all of our relationships.
If we can learn to do that in our families then we can slowly learn to do that
at the level of community. Then we can become people that can take criticism
because we are not giving criticism in a nasty, ugly, mean way; in an insensitive
way. We are doing it because we have already developed
a kind of bond with
each other where we can speak honestly with each other. We can have criticism
going back and forth with each other and it’s fine. All human beings recognize
that they make mistakes. The only way they grow is if they learn from one
subḥān Allāh
So I pray that Allah (
ʿazza wa-jall
) helps us fulfil this beautiful, simple and
yet comprehensive advice of
. O Allah,
make us of those who
believe (
alladhīna āmanū
), do righteous deeds (
wa-ʿamilū aI-ṣāliḥāt
), and are
people of
. Āmīn!
Sūrat al-Ḥujurāt
, the forty-nineth surah, there is a list of timeless Muslim
morals, Muslim principles that, if we abide by them, teach us how to live
together as a healthy society. These principles aren’t just about how Muslims are
supposed to treat each other but also about the way we deal with all of humanity.
How we’re supposed to be with the people around us. Each one of them is
probably the subject of a reminder on its own, which is why instead of giving
you the entire list and walking you through all of those principles,
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