(3) Practice 1. Students take turns presenting and taking notes.
(4) Evaluation 1. Students are able to verbally communicate some of their holiday traditions with the class in English.
2. Note takers are able to summarize the presenter’s statements in written English.
(5) Expansion/ Extension 1. Students could prepare and give formal class presentations, in English, about one important holiday tradition celebrated in their families using MS PowerPoint, symbolic artifacts, photographs, or other visual aids. Likewise, this could be done in pairs/ groups by assigning a different holiday to each team, which they would then research using the WWW and other resources.
Methods/Approaches/Strategies:CBI; Natural Approach; Extension activity could incorporate cooperative learning if the project is done in teams.
Other Activities: Follow-up: Students may incorporate holidays into their poster project. Questions from the informal presentations will also come up during a unit review game at the end of the week.
Assessment: Teacher observes whether students are able to successfully present, take notes, and pose questions during the activity. She also observes if/ how the lower level ELLs utilize the vocabulary handouts during the presentations.
Homework Assignments:Students continue working on poster project.
Use of Technology: Extension activity could include the Internet and multimedia.
Materials Used: Jumbo sheet of paper for class chart; permanent markers; vocabulary handouts; Post-it notes
Closure: The teacher reminds students to continue working on their poster projects. She also hands a Post-it note to each student and asks them to write one new thing they learned during the presentations. They then place their note over on the ‘parking lot’ posted in class before leaving.