thalmoplegia (only lateral movements of the
eyes on vestibulo-ocular testing), and, in many
instances, cranial nerve signs of trigeminal
or facial dysfunction, betraying pontine de-
Severe midpontine destruction can cause a
functional transection with physiologic effects
that may be difficult to differentiate from met-
abolic coma. The pupils of such patients are
miotic but may react minimally to light since
midbrain parasympathetic oculomotor fibers
are spared. Reflex lateral eye movements are
absent because the pontine structures for lat-
eral conjugate eye movements are destroyed.
However, upward and downward ocular devi-
ation occasionally is retained either spontane-
ously or in response to vestibulo-ocular testing,
and if present, this dissociation between lateral
and vertical movement clearly identifies pon-
tine destruction. Ocular bobbing sometimes
accompanies such acute destructive lesions and
when present usually, but not always, indicates
primary posterior fossa disease. The motor signs
of severe pontine destruction are not the same
in every patient and can include flaccid quad-
riplegia, less often extensor posturing, or oc-
casionally extensor posturing responses in the
arms with flexor responses or flaccidity in the
legs. Respiration may show any of the patterns
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
characteristic of low brainstem dysfunction
described in Chapter 1, but cluster breathing,
apneusis, gasping, and ataxic breathing are cha-
As discussed in Chapter 2, patients with de-
structive lesions confined to the lower pons
or medulla do not show loss of consciousness,
although they may be locked in, in which case
only the preservation of voluntary vertical eye
and eyelid movements may indicate the wake-
ful state.
In contrast to the carotid circulation, occlusion
of the vertebrobasilar system is frequently as-
sociated with coma. Although lesions confined
to the lower brainstem do not cause coma, im-
pairment of blood flow in the vertebral or low
basilar arteries may reduce blood flow distally
in the basilar artery to a level that is below the
critical minimum necessary to maintain normal
function. The classic presentation of ischemic
coma of brainstem origin is produced by oc-
clusion of the basilar artery. The patient falls
acutely into a comatose state, and the pupils
may initially be large, usually indicating intense
adrenal outflow at the time of the initial onset,
but eventually become either miotic (pontine
level occlusion) or fixed and midposition (mid-
brain level occlusion). Oculovestibular eye move-
ments may be absent, asymmetric, or skewed
(pontine level), or vertical and adduction move-
ments may be absent with preserved abduction
(midbrain level). There may be hemiplegia,
tion may be apneustic or ataxic in pattern if
the lesion also involves the pons.
Occlusion of the basilar artery either by
thrombosis or embolism is a relatively com-
mon cause of coma. The occlusions are usually
the result of atherosclerotic or hypertensive dis-
ease. Emboli to the basilar artery usually result
from valvular heart disease or artery-to-artery
Cranial arteritis involving the
vertebral arteries in the neck also can lead to
secondary basilar artery ischemia with brain-
stem infarction and coma.
artery dissection, either from trauma such as
whiplash injury or chiropractic manipulation
or occurring spontaneously, is becoming in-
creasingly recognized as a common cause of
brainstem infarction, due to the ease of iden-
tifying it on MR angiography.
Most patients in coma from brainstem in-
farction are over 50 years of age, but this is not
an exclusive limit. One of our patients was only
34 years old. The onset can be sudden coma or
progressive neurologic symptoms culminating
in coma. In some patients, characteristic tran-
sient symptoms and signs owing to brief is-
chemia of the brainstem precede coma by days
or weeks.
These transient attacks typically
change from episode to episode but always
reflect infratentorial CNS dysfunction and in-
clude headaches (mainly occipital), diplopia,
vertigo (usually with nausea), dysarthria, dys-
phagia, bilateral or alternating motor or sensory
symptoms, or drop attacks (sudden spontane-
ous falls while standing or walking, without loss
of consciousness and with complete recovery
in seconds). The attacks usually last for as short
a period as 10 seconds or as long as several
minutes. Seldom are they more prolonged, al-
though we have seen recurrent transient at-
tacks of otherwise unexplained akinetic coma
lasting 20 to 30 minutes in a patient who later
died from pontine infarction caused by basi-
lar occlusion. Except in patients who addi-
tionally have recurrent asystole or other se-
vere cardiac arrhythmias, transient ischemic
attacks caused by vertebrobasilar artery in-
sufficiency nearly always occur in the erect or
sitting position. Some patients with a critical
stenosis may have positional symptoms, which
are present while sitting but improve when
lying down.
