op.114 2144

Ein Deutsches Requiem Op.45 628,1680,2077,2390,2475

Double Concerto in A minor Op.102 574,580,666,1545,1920,2180

Vier Gesänge Op.17 C14

Hungarian Dances 238,389,482,535,614,714,945,1158,1170,


[arr.E.Crees] Intermezzo in B minor Op.119/1 1893

Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor Op.15 426,505,887,1194,1511,1571

Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat Op.83 71,461,511,662,671,1167,2352,2517

[orch.Schönberg] Piano Quartet No.1 in G minor Op.25 1546,1673

Serenade No.1 in D Op.11 121,683,1619

Serenade No.2 in A Op.16 689,1619,2180

Symphony No.1 in C minor Op.68 21,57,169,438,497,635,870,1155,


Symphony No.2 in D Op.73 528,637,918,1088,1155,


Symphony No.3 in F Op.90 546,795,859,1010,1170,1544,


Symphony No.4 in E minor Op.98 41,164,252,546,833,858,


Tragic Overture Op.81 321,528,564,795,858,


[orch.Rubbra] Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Handel 1546

Variations on a Theme of Haydn Op.56a “St Antoni” 52,219,389,419,


Violin Concerto in D Op.77 296,340,403,441,515,848,


[arr.F.Pourcel] Waltz in E Op.39/2 1230

Wiegenlied Op.49/4 328,2179,2209

[arr.J.Reynolds] Wie Melodien zieht es mir Op.105/1 2227

BREWER, Herbert (1865-1928)

Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in D 48

BRIAN, Havergal (1876-1972)

Dr.Merryheart - comedy overture 427

Symphony No.1 in D minor “The Gothic” 1209,C28

Symphony No.9 in A minor 421

Symphony No.11 427

Symphony No.12 427

Symphony No.14 in F minor 725

Symphony No.21 in E flat 725

BRIDGE, Frank (1879-1941)

The Sea - suite H100 18

BRIGGS, Roger (1952-

Tarot 2081

BRITTEN, Benjamin (1913-76)

Ballad of Heroes Op.14 1693

Billy Budd Op.50 652,690,2057,2311

Cantata Academica Op.62 472

Cantata Misericordium Op.69 559

Cello Sonata Op.65 1870

Cello Symphony Op.68 666

Diversions Op.21 337

Elegy 1870

Gloriana Op.53 : Choral dances 472

: suite Op.53a 1610

God Save the Queen [Anon.] 493

Hymn to St.Cecilia Op.27 472

A Hymn to the Virgin 472

Matinées musicales - ballet suite Op.24 [Rossini] 1056

Men of Goodwill 1703

Six Metamorphoses after Ovid Op.49 1876

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Op.64 657,1909

Nocturne Op.60 444

Occasional Overture Op.38 1703

Our Hunting Fathers Op.8 476

Paul Bunyan Op.17 : Overture 1610

Peter Grimes Op.33 731,1955,2194,C21

: Four Sea Interludes Op.33a 225,833,979,1610

: Passacaglia Op.33b 979,1610

Piano Concerto in D Op.13 212,2489

Serenade Op.31 538

Sinfonia da Requiem Op.20 935,1610,1693

Spring Symphony Op.44 1130,1636

Suite Op.6 1870

The Turn of the Screw Op.54 2478

Variations & Fugue on a Theme of Purcell Op.34 538,1004,1703,2097

Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge Op.10 2142,2560

Violin Concerto in D minor Op.15 2149,2357

War Requiem Op.66 530,1693,2431

Welcome Ode Op.95 1636

The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra Op.34 897,1537,A128

BRODSZKY, Nicholas (1905-58)

Be my love - song 1030

BROSSÉ, Dirk (1960-

Cello Concerto 2546

Echoes of Silent Voices 2371

For the Unknown 2546

La Vie Aquartique 2546

BROUGHTON, Bruce (1945-

The Boy Who Could Fly - film music 2196

BROWN, James Windel (1941-

London Overture 2081

BRUBECK, Chris (1952-

Bass Trombone Concerto 1985

Blues Suite 1985

BRUBECK, Dave (1920-2012) 1985,2101

Beloved Son 2153

Pange Lingua Variations 2153

Regret 2153

Voice of the Holy Spirit 2153

BRUCH, Max (1838-1920)

