U N IT 3 M A N A G E M E N T t y p e s S e rv ic e M an ag e m en t International
succeeding well-formulated service management.
Providing well-formulated service management in
skills from a person. Success and income won’t come
immediately as some people think, they will come
little by little by setting clear goals, taking time and
planning out all your actions closely. There are some
tips how to succeed in customer service management.
1. Get organised. Being organised is one of the most
important actions in providing successful service
management. Organizational skills will help you
control all your operations. Creating to-do list each
day, completing each item and checking it off your
list is useful thing in organization. It will remind
you all actions which must be done during the day.
2. Keep detailed records. Keeping detailed records
helps you to be aware of the financial state and
condition of your business and allow you to notify
about potential challenges and gives opportunity
to think about strategies to overcome difficulties.
3. 3. Analyze your competition. Studying and
learning your competitors’ experience enables
implementation their success in your actions to
make profit.
4. Calculate risks and rewards. Before taking risks
you should think of downside of the result and
analyze it, this will help you to make favorable
decision, which in turn will lead to rewards for
your business.
5. Creativity is one of the best features of managers,
always search for ways to improve and enlarge
your services and make it stand out from the
competition. Encourage new ideas and new
approaches, which will lead to the prosperity of
your organization.
6. Stay Focused. Give your customer a chance and
time to have understanding
and assess your
Lesson 9 advantages, think of achieving your short-term
goals let them make their choice. As I mentioned
success and income will come little by
7. Prepare to Make Sacrifices. The lead-up to a
business is hard work. Success requires sacrifices
as well as beauty. You will have to work more,
spend less time with family friends and others in
order to be successful.
8. Provide Great Service. Providing great customer
service is important in business. You will gain your
costumers confidence, they’ll be more inclined to
come to you the next time.
9. Be Consistent. Consistency is an essential
component in making money Being consistent
will help you to create positive habits, you have to
do the things consistently which are necessary to
be successful day in and day out.
Concentration, discipline and perseverance are
crucial things in achieving success. However, success
will not come over night as in old saying «Rome was
not built in a day» - a long-term focus and consistency
in challenging environments will lead to prosperity.