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Victoria Sladen (soprano)

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Victoria Sladen (soprano),

composed by WILLIAM ALWYN and conducted by Muir Mathieson

An orchestra also appears on screen in a brief opera house sequence.

78rpm: Rank Films FM21 [Aria].

VHS: (’9?) Video Collection VC3???.

>A138 “The Brothers” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1947 [first shown May 47] Riverside Studios, Hammersmith ?

composed by CEDRIC THORPE DAVIE and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM19-20 [Main title; Rowing contest].

DVD video: (c10) Silver Sirens private issue,

(Jun11) Park Circus PC0027.

>A139 “The Upturned Glass” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1947 [first shown Jun 47] Riverside Studios, Hammersmith ?

composed by BERNARD STEVENS and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM17 [Finale].

DVD video: (US: Jly08) MPI 7860.

>A140 “They Made Me a Fugitive” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1947 [first shown Jly 47] Riverside Studios, Hammersmith


and conducted by John Hollingsworth

The LSO also appears on screen in two brief music hall sequences.

VHS: (US: Aug99) Kino on Video unidentified catalogue number.

DVD video: (May08) Odeon ODNF115.

>A141 “The Master of Bankdam” film soundtrack OSC

(?) Feb 1947 [first shown Aug 47] (unidentified studio)

composed by ARTHUR BENJAMIN and conducted by Muir Mathieson

The LSO also appears on screen accompanying Maria Var (soprano)

in a brief “Yorkshire town hall concert” sequence.

DVD video: (Aug07) Odeon ODNF039.

>A142 “The October Man” film soundtrack OSC

12?-27 May 1947 [first shown Sep 47] Denham Film Studios

composed by WILLIAM ALWYN and conducted by Muir Mathieson

led by George Stratton

78rpm: Rank Films FM15 [Main title; Bus crash].

VHS: (Jun96) Video Collection VC3484.

DVD video: (Feb08) ITV Studios 9DVD set 37115 2745.3,

(c12) Stojo private issue.

>A143 “Uncle Silas” film soundtrack OSC

(Jun?) 1947 [first shown Sep 47] Denham Film Studios

composed by ALAN RAWSTHORNE and conducted by Muir Mathieson

DVD video: (US: ??) Loving the Classics private issue,

(c12) Armand Movies private issue.

>A144 “The Mark of Cain” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1947 [first shown Jan 48] Denham Film Studios

composed by BERNARD STEVENS and conducted by Muir Mathieson

led by George Stratton

The LSO also appears on screen accompanying “Tom Rawdon” (played by Albert Ferber) in a piano concerto during a brief “Manchester symphony concert” sequence conducted by John Hollingsworth.

DVD video: (c12) Stojo private issue.

>A145 “Easy Money” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1947 [first shown Jan 48] (Islington Film Studios) ?

composed by TEMPLE ABADY and conducted by Muir Mathieson

The LSO also appears on screen rehearsing and performing CHAGRIN’s

Il Basso ostinato”, composed for the story of a bored double-bass player.

DVD video: (Jun11) Odeon ODNF231.

>A146 “Snowbound” film soundtrack OSC

1947 (?) [first shown Mar 48] (Gainsborough Film Studios) ?


and conducted by John Hollingsworth

78rpm: Rank Films FM11 [Main title; The chalet].

VHS: (US: ??) British Classics Collection.

DVD video: (c12) Stojo private issue.

>A147 “Miranda” film soundtrack OSC

1947 (?) [first shown Apr 48] (Islington Film Studios) ?

composed by TEMPLE ABADY and conducted by Muir Mathieson

The LSO also appears on screen in an excerpt from “La Traviata”.

78rpm: Rank Films FM9 [excerpts].

DVD video: (Apr09) Collectors Edition unidentified catalogue number,

(c10) Armand Movies private issue,

(c12) Stojo private issue.

>A148 “One Night With You” film soundtrack OSC

1947 (?) [first shown Apr 48] Denham Film Studios


and conducted by John Hollingsworth

led by George Stratton

The LSO also appears on screen accompanying tenor Nino Martini

in a Verdi aria as part of an “Italian film studio” sequence.

DVD video: (c12) Silver Sirens private issue.

>A149 “Good-Time Girl” film soundtrack OSC

1947 (?) [first shown May 48] Lime Grove Studios


and conducted by John Hollingsworth

VHS: (US: ??) British Classics Collection.