Adagio appassionato Op.57 2114

Clarinet and Viola Concerto in E minor Op.88 1232

Double Piano Concerto in A flat minor Op.88a 934

Jubilate-Amen Op.3 1697

Kol Nidrei Op.47 156,512,1906,1916

Romance Op.85 1916

Scottish Fantasy Op.46 520,1937

Symphony No.1 in E flat Op.28 2016

Symphony No.3 in E Op.51 2016

Violin and Viola Concerto in E minor Op.88 1916

Violin Concerto No.1 in G minor Op.26 124,263,344,378,599,848,


Violin Concerto No.2 in D minor Op.44 371,848,2016

Violin Concerto No.3 in D minor Op.58 2016,2161

BRUCKNER, Anton (1824-96) 2136

Overture in G minor 846

Symphony No.00 in F minor 846

Symphony No.4 in E flat 569,625,2419

Symphony No.5 in B flat 759,2505

Symphony No.6 in A 2143

Symphony No.8 in C minor 800,2566

Symphony No.9 in D minor 833,2143,2473

BRYANT, Allan (1931-

Lippershey-Orion 1450

BUCHWALDER, Lee (1975-

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 2301

BUCK, Dudley (1839-1909)

Festival Overture on the American National Air 1451

BUDD, Roy (1947-93)

Wild Geese II - film music 1371

BULL, Ole (1810-80)

Cantabile dolorosa e rondo giocoso 2410

BULLEN, Gregory (1949-

The Parable of the Blind 2081

BURGMÜLLER, Friedrich (1806-74)

La Péri 694

BURGON, Geoffrey (1941-2010)

Requiem C04

BURNS, Ralph (1922-2001)

All Dogs Go to Heaven - film music 1590

BUSH, Geoffrey (1920-98)

Symphony No.1 1138

BUSONI, Ferruccio (1866-1924)

[arr.J.Adams] Berceuse élégiaque Op.42 1922

Lustspielouvertüre Op.38 729

BUSTAMANTE, Bienvenido (1923-2001)

Alto Saxophone Concerto 2273

BUTTERWORTH, George (1885-1916)

The Banks of Green Willow - Idyll 1072,2100

BUXTEHUDE, Dietrich (1637-1707)

[orch.C.Chávez] Chaconne in E minor 1233

BYRD, William (1543-1623)

[arr.L.Stokowski] Pavana & Gigue 870

CAMERON, John (1944-

To End All Wars - film music 2116

CANO, José María (1959-

Llevarne Nino pal Cura - ballet 1979

Luna : Romanzas, Canciones y Danzas 1944

CANTELOUBE, Joseph (1879-1957)

Chants d’Auvergne : excerpts 902,2272

CARDILLO, Salvatore (1874-1947)

Core’ngrato - song 1030

CARLINI, Sesto (18??-19??)

Questo foulard 347

CARPENTER, John Alden (1876-1951)

Skyscrapers - ballet 1451

CARROLL, Paul (1955-

Cantata for the Commonwealth 2342

Harmonic Spaces 2342

Rights -anthem 2342

CARWITHEN, Doreen (1922-2003)

Bishop Rock - Overture 1928

Boys in Brown - film music A172

ODTAA - Overture 1928

Piano Concerto 1928

Suffolk Suite 1928

CASSIDY, Patrick (1962-

Ave Maria 2407

The Children of Lir 1778

Deirdre of the Sorrows 1901

Mass 2407

Vide cor meum 2407


Violin Concerto 1294

CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO, Mario (1895-1968)

Guitar Concerto No.1 in D Op.99 1036

CATALANI, Alfredo (1854-93)

Loreley : Danza delle Ondine 770

La Wally : Ebben? ne andrò lontana 987,1962,2272,2501

CÉRON, José Dolores (1897-1969)

A la Caída de la Tarde 2273

CERVANTES, Craig (196?-

Queen of Hearts - Overture 2547

CHABRIER, Emmanuel (1841-94)

España - Rapsodie 376,1514,1625,1748,1914

Habanera 12

Marche joyeuse 87

Le Roi malgré lui : Fête polonaise 492

CHADBURN, Leo (199?-

Brown Leather Sofa 2536

CHADWYCK-HEALEY, Hilary (189?-196?)