Patient 4–5
A 78-year-old architect with hypertension and
diabetes was returning on an airplane from Europe
to the United States when he complained of diz-
ziness, double vision, and nausea, then collapsed
back into his seat unconscious. His seat was laid
back and he gradually regained consciousness.
A neurologist was present on the airplane and was
called to his side. Limited neurologic examination
found that he was drowsy, with small but reactive
pupils and lateral gaze nystagmus to either side.
There was dysmetria with both hands.
On taking a history, he was returning from a
vacation in Germany where he had similar symp-
toms and had been hospitalized for several weeks.
Specific Causes of Structural Coma
MRI scans, which he was carrying with him back
to his doctors at home, showed severe stenosis of
the midportion of the basilar artery. He had been
kept at bedrest with the head of the bed initially
down, but gradually raised to 30 degrees while in
the hospital, and then discharged when he could
sit without symptoms. His chair back was kept as
low as possible for the remainder of the flight, and
he was taken from the airplane to a tertiary care
hospital where he was treated with anticoagulants
and gradual readjustment to an upright posture.
In some cases, segmental thrombi can oc-
clude the vertebral or basilar arteries while
producing only limited and temporary symp-
toms of brainstem dysfunction.
In one se-
ries, only 31 of 85 patients with angiograph-
ically proved basilar or bilateral vertebral artery
occlusion were stuporous or comatose.
degree of impairment of consciousness pre-
sumably depends on how much the collateral
vascular supply protects the central brainstem
structures contributing to the arousal system.
The clinical signs of basilar artery occlusion are
listed in Table 4–15. Most unconscious patients
have respiratory abnormalities, which may in-
clude periodic breathing, or various types of
irregular or ataxic respiration. The pupils are
almost always abnormal and may be small (pon-
tine), midposition (midbrain), or dilated (third
nerve outflow in midbrain). Most patients have
divergent or skewed eyes reflecting direct nu-
clear and internuclear damage (Table 4–15).
Patients with basilar occlusion who become co-
matose have a nearly uniformly fatal outcome
in the absence of thrombolytic or endovascu-
lar intervention.
The diagnosis can usually be made on the
basis of clinical signs alone, and eye movement
signs are particularly helpful in determining
the brainstem level of the dysfunction (Table
4–16). However, the nature of the problem
must be confirmed by imaging.
Acutely, the CT scan may not reveal a pa-
renchymal lesion. Occasionally, hyperintensity
Table 4–15 Symptoms and Signs of Basilar Artery Occlusion in 85 Patients
No. of
Vertigo, nausea
Headache, neckache
Ataxia, dysdiadochokinesia
Cranial nerve palsy
VIII (acoustic)
Occipital lobe signs
Central Horner’s syndrome
No. of
Psychosis, disturbed memory
Long Tract Signs
No. of
Locked-in syndrome
Supranuclear Oculomotor
No. of
Horizontal gaze paresis
Gaze-paretic, gaze-induced
Oculocephalic reflex lost
Vestibular nystagmus
Vertical gaze palsy
Downbeat nystagmus
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Ocular bobbing
One-and-a-half syndrome
Other/not classifiable
Modified from Ferbert et al.
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
within the basilar artery on CT will suggest
basilar occlusion.
The best diagnostic test is
an MRI scan with diffusion-weighted imaging
(see Figure 4–9B). Early diagnosis may allow
effective treatment with thrombolysis,
or embolectomy.
The differen-
tial diagnosis of acute brainstem infarction can
usually be made from clinical clues alone. With
brainstem infarction, the fact that signs of mid-
brain or pontine damage accompany the onset
of coma immediately places the site of the le-
sion as infratentorial. The illness is maximal at
onset or evolves rapidly and in a series of steps,
as would be expected with ischemic vascular
disease. Supratentorial ischemic vascular le-
sions, by contrast, with rare exceptions pointed
out on page 152, are not likely to cause coma
at onset, and they do not begin with pupillary
abnormalities or other signs of direct brain-
stem injury (unless the mesencephalon is also
involved, e.g., as in the top of the basilar syn-
drome). Pontine and cerebellar hemorrhages,
since they also compress the brainstem, some-
times resemble brainstem infarction in their
manifestations. However, most such hemor-
rhages have a distinctive picture (see above).
