iii) Direct descendants under 21 years old or who are dependents of a European Union citizen, as well as those
of the spouse or recognized partner, as described in the above point;
iv) Direct ascendants who are responsible for a European Union citizen, as well as those of the spouse or
recognized partner, as described in point ii);
- If a student holds two or more nationalities and one of them is Portuguese, this is the only one that is relevant.
- If a student holds two or more nationalities and none are Portuguese, if they are nationals of another
European Union Member State and a non-European Union State, they may choose the one they wish to use.
- In the situation foreseen in the above point, if the student opts for the non-European Union nationality, they
will maintain their international student status until the end of the cycle of studies in which they enroll initially
or to which they transfer, even if during the course of their studies they are conferred a status of equal rights
and duties under an international treaty signed between Portugal and the State of which they are a citizen.
- Excluded from the provisions of the above point are international students who acquire, after enrollment,
nationality from a European Union Member State.
- The termination of a student’s international status as a consequence of the provisions of the previous point
shall take effect in the school year following the date on which proof of the acquisition of the aforementioned
nationality is presented.”
December, 2020
The Dean,
(Prof. Doutor José Manuel Janeira Varejão)
Assinado com Assinatura Digital Qualificada
Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do
Despacho n.º 12936/2016 - Diário da
República, 2.ª série — N.º 207 — 27 de
outubro de 2016
Data: 23-12-2020 10:04:31