Lorna Doone 202

CHAGRIN, Francis (1905-72)

Easy Money : Il Basso ostinato - film music A145

Helter Skelter - film music A167

CHANY, Philippe (195?-

Asterix and Obelix, Cleopatra’s Mission - film music 2123

CHAPMAN, Oliver (198?-

[with Clapson] Made of ghosts - anthem 2428

CHARPENTIER, Gustave (1860-1956)

Louise : Depuis le jour 1466,1840

CHARPENTIER, Marc-Antoine (1645c-1704)

Te Deum H146 : Prelude 1990

CHASE, Thomas (1949-

[with Rucker] Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland - film music 1586

CHAUSSON, Ernest (1855-99)

Poème Op.25 291,539,738,937,1216,1808,2025,2227

Poème de l’amour et de la mer Op.19 1010,1084

CHÁVEZ, Carlos (1899-1978)

Caballos de vapor - ballet 1233

Chaconne in E minor [Buxtehude] 1233

Cuatro Nocturnos 1233

Los Cuatro Soles - ballet 903

Pirámide - ballet 903

Symphony No.1 “Sinfonía de Antígona” 1271

Symphony No.2 “Sinfonía India” 1271

Symphony No.3 1271

Symphony No.4 “Sinfonía Romántica” 1271

Symphony No.5 1271

Symphony No.6 1271

CHAYKOVSKY, Boris (1925-96)

Partita 666

CHEN, Zhangyi (1984-

Ariadne’s love - anthem 2428

CHERUBINI, Luigi (1760-1842)

Anacréon : Overture 121,593

Medea 1314

Symphony in D 729

CHIHARA, Paul (1938-

Ceremony I 946

Ceremony III 946

Grass - Double-Bass Concerto 946

Guitar Concerto 2181

Mistletoe Bride - ballet : suite 2181

Noble House - music for television series 1489

CHOPIN, Frédéric (1810-49) 967,1540,1663,1921,2187,2412

Andante spianato & Grande Polonaise in E flat Op.22 480,1206

[arr.F.Pourcel] Étude Op.10/3 714

Krakowiak in F - Concert Rondo Op.14 1276

[arr.L.Stokowski] Mazurka in A minor Op.17/4 870

Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor Op.11 160,545,700,1077,1206,1345,2571

Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor Op.21 104,255,442,507,576,


[arr.vars.] Les Sylphides - ballet 162,1748

CILEA, Francesco (1866-1950)

Adriana Lecouvreur : vocal excerpts 987,1190,1604,1936

L’Arlesiana : E la solita storia 832,1164,1910

CIMAROSA, Domenico (1749-1801)

Gli Orazi ed i Curiazi : Overture 261

Il Matrimonio Segreto : Overture 213,261

CLAPSON, Will (198?-

[with Chapman] Made of ghosts - anthem 2428

CLAPTON, Eric (1945-

[arr.vars.] Layla 975,1209,1893

CLARKE, Jeremiah (1674c-1707)

The King’s March 1712

Prince Eugene’s March 1712

[arr.vars.] Trumpet Voluntary 364,493,870,1158,1990

CLARKE, Nigel (1960-

[with Csányi-Wills] The Thief Lord - film music 2232

[with Csányi-Wills] Will - film music 2403

COATES, Albert (1882-1953)

A Child’s Lullaby to her Doll 149

Evening 149

The Taming of the Shrew : Bridal March 128

COATES, Eric (1886-1957)

By the Sleepy Lagoon 367

Dancing Nights - Concert Valse 195

The Eighth Army - March 174

Two Fanfares 174

Four Ways Suite : first & third movements 611

From Meadow to Mayfair - suite 122

London Again Suite : Oxford Street 367

London Bridge - March 207

London Calling - March 207

London Suite 207,611

The Merrymakers - Overture 122,367

Salute the Soldier - March 174

Saxo-Rhapsody 159

Summer Days Suite : excerpts 159,367

The Three Bears - Phantasy 195,367

The Three Elizabeths 367,611

The Three Men Suite : The Man from the Sea 367

Television March 207

COLBERT, Serge (1967-

The Body - film music 2072

COLEMAN, Ornette (1930-2015)

Skies of America 863

COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, Samuel (1875-1912)

Danse nègre Op.35/4 914

Hiawatha’s Wedding Feast Op.30/1 : Onaway! 236,914

Othello - incidental music Op.79 : suite 125

Petite Suite de Concert Op.77 118

COLINA, Michael (1948-

Baba Yaga 2437

Los Caprichos 2372

Goyescana 2372

Isles of Shoals 2372

Quinta del sordo 2437

Three Cabinets of Wonder 2372

The Unbearable Lightness of Being 2372

COLLINS, Anthony (1893-1963)

Victoria the Great - film music A103

COLOMBIER, Michel (1939-2004)

