reliefimage, n.~ An image that is formed by minor variations in surface depth.
Notes:Woodburytypes and carbon prints are examples of relief images. The denser areas of the image are formed by thicker layers of pigment; highlights are formed in areas with little or no pigment, allowing the support to show through. Although three-dimensional, the depth of a relief image is negligible, and the relief is often visible only when the print is viewed with raking light. For sculpture on a surface with a noticeable relief use ‘bas relief ’. For designs cut or carved into a surface, use ‘intaglio’.
remoteaccess, n.~ A means of connecting to computer equipment through a network2.
Notes:‘Remote access’ connotes a computer connection outside an established network, such as a dial up connection or a virtual private network connection.
remote-sensingimagery, n.~ Images, especially of a planetary surface, that are used to evaluate, measure, or map cultural or physical features, and that are made from an airplane or spacecraft.
Notes:Many remote-sensing images are made using nonphotographic tech- niques. For example, images may be made by radar to measure surface elevation or by heat-sensing equipment to represent fires as shapes on a map.
remotestorage, n. ~ Facilities for housing materials away from where they are used; off-site storage.
Notes:Remote storage may be used to house inactive or low-use materials, reducing the costs of storing records in expensive office areas by moving them to less expensive warehouse facilities. Remote storage may also be used to keep copies of vital (essential) records to increase the chances that at least one copy will sur- vive a disaster.