Scale up student’s book Cou rse 1 audio

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Scale UP Students book Course 1 (6)

H um an R eso u rce
M a n a g e m e n t
- Hello, Mr. Sardorov. Could you share with your 
experience while you have worked at the credit union?
- With pleasure.
- OK. What did feel while leading your staff?
- I felt great responsibility, because we used others’ 
- How did you manage the personnel?
- Each personnel had his or her own duties, that’s why 
the appropriate established scheme of management 
(made long before us) facilitated our work.
- What points were rather difficult?
- It is amazing, but running my own staff was the 
most difficult.
- How did you find out strong and weak sides of 
your staff?
- By means of trials, mistakes and confessing that I 
wasn’t strong in some aspects of my occupation.
- What level of personnel did you need?
- My staff included, of course, young and a little bit 
passive persons.
- What was interesting while managing?
Lesson 10
Scale Up 
9 1

- Surely the result and achieved targets.
- What should labour union do really?
- Be always aware of the each member of the staff.
- What is the role of remuneration in work process?
- For my personnel material funding had a great 
significance, but for a while. In my opinion, you 
should motivate the personnel by other parameters.
- How did you develop leadership in you and in your 
- I learned much about relationships not studying 
this subject (laughing). The personnel improved their 
knowledge and skills during the process.
- What is most important in prosperity of the 
- Discipline and equal attitude to all the staff.
- Do you think that you were one family while 
working in group?
- No, 

can’t say.
- How would you improve human resource 
management further?
- Let theoreticians think of it.(again laughing)
- What is your own experience towards the attitude 
to the personnel?
- Encourage and do compliment everyone and every 
- Thanks a lot, Mr Sardor.
- I hope my experience will assist other people.
Financial Management
It is evident that the majority of college graduates 
make a choice of their education at one of the Higher 
Institutions of Tashkent. The capital city Tashkent 
offering more chances in different fields welcomes 
annually thousands of students all over regions 
of Uzbekistan. Obviously, students have to stay 
away from their families being shouldered to carry 
out several personal commitments. One of them 
is financial management. The essential number of 
parents provide their children for their first and second 
year of study, as Year I is the period of adaptation for 
the academic and social community, as for the Year 
II it is ‘interregion’ period, when students are out of 
their origin town and find themselves almost complete 
settler of Tashkent environment. When they become 
junior students some will have already been part 
timing to cover their daily expenses.
The main concept of financial management can be 
reflected in the following statement: How much you
spend is much more important than how much you 
earn. This is often referred to as “living within your 
means.” There might appear several frequently asked 
Question 1. What can I spend?
Managing your debt requires careful planning. 
The level of debt which is manageable for you 
depends upon a variety of factors including your level 
of income and living expenses.
Question 2. Is budgeting important?
Yes, it surely is. A budget does a few things for 
First, it tells you where your money comes from 
and where it goes
Second, it tells you where you are financially 
and helps you figure out which road to take to gain 
financial stability.
Question 3. What are the key components of 
Budgeting involves two key components:
1. List of income and expenses
2. A plan for meeting responsibilities and goals
Question 4. Are there any types of expenses?
Expenses are divided into two categories:
Essentials and Non essentials
Essential expenses are necessities of life, including 
housing, utilities, transportation, and groceries.
Non- essential expenses may include cable T.V., 
credit cards, furniture bills and other bills that make 
life more “comfortable.” You can reduce non-essential 
The more you know about where your money 
comes from, how much you have to spend, and where 
you spend it, the easier it is to make wise spending 
decisions. In this way, your money works for you 
instead of against you. Besides, to maximize the 
amount of the stipend you can apply the existing 
scholarships offered by the authority of all Universities.
Question 5. Are there any tips for managing 
Put your roommate in your financial planning. 
If you can, contact your roommate before the 
semester starts and decide how you’ll divide 
Talk to your parents about who pays for what. Find 
out what you can count on from them and what 
you will be responsible for.
0 Ask for help when you need it. If you run into a
financial disaster, call home and let your parents
Lesson 11
9 2
Scale U p

know you’re in trouble. If an unexpected event 
changes your home financial situation, don’t give 
up on university! First, talk with your financial 
aid office. Most colleges set aside funds to help 
students get through difficult situations.
Create a budget and stick to it!
Save and project for future expenses

Learn to say “no” to friends

Do “free” things
Keep records of expenses
• Don’t overuse plastic cards
• Keep money safe and growing while you aren’t 
using it
Through budgeting, minimizing non-essential 
purchases, and saving, you can afford:
Conveniences for your future family
Track your money. Once you realize how much 
impulse buying and other indulgences cost you, it will 
be easier to tell yourself «N0!»
R isk 
At the beginning of the academic year the 
Uzbekistan Higher institution administration appoints 
student leaders who are obligated to plan events and 
activities together with the faculty and staff. One of 
their responsibility is to implement a comprehensive 
model of risk management to use in organizing 
social activities. Following the regulations, the 
authority has appointed Asliddin Bokijonov as 
leader of ‘KAMOLOT’ youth social movement for 
his being a prioritized freshman in the University 
admission exams owing to his well-behavior and top 
academic results during a nine-month army service. 
On the behalf of his duties accomplishment in youth 
leadership, he clearly understands that he need 
review Student, Faculty and Staff Leaders Handbook 
for details on validation process. Folding the front 
page of the handbook he finds the lines ‘Leaders of 
student organizations should be familiarized with 
risk assessment and management concepts and tools
as required by Education code____ . Having no idea
about risk management Asliddin makes up his mind to 
consult a senior student Muhammad, who is a leader 
of KAMOLOT among graduate students.
Muhammad wholeheartedly tries to highlight the 
term risk management giving a detailed reply to the 
questions by Asliddin.
Asliddin: Could you help me to clarify, please, 
what the risk management is?
Muhammad: Oh, the same misunderstanding I 
had when I encountered this term in the handbook. 
Well, let me say it so, Risk Management is the process 
of considering the potential and perceived risk 
involved in student activities. It includes monitoring 
organization activities and taking both corrective 
action and proactive steps to minimize accidental 
injury or loss.
Asliddin: Does risk management have specific 
Muhammad: There are many risk types, major 
ones to consider are: Physical, Reputation, Emotional, 
Financial, Facilities.
Asliddin: You have stated the main types and what 
the risk activities are?
Muhammad: There are potentially high risk 
activities, they are alcohol, fire and life safety, travel, 
behaviour at parties and social events and others. 
However, this is not an all inclusive list. You should 
be able to use the concepts and tools to apply to all of 
your activities to assess the associated risks.
Asliddin: Can you provide me with concepts 
associated with risk management?
Muhammad: They are the followings:
1. Identify risky behavior - can injury or loss occur 
as a result of participation in or attendance at the 
event or activity (running with pointed scissors in 
your hand)
2. Assess the probability - how likely is an injury 
or loss to occur while performing the activity 
(running with scissors on a rocky hill)
3. Reduce risk - you may not be able to completely 
eliminate all risks; however, what methods or 
controls can be implemented to make the event 
safer (controlling the use of alcohol, not allow 
running with sharp pointed items, etc.)
4. Reassess the activity - now that the obvious risks 
have been addressed, what else can be done to 
minimize the risks
Asliddin: How can students identify and reduce 
Muhammad: They should meet with University 
advisors to review activities; Also, they have to read, 
understand and know University policies;

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