DVD video: (c12) Silver Sirens private issue,

(c12) Stojo private issue.

>A150 “My Brother’s Keeper” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1948 [first shown Jly 48] (Islington Film Studios) ?

composed by CLIFTON PARKER and conducted by John Hollingsworth

DVD video: (c10) Collectors Edition unidentified catalogue number,

(Aug11) Odeon ODNF236.

>A151 “Mr.Perrin and Mr.Traill” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1948 [first shown Aug 48] Denham Film Studios

composed by ALLAN GRAY and conducted by John Hollingsworth

78rpm: Rank Films FM30 [The proposal].

>A152 “The Weaker Sex” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1948 [first shown Sep 48] Denham Film Studios

composed by ARTHUR WILKINSON and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM33 [Victory parade montage; London scene].

CD: (Apr01) Pearl GEM0141 [Victory parade montage; London scene].

>A153 “Sleeping Car To Trieste” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1948 [first shown Oct 48] Denham Film Studios

composed by BENJAMIN FRANKEL and conducted by Muir Mathieson

led by George Stratton

78rpm: Rank Films FM35 [Sleeping Car Train, Waltz].

CD: (Apr01) Pearl GEM0141 [Sleeping Car Train, Waltz].

VHS: (US: ??) Critics’ Choice ANHMK08522.3.

DVD video: (c12) Silver Sirens private issue.

>A154 “It’s Hard To Be Good” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1948 [first shown Nov 48] Denham Film Studios

composed by ANTONY HOPKINS and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM39 [Honeymoon montage].

DVD video: (US: ??) Loving the Classics private issue.

>A155 “Women in Our Time” documentary film soundtrack RFM

(?) 1948 [first shown Nov 48] (unidentified studio)

composed by MALCOLM ARNOLD and conducted by John Hollingsworth

78rpm: Rank Films FM37 [Machines; Peace and war montage].

>A156 “Portrait From Life” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1948 [first shown Dec 48] (Gainsborough Film Studios) ?

composed by BENJAMIN FRANKEL and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM42 [Prelude; The present].

DVD video: (c10) Collectors Edition unidentified catalogue number,

(US: ??) Loving the Classics private issue.

>A157 “Badger’s Green” film soundtrack BFI

1948 (?) [first shown Jan 49] (Islington Film Studios) ?

composed by MALCOLM ARNOLD and conducted by John Hollingsworth


>A158 “Once Upon a Dream” film soundtrack OSC

1948 (?) [first shown Feb 49] Pinewood Film Studios

composed by ARTHUR WILKINSON and conducted by John Hollingsworth

78rpm: Rank Films FM51-52 [Time and time again; Carol’s dream].

DVD video: (c10) Collectors Edition unidentified catalogue number.

>A159 “The Blue Lagoon” film soundtrack OSC

1948 (?) [first shown Mar 49] Pinewood Film Studios

composed by CLIFTON PARKER and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM57-58 [The island].

DVD video: (??) Silver Sirens private issue.

>A160 “The Bad Lord Byron” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1949 [first shown Mar 49] (Gainsborough Film Studios) ?

composed by CEDRIC THORPE DAVIE and conducted by Muir Mathieson

VHS: (US: Aug94) Timeless Video unidentified catalogue number.

DVD video: (c12) Silver Sirens private issue.

>A161 “Floodtide” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1949 [first shown Mar 49] Pinewood Film Studios

composed, arranged and conducted by Robert Irving

led by George Stratton

78rpm: Rank Films FM56 [Prelude; The yacht].

LP: (US:’82) Citadel CT-OFI1 [Prelude; The yacht],

Ontario Film Institute unlicensed educational issue.

DVD video: (Jun11) Park Circus PC0028.

>A162 “Cardboard Cavalier” film soundtrack noc/RFM

(?) 1949 [first shown Apr 49] Denham Film Studios

composed by LAMBERT WILLIAMSON and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM59 [Russian dancing master].

VHS: (US: ??) unidentified catalogue number.

DVD video: (??) Silver Sirens private issue.

>A163 “It’s Not Cricket” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1949 [first shown Apr 49] (Islington Film Studios) ?

composed by ARTHUR WILKINSON and conducted by John Hollingsworth

78rpm: Rank Films FM62 [Love scene].

DVD video: (c12) Stojo private issue.

>A164 “A Boy, a Girl and a Bike” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1949 [first shown Apr 49] (Gainsborough Film Studios) ?

composed by KENNETH PAKEMAN and conducted by John Hollingsworth

78rpm: Rank Films FM63 [theme; Championship race].

