Biz Present Simple zamonini doimiy yoki qaytarilib turadigan ish harakatga nisbatan ishlatamiz. Masalan: I go to school everyday. Men har kuni maktabga boraman. You work at the hospital. Siz shifoxonada ishlaysiz
Present simple yasash uchun quyidagi formuladan foydalanamiz:
So’roq gap yasaganimizda esa biz doim egadan oldinga Do yoki III-shaxs birlik uchun Does ni qo’yamiz.
Do you work at the hospital?
Does she speak English?
Negative form I,We,You,They +don't +verb We don't play football. (Biz futbol òynaymiz) We don't usually play football. (Biz odatda futbol òynaymiz.) He ,She,It, doesn't +verb (s)
Felga qòshimcha qòshilmaydi Short answer Does, He,She,It +verb ? Does he like apples? Yes ,he does. No,he doesn't. Do you like football. Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Present Simple
III shaxs birlikka s yoki es qo’shamiz deb aytdik. Agar fe’limiz ss, sh, ch, x, o bilan tugasa es qo’shamiz.rushes brush – brushes do – does
undosh harf + y bilan tugasa ies qo’shamiz. cry – cries fly – flies