23 Sec. 105 SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002 (B) temporary or permanent suspension or bar of a
person from further association with any registered public
accounting firm;
(C) temporary or permanent limitation on the activi-
ties, functions, or operations of such firm or person (other
than in connection with required additional professional
education or training);
(D) a civil money penalty for each such violation, in an
amount equal to—
(i) not more than $100,000 for a natural person or
$2,000,000 for any other person; and
(ii) in any case to which paragraph (5) applies, not
more than $750,000 for a natural person or
$15,000,000 for any other person;
(E) censure;
(F) required additional professional education or train-
ing; or
(G) any other appropriate sanction provided for in the
rules of the Board.
(5) I
.—The sanc-
tions and penalties described in subparagraphs (A) through (C)
and (D)(ii) of paragraph (4) shall only apply to—
(A) intentional or knowing conduct, including reckless
conduct, that results in violation of the applicable statu-
tory, regulatory, or professional standard; or
(B) repeated instances of negligent conduct, each re-
sulting in a violation of the applicable statutory, regu-
latory, or professional standard.
(6) F
(A) I
.—The Board may impose sanctions
under this section on a registered accounting firm or upon
any person who is, or at the time of the alleged failure rea-
sonably to supervise was, a supervisory person of such
firm, if the Board finds that—
(i) the firm has failed reasonably to supervise an
associated person, either as required by the rules of
the Board relating to auditing or quality control stand-
ards, or otherwise, with a view to preventing viola-
tions of this Act, the rules of the Board, the provisions
of the securities laws relating to the preparation and
issuance of audit reports and the obligations and li-
abilities of accountants with respect thereto, including
the rules of the Commission under this Act, or profes-
sional standards; and
(ii) such associated person commits a violation of
this Act, or any of such rules, laws, or standards.
(B) R
.—No current or former su-
pervisory person of a registered public accounting firm
shall be deemed to have failed reasonably to supervise any
associated person for purposes of subparagraph (A), if—
(i) there have been established in and for that
firm procedures, and a system for applying such proce-
dures, that comply with applicable rules of the Board
and that would reasonably be expected to prevent and
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December 21, 2020
As Amended Through P.L. 116-222, Enacted December 18, 2020