VHS: (’95) unidentified catalogue number.

DVD video: (Aug07) ITV Studios 7DVD set 37115 2582.3.

>A165 “Stop Press Girl” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1949 [first shown Jun 49] Pinewood Film Studios

composed and conducted by Walter Goehr

led by George Stratton

78rpm: Rank Films FM66 [theme; Clocks].

DVD video: (c10) Collectors Edition unidentified catalogue number,

(US: ??) Loving the Classics private issue.

>A166 “Marry Me” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1949 [first shown Jun 49] (Gainsborough Film Studios) ?

composed by CLIFTON PARKER and conducted by John Hollingsworth

DVD video: (c10) Collectors Edition unidentified catalogue number.

>A167 “Helter Skelter” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1949 [first shown Jly 49] (Gainsborough Film Studios) ?

composed by FRANCIS CHAGRIN and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM74 [Spring song; End titles].

DVD video: (Apr11) Spirit Entertainment STW0016.

>A168 “Madness of the Heart” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1949 [first shown Jly 49] Denham Film Studios

composed by ALLAN GRAY and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM69 [Paul and Lydia; Farandole].

VHS: (Apr95) Rank RCCB2285.

DVD video: (c10) Silver Sirens private issue,

(c10) Armand Movies private issue.

>A169 “Dear Mr.Prohack” film soundtrack noc/RFM

(?) 1949 [first shown Jly 49] Pinewood Film Studios

composed by TEMPLE ABADY and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM79 [Passed to you].

VHS: (Sep95) Carlton 30370 6004.3.

DVD video: (c12) Stojo private issue.

>A170 “Give Us This Day (Salt to the Devil)” film soundtrack noc/RFM

(?) 1949 [first shown Oct 49] Denham Film Studios

composed and conducted by Benjamin Frankel

78rpm: Rank Films FM82 [Dramatic hysteria].

DVD video: (Jun03) Image Entertainment unidentified catalogue number.

>A171 “The Spider and the Fly” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1949 [first shown Nov 49] Pinewood Film Studios

composed by GEORGES AURIC and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM85 [Prelude; Juggler’s waltz].

VHS: (’97) Video Collection VC3564.

DVD video: (c12) Stojo private issue.

>A172 “Boys in Brown” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1949 [first shown Dec 49] Denham & Pinewood Film Studios

composed by DOREEN CARWITHEN and conducted by John Hollingsworth

78rpm: Rank Films FM86 [Prelude; Johnny come home].

DVD video: (’03) Rank Classics 11633,

(Feb13) Spirit Entertainment STW0061.

>A173 “Golden Salamander” film soundtrack OSC

1949 (?) [first shown Feb 50] Denham Film Studios

composed by WILLIAM ALWYN and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM92 [non-LSO excerpt].

VHS: (’92) Rank C2108.

DVD video: (Sep11) Odeon ODNF232.

>A174 “The Astonished Heart” film soundtrack OSC

(?) Nov 1949 [first shown Mar 50] Pinewood Film Studios

composed by NOËL COWARD and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM89-90 [excerpts].

DVD video: (Jan11) Spirit Entertainment STW0001.

H.M.V. recorded excerpts on 28 Nov 49: see the main discography (0249).

>A175 “They Were Not Divided” film soundtrack noc/BFI

1949 (?) [first shown Mar 50] Denham Film Studios

composed by LAMBERT WILLIAMSON and conducted by Muir Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM93 [March of the tanks].

LP: (US:’82) Citadel CT-OFI1 [March of the tanks],

Ontario Film Institute unlicensed educational issue.

DVD video: (’05) DD Home Entertainment DD20758,

(Feb10) DD Home Entertainment DD120758.

>A176 “The Wooden Horse” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1950 [first shown Aug 50] Shepperton Film Studios

composed by CLIFTON PARKER and conducted by Muir Mathieson

VHS: (c84) Thorn EMI TVC90 0???.2,

(Jly00) Warner S038108.

DVD video: (Nov03) Warner 2DVD set D039316,

(Jan07) Optimum OPTD0673.

>A177 “Festival in London” documentary film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1951 [first shown Feb 52] (unidentified studio)

Festival March composed by WILLIAM ALWYN

DVD video: (Mar09) Panamint PDC2032.

