|| Bioinfo Publications ||
Plumbaginaceae is a family of flowering plants, with a cosmopolitan
distribution. The family is sometimes referred to as the leadwort
family or the plumbago family. Most species in this family are peren-
nial herbaceous plants, but a few grow as lianas or shrubs. The
plants have perfect flowers and are pollinated by insects. They are
found in many different climatic regions, from arctic to tropical con-
ditions, but are particularly associated with salt-rich steppes, marsh-
es, and sea coasts. The family has been recognized by most taxon-
omists; however, [1] placed the family in a separate order Plumbag-
inales, which included no other families. [2] had segregated some of
these plants as family Limoniaceae. The Angiosperm Phylogeny
Group, APG II system of classification [3], recognizes this family
and assigns it to the order Caryophyllales in the clade core eudi-
cots. It includes 24 genera (Acantholimon, Aegialitis, Armeria, Bam-
iana, Buciniczea, Cephalorhizum, Ceratostigma, Chaetolimon, Dic-
tyolimon, Dyerophytum, Eremolimon, Ghasnianthus, Goniolimon,
Ikonnikovia, Limoniastrum, Limoniopsis, Limonium, Muellerolimon,
Neogontscharovia, Plumbagella, Plumbago, Popoviolimon, Psylli-
ostachys, Vassilczenkoa) and about 800 species.
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