Furthermore, they nearly always arise in hy-
pertensive patients and often are more likely
to cause occipital headache (which is unusual
with infarction).
Patient 4–6
A 56-year-old woman was admitted in coma. She
had been an accountant and in good health, ex-
cept for known hypertension treated with hydro-
chlorothiazide. She suddenly collapsed at her desk
and was rushed to the emergency department,
Table 4–16 Eye Movement Disorders in Brainstem Infarcts
Midbrain Syndromes
Pons Syndromes
Upper Midbrain Syndromes
Conjugate vertical gaze palsy: upgaze palsy,
downgaze, palsy, combined upgaze and
downgaze palsy
Dorsal midbrain syndrome
Slowness of smooth pursuit movements
Torsional nystagmus
Pseudoabducens palsy
Convergence-retraction nystagmus
Disconjugate vertical gaze palsy: monocular
elevation palsy, prenuclear syndrome of the
oculomotor nucleus, crossed vertical gaze
paresis, and vertical one-and-a half
Skew deviation with alternating appearance
Ocular tilt reaction
See-saw nystagmus
Middle Midbrain Syndrome
Nuclear third nerve palsy
Fascicular third nerve palsy: isolated or
associated with crossed hemiplegia,
ipsilateral or contralateral hemiataxia,
and abnormal movements
Lower Midbrain Syndrome
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia: isolated or
associated with fourth nerve palsy, bilateral
ataxia, and dissociated vertical nystagmus
Superior oblique myokymia
Paramedian Syndromes
Conjugate disorders
Ipsilateral gaze paralysis
Complete gaze paralysis
Loss of ipsilateral horizontal saccades
Loss of both horizontal and vertical saccadic
gaze movements
Primary-position downbeating nystagmus
Tonic conjugate eye deviation away from lesion
from lesion
Disconjugate disorders
Unilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia and
skew deviation
One-and-a-half syndrome
Paralytic pontine exotropia
Ocular bobbing: typical, atypical, and paretic
Lateral Pontine Syndrome
Horizontal gaze palsy
Horizontal and rotatory nystagmus
Skew deviation
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Ocular bobbing
One-and-a-half syndrome
Modified from Moncayo and Bogousslavsky.
Specific Causes of Structural Coma
where her blood pressure was 180/100 mm Hg.
She had sighing respirations, which shortly chan-
ged to a Cheyne-Stokes pattern. The pupils were
4 mm in diameter and unreactive to light. The
oculocephalic responses were absent, but cold
caloric irrigation induced abduction of the eye
only on the side being irrigated. She responded to
noxious stimuli with extensor posturing and oc-
casionally was wracked by spontaneous waves of
extensor rigidity.
CT scan was initially read as normal, and she
was brought to the neurology intensive care unit.
The CSF pressure on lumbar puncture was 140 mm
of water; the fluid was clear, without cells, and
contained 35 mg/dL of protein. Two days later, the
patient continued in coma with extensor responses
to noxious stimulation; the pupils remained fixed
in midposition, and there was no ocular response
to cold caloric irrigation. Respirations were eup-
neic. Repeat CT scan showed lucency in the me-
dial pons and midbrain. The next day she died and
the brain was examined postmortem. The basilar
artery was occluded in its midportion by a recent
thrombus 1 cm in length. There was extensive in-
farction of the rostral portion of the base of the
pons, as well as the medial pontine and midbrain
tegmentum. The lower portion of the pons and the
medulla were intact.
Comment: This woman suffered an acute brain-
stem infarction with unusually symmetric neuro-
logic signs. She was initially diagnosed with an
infarct at the midbrain level based on her clinical
picture. Other considerations included a thalamic
hemorrhage with sudden acute transtentorial her-
niation producing a picture of acute midbrain
transection. However, such rapid progression to
a midbrain level almost never occurs in patients
with supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhages. The
CT scan and the absence of red blood cells on the
lumbar puncture ruled out subarachnoid hemor-
rhage as well. Finally, the neurologic signs of mid-
brain damage in this patient remained nearly con-
stant from onset, whereas transtentorial herniation
would rapidly have produced further rostral-caudal
Brainstem Hemorrhage
Relatively discrete brainstem hemorrhage can
affect the midbrain,
the pons,
or the me-
The causes of brainstem hemorrhage
include hypertension, vascular malformations,
clotting disorders, or trauma. Hypertensive
brainstem hemorrhages tend to lie deep within
the brainstem substance, are rather diffuse, fre-
quently rupture into the fourth ventricle, occur
in elderly persons, and have a poor prognosis
for recovery.