>A178 “The Story of Gilbert & Sullivan” film soundtrack BFI

(?) 1953 [first shown May 53] Shepperton Film Studios

composed by ARTHUR SULLIVAN and conducted by Malcolm Sargent

VHS: (US: ??) unidentified catalogue number.

DVD video: (??) Musical Collectables.

>A179 “A Queen Is Crowned” documentary film soundtrack OSC

20 Apr 1953 [first shown 12 Jun 53] Watford Town Hall

composed and conducted by Guy Warrack

VHS: (May02) Carlton 30370 6111.3.

DVD video: (Jly07) Network 7952698.

>A180 intended for “Knights of the Round Table” film soundtrack

(Oct?) 1953 [first shown Jun 54] M.G.M. Film Studios, Elstree

as “M.G.M. Studio Orchestra (U.K.)”

composed by MIKLÓS RÓZSA and conducted by Muir Mathieson

LP: (Jly82) Varèse Sarabande STV81128.

CD: (c86) Varèse Sarabande VCD47269.

This was not used in the film, being replaced by a version conducted by

the composer and John Green, recorded in Los Angeles in Oct-Dec 53.

>A181 “Lease of Life” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1954 [first shown Oct 54] Ealing Film Studios

composed by ALAN RAWSTHORNE and conducted by Dock Mathieson

DVD video: (US: ??) Loving the Classics private issue,

(Mar14) Network 2DVD set 7953987.

>A182 “Out of the Clouds” film soundtrack OSC

4-7 Oct 1954 [first shown Feb 55] Ealing Film Studios

composed by RICHARD ADDINSELL and conducted by Dock Mathieson

78rpm: Rank Films FM152-53 [Main title; The flame].

DVD video: (Jan09) Optimum OPTD1508.

>A183 “A Prize of Gold” film soundtrack OSC

1954 (?) [first shown Feb 55] M.G.M. Film Studios, Elstree

composed by MALCOLM ARNOLD and conducted by Muir Mathieson

DVD video: (US: ??) Loving the Classics private issue.

>A184 “The Night My Number Came Up” film soundtrack OSC

1954 (?) [first shown Apr 55] Ealing Film Studios

composed by MALCOLM ARNOLD and conducted by Dock Mathieson

DVD video: (Mar10) Optimum OPTD1710.

>A185 “The Cockleshell Heroes” film soundtrack OSC

(22-30 Nov?) 1954 [first shown Dec 55] Shepperton Film Studios

composed by JOHN ADDISON and conducted by Muir Mathieson

VHS: (Jan03) Columbia Tristar C9073602.

DVD video: (Dec04) Columbia Tristar C8229277.

This phase of the orchestra’s film work came to an end in 1955, when a number of the orchestra’s principal players were accused of giving film sessions priority over concert engagements. They resigned to form the Sinfonia of London and thereafter the LSO undertook very little film work for the next fifteen years.

>A186 “The Man Who Knew Too Much” film soundtrack OSC

5-6 Jun 1955 [first shown Dec? 55] Royal Albert Hall

Barbara Howitt (mezzo-soprano),

Royal Opera House Chorus (Douglas Robinson), Bernard Herrmann

led by Granville Jones

The orchestra was filmed for the nine-minute long cantata scene and its brass and percussion are also seen behind the two-minute opening titles sequence.

BENJAMIN Storm Clouds - cantata

Bernard Herrmann scored this second version of the film,

retaining the cantata from the original 1934 version.

VHS: (’85) CIC VHT1137,

(Aug99) Universal 044 707.3,

(Apr03) Universal 820 032.9.

DVD video: (Apr03) Universal 820 052.5.

(Oct05) Universal 823 628.1,

(Jun07) Universal 824 906.3.

>A187 “1984” film soundtrack OSC

(?) 1956 [first shown Mar 56] (unidentified studio)

composed by MALCOLM ARNOLD and conducted by Louis Levy

DVD video: (Jan07) Orbit Media ORB10122.

>A188 “The 3 Worlds of Gulliver” film soundtrack OSC

Columbia Pictures sought the Board’s permission to

issue this recording on LP (Minute Book, 24 Sep 60).

25-27 Apr 1960 [first shown Nov 60] Denham Film Studios

composed and conducted by Bernard Herrmann

led by Hugh Maguire

LP: (’61) Colpix CP414,

(Mar61) Pye GGL0065,

(’81) Klavier Citadel CT7018,

(Sep85) Cloud Nine CN4003.

