Life insurance страхование
щяйат сыьортасы
Health insurance страхование
саьламлыьын сыьортасы
Should an event occur в
случае, если событие
яэяр щадися баш верся
Shipment loss потеря
дашынма заманы итки
Laws of probability теория
Exercise 1. Answer the Questions: 1.What sort of protection does life insurance offer?
2.Who insures bank deposits?
3.What concept lies at the core of the insurance problem?
What will the insurer pay in exchange for a premium, and
5.By what means is the insurer able to offer protection
against financial loss?
6.How do insurance companies spread risks?
Exercise 2. Agree or disagree with the following statements. 1)
Insurance is a contract for reducing losses from accident
incurred by an individual party through a distribution of the risk of
such losses among a number of parties. 2) Insurance is an
arrangement with a company in which you pay them money each
year and they pay the costs if anything bad happens to you, such as
an illness or an accident. 3) To insure means to sell insurance to
protect yourself against something bad happening to you. 4) The
insurer is a person who plays a confidence trick on you in order to
get your money. 5) The insurer is someone who deceives people to
gain money. 6) The insured is a victim of insurance fraud. 7) The
insurer takes responsibility for paying the insured some specified
amount when the insured incurs losses. 8) The insurer is able to
make up losses much more easily than would the uninsured
individual. 9) To incur means to put yourself in an unpleasant
situation by your own actions