Useful strategy: identifying opinions 1 1 a opinion
b fact
2 a fact
b opinion
3 a fact
b opinion
4 a opinion
b fact
5 a fact
b opinion
Useful strategy: identifying the speaker’s attitude 1 A a good time telling jokes and having fun = amused
by the behaviour
Distraction The speaker says it was a ‘challenge’ but
that her classmates kept her going.
2 B completely amazed = shocked; he also says that he
hadn’t expected to do well in the test.
Distraction It actually took quite a long time for him
to get the results because the teacher was sick.
3 B I can’t understand why . . . It doesn’t make any
sense to me = confused; she also says that only 24%
thought vocabulary was a ‘high priority’ and that
more people should have recognised how significant
vocabulary is for learners – therefore they should
have considered vocabulary ‘more important’.
Distraction She was ‘surprised’ by the survey results,
but surprised that vocabulary was a relatively low
priority for these respondents.
Exam Practice Action plan reminder 5-option multiple-choice 1 Underline key words in the questions, e.g. words
about opinions, attitudes and agreement/
2 Not necessarily. The words in the conversation may
paraphrase the words in the questions.
3 No, the options are in random order. And the two
answers (A – E) can be written in either order on the
answer sheet – it doesn’t matter.