Brainstem hematomas caused
by vascular malformations occur in younger in-
dividuals, are usually subependymal in location,
tend to be more discrete, do not rupture into the
ventricle, and have a good prognosis for recov-
ery. Surgery generally does not have a place in
treating brainstem hypertensive hemorrhages,
but it is sometimes possible to remove a vascular
malformation, particularly a cavernous angioma.
Table 4–17 Clinical Findings in Patients With Spontaneous
Midbrain Hemorrhage
Literature Cases
(N ¼ 66)
Mayo Cases
(N ¼ 7)
Combined Series
(N ¼ 73)
Cranial nerve III or IV paresis
Disturbance of consciousness
Corticospinal tract deficits
Corticobulbar deficits
Hemisensory deficits
Gait ataxia
Visual hallucinations
Tinnitus or hyperacusis
*One patient had corticobulbar deficit without a corticospinal deficit.
From Link et al.,
with permission.
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
Primary midbrain hemorrhages, which may
be of either type, are rare. Most patients present
acutely with headache, alterations of conscious-
ness, and abnormal eye signs (Table 4–17). The
diagnosis is obvious on imaging. Most patients
recover completely from bleeds from cavern-
ous angiomas; some remain with mild neuro-
logic deficits.
Hemorrhage into the pons typically arises
from the paramedian arterioles, beginning at
the base of the tegmentum, and usually dis-
secting in all directions in a relatively sym-
metric fashion (Figure 4–9A). Rupture into the
fourth ventricle is frequent, but dissection into
the medulla is rare. Although most patients
lose consciousness immediately, in a few cases
(such as Patient 2–1) this is delayed, and in
others when the hematoma is small, and par-
ticularly when it is confined to the base of the
pons, consciousness can be retained. However,
such patients often have other focal signs (e.g.,
a bleed into the base of the pons can present
with an acute locked-in state). Such patients,
however, often have considerable recovery.
Coma caused by pontine hemorrhage be-
gins abruptly, usually during the hours when
patients are awake and active and often with-
out a prodrome. When the onset is witnessed,
only a few patients complain of symptoms such
as sudden occipital headache, vomiting, dys-
coordination, or slurred speech before losing
Almost every patient with
pontine hemorrhage has respiratory abnor-
malities of the brainstem type: Cheyne-Stokes
breathing, apneustic or gasping breathing, and
progressive slowing of respiration or apnea
(Table 4–18).
In patients who present in coma, the pupils
are nearly always abnormal and usually pin-
point. The pupils are often thought to be fixed
to light on initial examination, but close exam-
ination with a magnifying glass usually demon-
strates further constriction. The ciliospinal re-
sponse disappears. If the hemorrhage extends
into the midbrain, pupils may become asym-
metric or dilate to midposition. About one-
third of patients suffer from oculomotor ab-
normalities such as skewed or lateral ocular
deviations or ocular bobbing (or one of its var-
iants), and the oculocephalic responses disap-
pear. Motor signs vary according to the extent
of the hemorrhage. Some subjects become dif-
fusely rigid, tremble, and suffer repeated waves
of decerebrate rigidity. More frequently, how-
ever, patients are quadriplegic and flaccid with
flexor responses at the hip, knee, and great toe
to plantar stimulation, a reflex combination char-
acteristic of acute low brainstem damage when
it accompanies acute coma. Nearly all patients
with pontine hemorrhage who survive more than
a few hours develop fever with body tempera-
tures of 38.58C to 408C.
The diagnosis of pontine hemorrhage is usu-
ally straightforward. Almost no other lesion,
except an occasional cerebellar hemorrhage
with secondary dissection into the brainstem,
produces sudden coma with periodic or ataxic
breathing, pinpoint pupils, absence of oculo-
vestibular responses, and quadriplegia. The
pinpoint pupils may suggest an opiate over-
dose, but the other eye signs and the flaccid
quadriplegia are not seen in that condition. If
there is any question in an ambiguous case,
naloxone can be administered to reverse any
opiate intoxication.
Table 4–18 Clinical Findings in 80
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