A) Japan has to import most of its natural resources like coal and steel B) Japan would not be resourceful enough to beat a blockade
C) an attack would probably destroy Japanese resources within a few weeks
D) the Australians could defeat Japan's navy since it was short of resources
5. According to the passage, how many reasons against using the weapons are given
A) Two B) three C) four D) five
6. What does author means by 'natural resources'
A) characteristics such as determination and resourcefulness
B) ports and harbours
C) workers with natural ability
D) materials such as coal and iron Not so long ago almost any student who successfully completed a university degree or diploma
course could find a good career quite easily. Companies toured the academic institutions,
competing with each other to recruit graduates. However, those days are gone, even in Hong
Kong, and nowadays graduates often face strong competition in the search for jobs. Most
careers organizations highlight three stages for graduates to follow in the process of securing a
suitable career: recognizing abilities, matching these to available vacancies and presenting them
well to prospective employers. Job seekers have to make a careful assessment of their own
abilities. One area of assessment should be of their academic qualifications, which would
include special skills within their subject area. Graduates should also consider their personal
values and attitudes, or the relative importance to themselves of such matters as money,
security, leadership and caring for others. An honest assessment of personal interests and
abilities such as creative or scientific skills, or skills acquired from work experience, should
also be given careful thought.
7. According to paragraph, job seekers should
A) aim to give a balanced account of what the employer needs
B) divide the time equally between listening to the interviewer and speaking