RAQAMLI TEXNOLOGIYALARNING YANGI O‘ZBEKISTON RIVOJIGA TA’SIRI Xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi Primary school children have different characteristics. The way they behave, the way they
learn, and think really differ from what adults do. Consequently, they have to be treated differently
according to their characteristics. To make it worse, many elementary schools do not have teachers
majoring in English. The teachers teach English depend on what they think and do not depend on
what the linguists suggest. In fact, teachers must be creative in selecting the teach English.
One pedagogy which interests many researchers is computer-assisted language learning
(CALL). Many studies results showed that students taught foreign languages through CALL
programs gave better results than those taught using traditional programs (Asoodeh, 1993; Kolich,
1985; Siribodhi, 1995). Moreover, CALL provides teachers with individualized instructions allowing
students to work at their own pace. [1]
Accordingly, Graham Davis (2002) stated that CALL is perceived as an approach to language
teaching and learning in which the computer is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement
and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element.
All of the aforementioned arguments lead us to the conclusion that interactive and
communicative method-based activities should be considered a form of active learning. Efforts
should be made to ensure that these activities can be taken to a higher level and achieve a modern
developmental direction with the use of fresh ideas and motivating strategies.
Ботирова, П. Х. (2016). Using modular object
-oriented dynamic learning environment
(Moodle) in NEPI. Молодой ученый, (3), 796