Master in Economics | Master in Economics of Business and Strategy | Master in Finance | Master in Management
1. Candidates are ranked in descending order according to their Application Score (P*);
3. The gross application score (PB) is calculated as the average of two components – the Curricular
Component (CC) and the Extracurricular Component (CE) – with weights of 0.9 and 0.1, respectively:
4. The Curricular Component (CC) is equal to the final grade of the bachelor’s degree (CL), expressed on
representing the relevance of the previous training and by a factor (k2) representing the quality of the
previous training (as measured by the position of the school where the bachelor’s degree was earned
5. The relevance of the previous training shall be based on a comparative analysis of the curricular
structure of the bachelor’s program and the characteristics and content of the cycle of studies being
applied for, also considering other complementary training, whether it conferred a degree or not.
6. When candidates do not hold a bachelor's degree, CL will be the average, rounded to the next whole
unit, of all the completed curricular units listed on the certificate accompanying the application;
7. The Curricular Component is limited to a maximum of 20 points.
8. The Extracurricular Component, scored on a scale of 10 to 20, varies according to the nature,
relevance and duration of the extracurricular activities the candidate participated in as a student,
including, but not limited to, attending foreign language courses and participating in research
9. The Application Score (P*) is calculated in the following way:
a. If the student has earned a GMAT score equal to or greater than 600:
= 𝑴𝒂𝒙 {𝟏, 𝟏 ∗ (𝟎, 𝟓 ∗
∗ 𝟐𝟎 + 𝟎, 𝟓 ∗ 𝑷𝑩) ; 𝑷𝑩}
b. In all other cases: 𝑷
= 𝑷𝑩
Tie-breaking criteria:
Date (day and time – hh:mm:ss) of application submission, giving preference to the earliest-submitted
In the case of the Master in Economics, the following also applies:
Independently of the score earned upon the application of the aforementioned criteria, candidates
may be immediately excluded for an absolute lack of application merit or, to evaluate the absolute
merit of the applications, the Scientific Commission may conduct interviews. The interviews may be
in-person or by Skype.
The call for the interview will be sent by e-mail to the address supplied by the candidate on the
online application form.
Interviews will be conducted for candidates whose applications, upon careful consideration of all
submitted materials, leave doubts as to their absolute merit, doubts that may impact their
motivation and the adequacy of their profile to the Master in Economics - namely at the level of
deepening economic and quantitative models and the ability to develop concrete subjects of
Economics with the knowledge hitherto acquired in higher education.
Following the interview, the candidate will be “admitted” or “excluded due to a lack of absolute
merit”. In the case of admission, the score will be a result of the selection and placement criteria
described above.
Failure to appear for the interview the applicant has been called to is grounds for exclusion.
Exclusion for lack of absolute merit of the application must be justified by, at least, one of the
following arguments:
i. Inadequacy of the profile for the Master in Economics, meaning that the candidate does not
demonstrate the capacity to develop concrete topics of Economics or that they did not
acquire, during higher education, a set of minimum requirements at the level of basic
training in Economics and/or quantitative methods;
ii. Lack of essential elements to evaluate the student’s academic curriculum;
iii. Insufficient knowledge of the languages in which the course is taught, i.e., Portuguese or
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