CD: (’93) Cloud Nine ACN7018.

>A189 “Mysterious Island” film soundtrack OSC

4-6 Apr 1961 [first shown Jun 62] Denham Film Studios

composed and conducted by Bernard Herrmann

LP: (’84) Cloud Nine CN4002.

CD: (’93) Cloud Nine ACN7017.

Thereafter no film sessions are listed until “Song of Norway” in 1969. By that time the orchestra’s own sources can be used to date film sessions precisely and they are accordingly included in the main part of the discography.

>AU Unofficial Recordings by “Members of the L.S.O.” / “L.S.O. strings”
Several light music recordings, which were not booked through the

LSO’s management (and consequently do not appear in the orchestra’s

schedules or attendance sheets), have been issued using these appellations

in the album credits.


Pr: Stephan Galfas & Marty Scott Eng: Nick Griffiths

1977 ? Britannia Row, Islington

Members of the L.S.O., Harry Rabinowitz

Backing tracks for The Intergalactic Touring Band (rock group),

who were recorded in New Jersey between Jly 76 and Aug 77.


Reaching out

LP: (Dec77) CDS4009; (Jan78) Arista Passport 9823.

>A202 Coldeye Productions

Pr: Denny Diante Eng: Ron Malo

1978 ? CTS Studios, Wembley

[b] Michael Brecker (saxophone); Members of the L.S.O., Michel Colombier

[a] COLOMBIER Dreamland

[b] Bird Song

[c] Spring (The Birth of)

[d] Autumn Land

LP: [a-d] (Apr79) Chrysalis CHR1212.

>A203 “The Last Unicorn” film soundtrack

Pr: Matthew McCauley Eng: John Richards

1982 CTS Studios, Wembley

composed by JIMMY WEBB, L.S.O. strings, conducted by ?

Backing track for America (rock group).

LP: (Ger:’84) Virgin 206 684.

CD: (’88) Virgin 610 388 222,

(Ger: c92) E.M.I. Virgin 7 86735.2,

(Feb97) E.M.I. CTMCD307 = 7243 8 55559.2,

(Sep01) Rhino 8122 73552.2.

>A204 Teddy Bear Productions / T.P.Productions

Pr: Martyn Ware Eng: Graham Bennett

1993 ? Red Bus Studios, Marylebone

L.S.O. strings, Nick Ingman

Backing tracks for Tashan Rashad (singer).

“For the Sake of Love” Tempted

For the sake of love

Single and lonely

Romantically inspired

Coupled with nine more titles recorded in London and New York.

LP: (Mar94) Sony Columbia COL472411.1.

CD: (Mar94) Sony Columbia COL472411.2; (Jan94) Chaos OK52469.

In a number of other instances, ad hoc ensembles named in album or film credits as “London Session Orchestra” or “orchestre symphonique de Londrès” have been mis-interpreted as being The London Symphony Orchestra.

PHILIP STUART was born in 1944, read Modern History at Worcester College, Oxford, and was a school teacher for nearly twenty years. He first saw the LSO at the Bath Festival in 1962. Five years later he moved to London, accompanied by a collection of LPs carefully catalogued on index cards. Listening to records, reading about records and cataloguing records eventually left no time for the day job and he has been a freelance discographer since 1985. His first publication, “Igor Stravinsky – The Composer in the Recording Studio” (Greenwood Press, 1991) won the Association for Recorded Sound Collections annual Award for Best Research in the Field of Recorded Classical Music in New York in 1992. “The London Philharmonic Discography” (1997) was followed by “Marriner and the Academy – A Record Partnership” (1999). A catalogue of Decca’s classical recordings was interrupted by the present study, but resumed in 2005 and was completed in 2009. A discography of the world’s most recorded chamber orchestra, the English Chamber Orchestra, followed in 2010, then “Benjamin Britten Performing and Performed - a Centenary Discography” in 2012 and “Adrian Boult, 1889-1983 - A Chronological Discography” in 2016. His current project, “Classics Club / Saga, 1956-1986 - a Discographical Adventure” will be published in 2017. In 2003 he made his debut as a lecturer at the Cardiff Recorded Music Society and in 2006 he presented a programme of LSO recordings there, which he repeated for the Bath Recorded Music Society. “Classic Record Collector” devoted five pages of its Summer 2009 issue to a profile of “the indefatigable discographer”. He still enjoys listening to music, particularly eighteenth century wind octets.
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