Autumn Land A202

Bird Song A202

Dolorosa 1286

Dreamland A202

Meet Wally Sparks - film music 1923

Nightbird 1286

Nuit et solitude 1286

Old Fool Back on Earth 1286

Spring (The Birth of) A202

CONNELLY, Peter (1972-

[with Iveson] Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness 2159

CONTI, Bill (1942-

F.I.S.T. - film music 1115

F/X - film music 1404

Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets - documentary film music 1341

North and South - film music 1405

The Right Stuff - film music 1405

CONYNGHAM, Barry (1944-

Monuments 1646

Southern Cross 1646

COPLAND, Aaron (1900-90)

Appalachian Spring - ballet 410,477,804,1412

Billy the Kid - ballet 418,477,769,1412

Ceremonial Fanfare 1687

Clarinet Concerto 1476,1789,2120

Dance Panels - ballet 769

Dance Symphony 682

Danzón cubano 804

Down a country lane 719

Fanfare for the Common Man 719,1625,1687

John Henry 719

Letter from Home 719

Lincoln Portrait 719,1744

Music for a Great City 575

Old American Songs 1800,2179

Orchestral Variations 719

Our Town - film music : suite 682

An Outdoor Overture 682

Two Pieces for string orchestra 626

Eight Poems of Emily Dickinson 1851

Preamble for a Solemn Occasion 575

Quiet City 626,1851

The Red Pony - film music : Morning on the ranch 1146

Rodeo - ballet : Four Dance Episodes 719,1412

El Salón México 803,1687

Short Symphony 626

Statements 418,626

Symphonic Ode 682

Symphony No.3 418

CORELLI, Arcangelo (1653-1713)

Concerto Grosso Op.6/8 “Christmas” 166,803

CORIGLIANO, John (1938-

Clarinet Concerto 1476

Lullaby for Natalie 2488

COSMA, Vladimir (1940-

Le Fils du Français - film music 2054

Le Jaguar - film music 1925

Marius et Fanny 2297

Le Plus Beau Métier du Monde - film music 1951

Le Schpountz - film music 2030

Soleil - film music 1957

COSTELLO, Elvis (1954-

Il Sogno - ballet 2150

COTTRAU, Teodoro (1827-79)

Santa Lucia 283

COVELL, James (196?-

Left Behind - film music 2088

COWARD, Noël (1899-1973)

The Astonished Heart - film music 249,A174

In Which We Serve - film music A111

This Happy Breed - film music A116

COWELL, Henry (1897-1965)

Fanfare to the Forces of the Latin American Allies 1687

COWEN, Frederic (1852-1935)

The Language of the Flowers 25

CREES, Eric (1952-

Fanfare for Cala 1893

CROFT, William (1678-1727)

O God, our help in ages past 55

CROSSE, Gordon (1937-

Ariadne Op.31 971

Changes Op.17 766

CRUSELL, Bernhard (1775-1838)

Clarinet Concerto No.1 in E flat Op.1 1268

Clarinet Concerto No.2 in F minor Op.5 1268

Clarinet Concerto No.3 in B flat Op.11 1275

Introduction and Variations on a Swedish Air Op.12 1232

CSÁNYI-WILLS, Michael (1975-

[with Clarke] The Thief Lord - film music 2232

[with Clarke] Will - film music 2403

CURIALE, Joseph (1955-

An American Variation 1984

Wind River (I Am) 2098

CZIBULKA, Alphons (1842-94)

Love’s dream after the ball Op.356 770

DARGOMÏZHSKY, Alexander (1813-69)

Rusalka : Miller’s aria & Mad Scene 116

DAVIDSON, Roger (1952-

American Meditation 2184

Rhapsody 2138

DAVIES, Peter Maxwell (1934-2016)

Symphony No.10 “Alla ricerca di Borromini” 2507

DAVIES, Victor (1939-

Good Times - suite 1574

The Nutcracker Prince - film music 1668

Piano Concerto No.1 “Mennonite” 1324

Pulsations 1426

DAVIS, Carl (1936-

Music for a Royal Wedding 1250

DAVIS, Oliver (1972-

Air Waltz 2508

Epilogue 2508

Flight 2508

Skyward 2508

Voyager 2508

DEBNEY, John (1957-

CutThroat Island - film music 1903

DEBUSSY, Claude (1862-1918) 1812

Beau soir 2459

La Boîte à joujoux 1692

[arr.F.Pourcel] Children’s Corner Suite : Golliwogg’s cake-walk 1230

La Damoiselle élue 1443

L’Enfant prodigue : Air de Lia 394

Fantaisie 741

Images 537,1175,1208,1443

Jeux - Poème dansé 1732,1964,2370

Le Martyre de Saint Sébastien 537,1730

La Mer 788,1010,1225,1314,1538,2151,2361

Nocturnes 388,492,803,1314,1538,1625

Pelléas et Mélisande 2558

[orch.H.Busser] Petite Suite 33

Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune 153,492,833,870,1072,1175,1183,


