5. Do not install any software yourself The installation of software must be done solely by the ICT staff of the AHK or other authorised persons. Switching off, changing or bypassing the security devices installed on the computers such as anti-virus software and firewalls are not allowed.
6. Prevent the spreading of computer viruses Be careful in opening attachments in e-mails and programmes on internet. Install an anti-virus programme on your home PC and make sure that you have the latest updates. The use of USB sticks with viruses can harm computers and network.
7. Do not send unsolicited mail (spam) It is not allowed to send anonymous e-mail and/or unsolicited e-mail in large quantities (spam) to address lists. Do not take part in chain mail.
Correct use of modal verbs and imperatives in oral and written speech
Modal fellar asosiy fellarga qo’shimcha ma’no yuklaydi. Modal fellar ish harakatini bajarmaydi. Aksincha Ish-harakatga bo’lgan munosabatni ifodalaydi.
Modal verbs: Can (Could), May(might), Should, Ought to, Must, Will,(Would), Need.
Ba'zi narsalar ehtimolga o'xshaydi, lekin biz aniq bilmaymiz. Bunday hollarda siz aniqliksiz ehtimollikni ko'rsatish uchun should va must modal fe'llaridan foydalanishingiz mumkin.
Example: Her parents must be so proud.
Can(Could) modal feli shaxsiy qobiliyatni ifodalaydi. Can modal feli hozirgi va kelasi zamon uchun ishlatiladi. Barcha shaxslar uchun bir xil ishlatiladi. Can modal felidan keyin to-siz fellat keladi. Shuningdek ruxsat so’rash manosida ham ishlatiladi.
Example: I can write. I can not write. Can you write.
Can modal feliga ruxsat so’rash ma’nosida: Can I open the door?
Can=be able to (do) mano jihatdan teng. Can-umumiy qobiliyatlar uchun. Be able to (do)-maxsus vaziyatlar uchun. Can-Qila olmoq. Could-Qila olardimv
Could= Was/Were able to do. Was/Were able to do=managed to do. Uddalay olmoq manosida ma’no jihatidan bir xil.