d) are the people whose quality of lives are to be changed as a result of the social tourism That language is highly complex is shown by the fact that so far it has not proved possible to
translate mechanically from one language into another, with really satisfactory results. The best
programmer still cannot translate from, say, Russian into English. The fault lies not in the
computer but in the failure to supply it with sufficiently accurate instructions because we are
still unable to handle this vastly complex system. It has been calculated that if the brain used
any of the known methods of computing language it would take several minutes to produce or
to understand a single short sentence. Secondly, language is productive. We can produce
numerous of sentences that we have never heard or uttered before. Many of the sentences here
have been produced for the first time yet they are intelligible to the reader. It is clear that we
have some kind of sentence-producing mechanism that sentences are produced a new one each
time and not merely imitated.
19. Even best programmed computer fails in translating something well because ............. .
a) it is impossible to translate something consistently from Russian into English.
b) it has not proved up to now, that translation mechanically from one language to another is
possible with really satisfactory results.
c) the computer fails in providing sufficiently accurate instructions.
d) man cannot manage to handle the computers well enough, as result of which computers cannot be supplied with the sufficiently accurate instructions. 20. Readers are still able to conclude the sentences here
a) although it is clear that we have some kind of sentence producing mechanism - that sentences
are produced a new each time and not merely imitated.
b) although we can produce millions of sentences that we have never heard or uttered before.
c) although sentences are produced anew each time and not merely imitated.