Première Rapsodie 586

Rapsodie for saxophone 2379

[orch.A.Caplet] Suite bergamasque : Clair de lune 764,1095,1921

DE CURTIS, Ernesto (1875-1937)

Non ti scordar di me - song 1030

DE FILIPPIS, Conrad (1924-

Dialogue 1260

Symphonic Rhapsody 1260

DE GREEF, Arthur (1862-1940)

Four Old Flemish Folk-Songs 88

D’HARDELOT, Guy (1858-1936)

Because - song 1030

DELAGE, Maurice (1879-1961)

Quatre Poèmes hindous 2559

DELAGO, Manu (1984-

Concertino Grosso 2447

DELERUE, Georges (1925-92)

L’Été Meurtrier (One Deadly Summer) - film music 1306

The Josephine Baker Story - film music 1685

A Summer Story - film music 1503

DELIBES, Léo (1836-91) 1812

Coppélia - ballet 12,117,386,941,1158,1700

Les Filles de Cadiz - song 2272

Kassya : Prelude to Act III 824

Lakmé : Lakmé, c’est toi 2279

Naila Valse - Pas des fleurs 86

Le Roi l’a dit : excerpts 12,117,824

Le Roi s’amuse : Pavane & Passepied 127

La Source, ou Naila - ballet : Intermezzo 770

Sylvia - ballet 407,1095,1158

DELIUS, Frederick (1862-1934)

Appalachia C02

Brigg Fair 54,292,1715

Cello Sonata 1866

In a Summer Garden 54,315,1715

Irmelin : Prelude 619,648

Koanga 868,925

[arr.E.Fenby] Koanga : La Calinda 1715

On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring 54,292,1715

Paris - The Song of a Great City 315

Piano Concerto in C minor 741

Sea Drift 61,C02

A Song Before Sunrise 1715

A Song of Summer 292,648

Summer Evening 1715

Summer Night on the River 315,1715

Violin Sonata No.1 1866

Violin Sonata No.2 1866

Violin Sonata No.3 1866

[arr.T.Beecham] Walk to the Paradise Garden 292,619,1715

DELLARATTA, Rick (1961-

Permutata 2081

DEL RIEGO, Teresa (1876-1968)

Homing 254

DENVER, John (1943-97)

[arr.C.Leon] Annie’s song 2209

DENZA, Luigi (1846-1922)

Occhi di fata 256

DESPLAT, Alexandre (1961-

American Pastoral - film music 2568

A Better Life - film music 2402

Birth - film music 2211

Chéri - film music 2339

Coco Before Chanel - film music 2345

The Danish Girl - film music 2545

Derailed - film music 2242

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 - film music 2395

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 - film music 2413

Hostage - film music 2222

The Ides of March - film music 2424

The Imitation Game - film music 2512

Inquiétudes - film music 2179

Largo Winch: Deadly Revenge - film music 2322

The Luzhin Defence - film music 2068

The Monuments Men - film music 2492

Philomena - film music 2480

The Queen - film music 2270

Rise of the Guardians - film music 2461

The Special Relationship - film music 2374

Suffragette - film music 2524

Tamara Drewe - film music 2376

The Tree of Life - film music 2346

Trollhunters - Netflix themes 2537

The Twilight Saga: New Moon - film music 2362

Unbroken - film music 2519

The Upside of Anger - film music 2203

The Well-Digger’s Daughter (La Fille du Puisatier) - film music 2401

Zero Dark Thirty - film music 2464

DÍAZ-JEREZ, Gustavo (1970-

[IAMUS computer composition] Tránsitos 2450

DI CAPUA, Eduardo (1865-1917)

O sole mio 283

DIEMER, Emma Lou (1927-

Santa Barbara Overture 1935

DI VEROLI, Manlio (1888-1960)

Ritorna ancor 347

DOHNÁNYI, Ernö (1877-1960)

Konzertstück in D Op.12 1542

Ruralia Hungarica Op.32 105

Suite in F sharp minor Op.19 237

Variations on a Nursery Song Op.25 105

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