S u m m a r y
Understanding cause and
effect is an important skill
not only for reading comprehension, but also for your
daily life. To analyze the events
happening around you,
you must be able to understand
those events
happened—what caused them. Similarly, to
make deci-
sions or evaluate the decisions of others, you must be
able to consider the effects of a possible decision.
“Reading,” not only texts
but also events and situa-
tions, requires you to understand cause and effect.
W H Y D O T H I N G S H A P P E N ? A L O O K AT C A U S E A N D E F F E C T
7 9
As you work today, consider the effects of any
recent changes in your office, such as new equipment
that’s been installed, a new system or procedure that’s
been put in place, a new manager or other
employee. How will these changes affect the work place? Your job in particular? Or forecast the effect
of changes that are coming. For example, how will the upcoming layoffs affect the company?
Consider recent events at home or at work. What might have caused them? For example,
if a coworker
just got a promotion, consider what he or she might have done to get that promotion. Or if a child is
trouble at school, what might be causing that trouble?
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